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Sunday, March 27, 2022

When Quantity Rules 💮🎰🔟🔠

Pick quality over quantity. You hear it often:

Quality is better than quantity.

Quality is not an act. It is a habit - Aristotle

Quality...is an on-going process of building and sustaining relationships by assessing, anticipating, and fulfilling, stated and/or implied needs. (Winder 1992)

I think we get quality. It can still suffer given demands, access, and circumstances, which is where I think quantity plays a vital role.

My first thought on this subject began with winning. One of the first things that pops in my mind about winning is the bond between quality and quantity. Sometimes quantity saves poor quality. For example, when a team loses, embattled itself in scandals, and has off-season or in-season mishaps, a defining rebound or remedy includes winning, in part a quantifiable trait. However, winning arrives once better quality, attention to even more detail sails in to the scene. 

Everyone loves winning, right? I guess. Well, see other posts on winning.

Quantity, in this case, number of wins, winning streak, number of individuals it takes to win, is married to quality. Both of them share a similar relationship as nutrition and exercising share in human performance - the more good nutrition and good exercise experiences you have, the more your nutrition and exercise decisions improve. 

Quantity as an options protocol, and as long as you can handle more, does not provide too much of an issue. It is versatile, for you can add or choose a strategy of quantity in any circumstance. Just remember that it can agree with quality.

Derek|@teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

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