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Friday, April 29, 2022

Does Success Get Golden Hatred?

The Las Vegas Golden Knights of the NHL have plenty of haters. Hey, my favorite team, the Washington Capitals, torched them en route to their first Stanley Cup title in 2018.

But, plenty of individuals cannot stand the Golden Knights.


Well, I think these individuals do not like to see other unrelatable entities succeed with quickness. 

See, the Golden Knights reached the Cup Finals, and won the first game before the Caps gave them a gentleman's sweep, 4-1, in their first expansion season. 


Then, they continued to make the playoffs every season, making more playoff runs, though they have not returned to the Cup Finals, in ensuing post-seasons.

Folks may like success, but only if it pertains to themselves, and, to a degree, something or someone they like with honesty and a true genuine nature.

Vegas does not deserve the scrutiny the organization is receiving on social media. They found a winning formula early in the franchise's young life and came within three games of achieving the ultimate prize. Other teams endured a longer stint to winning. So, that attitude trickles down to fans...of ice hockey and may be other sports.

OK, Vegas missed a playoff berth this season, 2021-2022, by a game. The need to knock their quick rise as one of the NHL's most competitive teams can perceivably come from division opponents. 

Success is not that bad, everyone.

The Capitals did torch them 😂🏆

Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

GO-3: Walk, Skip, Run 🚶🏻‍♀️🏃🏿‍♂️

Easy question: do you have Instagram (IG)?

Every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 12noon EST on IG Live, tune into GO-3. 

If you have 15 minutes to get out and get up and walk, skip, or run, then try out this live session.


1) You can participate anywhere. Pick a park, a trail, a neighborhood, a room in your house/apartment/condo, on a treadmill, in a gym...anywhere.

2) Motto: Go now! Literally, go now. Don't wait. Pull your car over in a lot or parallel parked on the street and participate. I had to do that on Tuesday. A few minutes later, I found myself running along the Alexandria Waterfront. 

If you have the time to pick a location ahead of time, mental go through your walk, skip, or run before you get there. I cannot speak enough on mental preparation. We all need to exercise our mental capacity to perform well.

Mentally be present before you are physically present.

3) The Breakdown: 45 minutes of walking, skipping, and running in terms of total activity is similar to running a mile everyday for people who run 10 minute miles. In 15 minutes a session, roughly fifteen, the distance you cover targets your aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. It targets your coordination more than a regular walk or run, especially as you transition to and from skipping. 

It's either 45 minutes per week of only walking, which has its health and performance benefits.

...45 minutes per week of only running, which also has its health and performance benefits.

Or...45 minutes of three modes of movement to give you a better offense, which, if walking and running have health and performance benefits, then skipping adds to the results.

Three Modes

1) The Walk. Walk🚶‍♂️🚶🏿‍♀️at a slow, normal, power or fast, or hybrid, using all walking types. If your joints are stiff, move them!

  • Slow walk. If you opt to do it, then take in the scenery. 
  • Normal pace walk. Great for rest intervals. Gather and control your breathing.
  • Power or fast walk. Can be coupled with the normal pace walk as an interval exchange. It also goes well with skipping and running 🏃‍♂️ as an interval. 
  • Hybrid. Combine all of the walking types and train your heart and muscles to adapt well to physical change and terrain changes. You will see a difference in your movement.

2) The Skip. Get out of the notion that skipping is only for children. Also, dispell the myth that skipping looks like child's play. A-skips, B-skips, C-skips, lateral skips, backwards skips, and diagonal skips are athletic movements that improve coordination. 

GO-3 has them, and you do not have to compete as an Olympian to do all of them:

The beauty of skips includes that you can do them at a walking pace. If you do not have the coordination, walk through the aforementioned skips.  

3) The Run. Running includes jogging and sprinting. If you jog, your rest interval does not have to be long before jogging again. 

Remember: GO-3 is non-stop. Go from one mode to the next.

If you sprint, you can use a longer recovery interval of walking or skipping. 

One run rule, which is also a hill rule in this class: If you hit a hill or incline, then you must sprint it. If you are walking, then pick up the pace on the hill.


Watch the screen. You don't have to hear my voice, but hearing it helps with cues. If the screen is still, then I am walking. If the screen is bouncing a little, then I am skipping. If the screen has more bounce, though I try to keep it still, then I am running. A clear and scrambled bounce of the screen represents a sprint.

Core Workouts

Core workouts include the following: core walks, core skips, and core runs. Here is the simple definition:

These types of workouts do not incorporate your arms or the reciprocal motion of your arms. 

Your arm swing is still. You can hold your arms overhead; hold them to the side at shoulder level; hold them straight out in front with your hands claspse; hold your hands on your hips and push forward.

If you want to look cooler 😎, hold tennis, lacrosse, baseball, field hockey, squash, or racquetballs. In fact, hold a volleyball 🏐 or basketball 🏀 🤔. 

One arm holds. If you prevent one side from proper swing, you get a nice core workout because one side controls rotation and anti-rotation of your movement. This part happens to me while holding my phone and talking.

Alright, that's it. 12noon EST - M,T,F - IG Live


Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Give It a Tryout ▶️

It's youth ice hockey tryout season here in the DC area. As I look at my son try out, a few things float through my head:

1) Why are tryouts in the spring? When I played Tier 2 youth hockey, tryouts occurred in the fall. Tier 1 tryouts happened in the spring. The Tier 1 team I played for had a summer tryout...Best developmental year of my career with that one.

The spring tryout season seems too soon. Sure, you get an early look at rosters. However, I am still built on the notion that a child will improve a level up over the summer. Or, he or she the potential to improve a level. 

What do you mean, D?

If a player makes an A team in April, I believe he or she can play at a AA level by the start of the season in September. If that is the case, then some young tryout athletes need a second look.

2) Children love to have fun. Albeit, these children out here could play all day long. To them, who cares if tryouts are in April or late August/early September. They play regardless.

3) We're here, again. Tryout season pretty much marks the rest of a sport career. Tryouts always exist from this point on whether the level holds at youth, high school, college, juniors, Olympics, and professional. Players are always evaluated throughout a season.

Well, let the games continue...

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Keep Your Exercise Selections Simple

It is that easy.

You don't need to do crazy exercises.

Bodyweight, dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells, ropes, bands, balls, cables, tires, cool equipment, and other basic pieces of equipment that hold some kind of logical lifting reason are all fair game.

When it comes to using other tools, exercise gets weird. It gets the, "Why???" treatment. 

You've seen it: The guy lifting the bench as he does pull-ups. It's on Instagram. 

You've seen it: The same guy pedaling a bicycle as he holds himself up on the pull-up bar. It's on Instagram.

You've seen it: Gym members using the weight of a cable apparatus to prople themselves upwards like a strange weighted ballet jump. Let's call it a "whatsthatouette". It's on social media.

You've seen it: Exercises that would through your entire body out of line. Who says: 

"Yea, today I have 3 sets of 4 reps of heavy weight plate stack lifts while doing a one-arm pull-up."


You've seen it: The guy who bench presses while doing a back bend. Why? OK, he's flexible. But, why make this scene in working out? Individuals already have challenges starting a workout regimen. Now, we have to see stuff we would not do anywhere.

These acts lead me to say...

You do you. I'll do me.

Derek | @teemptraining  | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

K Dominion 🎢💯

A trip to King's Dominion....

Interesting take as I am at KD right now.

But, a I can see how two amusement park enthusiasts would have their wedding at a park like King's Dominion. Or, at least a proposal would happen. Something like "Brent" meets "Diamond", and they have their photos in front of "The Teezer" or "Ignite" (fictional rides).

Amusement parks hold a lot of fun. Oh my! You can experience fun during play and at events, but thrill-seeking fun has a different rhythm.

I am no longer at King's Dominion

However, for families in the Washington, DC and Richmond, VA areas, set up a trip to KD. Have fun. I just don't want to wait in line or get torched by the sun - I really think Florida set off those two 🌞🔥🌡& crowd a bit too much.

Best reasons to go to an amusement park:

  • Just because (spontaneity)
  • I/We want to
  • Because it's Thursday
  • Stress relief
  • Laughter engagement
  • Safe thrill-seeker
  • Road trip

Best reasons to go to King's Dominion:

  • All of the above
  • Well operated park
  • Friendly staff
  • Organized
  • We didn't have a crowd, but that's because of timing.
Have fun!

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Whatchu Say? 🗣🙏🏾🤦‍♂️

People talk a lot.

We were given Twitter at a limited case to stew long winded individuals. Of course, you can add a lengthy diatribe in a thread. But, at some point in the thread, other readers will stop reading.

So, get to your point.

Because people talk a lot, they often say things that come back to bite them or that do not make sense. Inappropriate banter is the correct term. We saw this flap of the tongue this weekend as we learned about the unfortunate and sudden passing of Dwayne Haskins, the former Washington Redskin (Commanders) and, at the time, current Pittsburgh Steeler, who was hit by a dump truck while crossing a highway in Bradenton, FL.

Rest in peace to a talent loss so soon. His former teammates talk fondly of a young man who lit up the room with his smile.

Gil Brandt on Twitter stole a little bit of peace with his tweet on the incident:

“He was a guy that was living to be dead.” It was always something with Haskins Maybe it he stayed in school a year he wouldn’t do silly things [like] jogging on a highway.”

Brandt represents only one person who said inappropriate words...upon a death. Why? Do better. Do better with practicing compassion for the time on hand. 

He did tweet an apology. As a former NFLer, Brandt's comments underwent a lot of scrutiny as he attracted. However, there are other people who will never offer an apology due to their lower profile. 


An apology is an apology and compassion is compassion no matter the individual. Words cut at inconvenient times such as Brandt's, but no one is exempt. Apologizing follows a multi-step process. You say, "I apologize", recognize why you said it, communicate why you said it, and inform a person or individuals that you will work to avoid situations like this one.

Brandt offered an apology: 

"This morning while learning of Dwayne Haskins’ passing, I reacted carelessly and insensitively on a radio interview. I want to apologize to Mr. Haskins’ family and anyone who heard my poor choice of words. I truly apologize. My heart goes out to his family at this difficult time."

Compassion. With intent, watch what you say, when you say it, and how you say it. It matters...especially when there is a loss of life because someone or family and friends suffer.

Bless with peace.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Booooo! It's the Person Not...👩🏽‍✈️👮🏼‍♂️👨🏿‍🚒👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Based on this article here

Like any other story, there are several means to reasoning and opinions. Our grade school teachers encourage us, right?...

Give me three reasons for the main character's behavior as he made his way to his girlfriend's house?

What else?

Is that all?

So, in this article about the top professions for men and women to avoid, please no it is not the profession but the individual that creates the challenges. Yes, professions attract certain personalities and, some personalities glue to selected professions. But, I have a soft spot for relationships and marriage.

No one has to be scared out of a relationship due to a profession.

Remember your grade school teacher asking you...what else?

Plus, I love that word; check the nuances of your profession at the door. Don't bring that crap...yes, it is crap, inside the house. 

But, people work from home.

OK, check yourself when the clock strikes end of the work day.

Is that all?

I hope you read the article because you will be lost in this short segment:

Pilots, surgeons, firefighters, law enforcement, military officiers...check your 🍑 at the door. Your family does not need negative energy or rather unforseen energy in the house 💯.

Breathe. When you arrive home, work as a unit whether or not you have kids. What is another reason why I am writing about this topic? Because your answer to how you respond at home affects your family's health 👪. 

So, you're the man or woman on your job. OK. You don't receive a salary to serve as a spouse. Well, you should not receive one. If you're the go-to person or authoritative on your job, take a different position at home 🏡 that does not serve as a continuation of your job.

Job stress and career stress (job is a detail of your career) differ from relationship and marriage stress. 

Keep relationships real.

Keep relationships sanctified.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Oscar Potential: Fitness Gala

OK, OK. By now, we know what happened. We know the historical implications, the lessons learned, the attention, the moment, the experience.

?ueslove won a 2022 Academy Award for his documentary, Summer of Soul. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Samuel L. Jackson received a lifetime achievement award because he's one busy and hardworking actor 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

Reginal Hall is funny. Do not sleep on her skills. 

I did not watch the Oscars, but I learned through social media surfing that information comes fasts and unexpectedly...it slaps you in the face 😳.

But, for one second, can you imagine if Chris Rock ducked? What would the impact be if that happened? Talk about reflexes and agility if he ducked.

Can you also imagine if Will Smith did not hear that inner voice say, "Slap him". I am not sure what triggered him after laughing bit something ignited an action and a verbal reaction upon returning to his seat.

I am only asking questions because so many opinions have been made about the incident. But, look at how everyone feels. Can you look at how an unfortunate incident grasps the attention of others and affects their thoughts?

With a room full of people poised and ready to look their best in expensive attire, fitness travels beyond beautiful physique. We saw first hand how it is affected by emotions.

How is your emotional fitness? Do you do anything to control it?

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com