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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Sleep: On the Go and Stepping Back

Here is a Wednesday tidbit on a short article revealing that the Celtics have hired a Sleep Doctor. Man, with all of the news about how much sleep we need everyone may need a Sleep Doctor.

Sleeping is valued

In short, when we are on the go we tend to forget about how much rest we need. Sleep becomes under-appreciated. Sometimes, looking around and taking a step back is all we need. My tidbits to incorporate this advice into other health, fitness, and wellness plans:

- Smoking. You want that one cigarette. It will supposedly charge you up. Skip it. For those who smoke, you can stop. You can build a core group to help you.

- Sex. Oh no he did not mention that. Hey, it's part of our health. Sure, there is all of this talk about safe sex. How about this one: how about abstain from sex completely until marriage? Difficult? Of course, it is - especially with all of the sexual innuendos, music, advertisement, peer pressure, both genders dressing with little to leave to the imagination. Going a step further, what does your emotional, spiritual, and intellectual side have to say about abstaining? Listen to the beneficial part.

Fitness -Been in the gym for two hours already?...Why? You're done. Go give your body some nutrition and rest up for the next time around. Your favorite professional football player does not work out this long when a lockout does not exist. You know who works out this long? Marathoners, Tri-athletes, and some practice times for sports.

Wellness - Need to get just one more thing accomplished at 11pm at night while working on 3 hours or rest from the night before? Hey, you might need to step back and just go to sleep.

Exercise with sound sets, reps, intensity, frequency, and timing to get good zzzz's.

Be fit,

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