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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Booooo! It's the Person Not...👩🏽‍✈️👮🏼‍♂️👨🏿‍🚒👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

Based on this article here

Like any other story, there are several means to reasoning and opinions. Our grade school teachers encourage us, right?...

Give me three reasons for the main character's behavior as he made his way to his girlfriend's house?

What else?

Is that all?

So, in this article about the top professions for men and women to avoid, please no it is not the profession but the individual that creates the challenges. Yes, professions attract certain personalities and, some personalities glue to selected professions. But, I have a soft spot for relationships and marriage.

No one has to be scared out of a relationship due to a profession.

Remember your grade school teacher asking you...what else?

Plus, I love that word; check the nuances of your profession at the door. Don't bring that crap...yes, it is crap, inside the house. 

But, people work from home.

OK, check yourself when the clock strikes end of the work day.

Is that all?

I hope you read the article because you will be lost in this short segment:

Pilots, surgeons, firefighters, law enforcement, military officiers...check your 🍑 at the door. Your family does not need negative energy or rather unforseen energy in the house 💯.

Breathe. When you arrive home, work as a unit whether or not you have kids. What is another reason why I am writing about this topic? Because your answer to how you respond at home affects your family's health 👪. 

So, you're the man or woman on your job. OK. You don't receive a salary to serve as a spouse. Well, you should not receive one. If you're the go-to person or authoritative on your job, take a different position at home 🏡 that does not serve as a continuation of your job.

Job stress and career stress (job is a detail of your career) differ from relationship and marriage stress. 

Keep relationships real.

Keep relationships sanctified.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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