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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - April #2 2011: A Visual Process

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

  • Photos

  • Shoe Drive in Common

  • An Exercise, A Wellness Trick, and A Focus

For your eyes and for others only, pictures are posted on the facebook page and on the website from the April 2nd hike and the April 9th indoor trampoline group outing. The photos are really large, so these are the best places to post them. With spring here and summer arriving in a couple of months, group outings look to increase in frequency if schedules agree. But, enjoy the photos!

Shoe Drive in Common
This month of April still marks the shoe drive being put on. If you have any shoes that you would like to recycle instead of dump in the trash, I will be sending them to Soles4Souls on behalf of TEEM. This particular shoe drive ends on April 30th. I will be in the DC area this coming Easter weekend for anyone who would like to drop off their shoes.

Who else is doing a shoe drive? A couple of places that you know well in Puma and Cole Haan. They're even offering some discounts. Hey, it's a good cause! Seriously, just think about all of the people in the world who do not have shoes or the children who still play on rock hard asphalt instead of refurbished ground made from recycled shoes.

I don't know if you've been on these new playgrounds recently, but they are contagiously bouncy! Less knee scrapes.

If anyone is interested in sending any shoes directly to me, then I can give you the mailing address.

An Exercise, A Wellness Trick, and A Focus
An Exercise: Here's an exercise tip or movement challenge: by the time you read this you could be at work or maybe at home. Stop reading this message in 20 seconds and just get up and walk around. If you're at work just get up and walk away, if you can for....Heck, get up and walk around anyway. The more prolonged sitting that occurs the more fatty deposits are attracted to that troublesome mid-section area. Walk and stretch it out. Your "computer muscles" need the break!...If you're already walking, but have tight muscles then you could use a stretch.

A Wellness Trick: Keeping it short and real today. It's an easy trick to visualize and a more difficult one to actually perform. Here it is - clean your closet by putting away cooler weather clothes (if you can), by giving away clothes, and by (check this one out) recycling your metal hangers at a cleaners that will take them. That's it!

What's up with the recycling theme? Well, for one it's movement, saves, restores, and get another thing checked off your past, present, and future to-do list.

A Focus: It's more like one way to focus because there are so many ways. Since health, fitness, and wellness are the main themes of TEEM, I would like to share with you the focus tactic of mental imagery. Pick one of the goals that you have set for yourself as part of an individual effort (a.k.a., cooking dinner for your family and guests) or for yourself as part of a team effort (a.k.a, a team work project and presentation). Your easy few step plan in mental imagery: 1) Visualize yourself succeeding and how you and others will react. 2) Visualize yourself doing poorly and how you will bounce back from it. Remember: look good doing what you do not normally do (wow, has that come up several times in conversations since the first time it was posted in a March e-newsletter.) 3) Visualize the unexpected and the expected because the expected can sometimes become the unexpected. 4) Ready yourself. It simply builds up confidence especially if you are presenting in front of a larger audience or an important one.

This technique works? Yes. Just ask Micheal Jordan. He knows one or two things about focus and pressure.

Be fit,


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