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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - April #3 2011: April Exercise Showers

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

  • Groceries Please

  • A Review: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks

  • Exercise: You're Fine!

Groceries Please
It is a topic that has been talked about before. Seriously, the gas prices are skyrocketing, which means grocery prices will increase. Typically, when grocery prices increase, our selection of poor choice also increases; so it is important to budget your money while simultaneously making good grocery choices.

Get your receipts out. Save them. Calculate how much you typically spend. If the number of poorer choice foods is greater than better choice foods, then let's talk about how to switch this scenario. Sure, it's easy to "splurge" on processed foods and keep grocery bills low. But, the main purpose is to minimize spending and maximize sound nutritional value. You and I can shop together on this one (whether it's in-person or virtual). Merely changing how we shop can make a difference.

I realize that there maybe some people who are already on the right track. Good!

A Review: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks
As long as these four types of meals are around, we will always have questions and concerns about them. So, here are some tidbits for you with a twist:

Breakfast with a Movement Focus - Peanut butter on wheat bread (sometimes with bananas) and oatmeal packed with blueberries or strawberries are great morning and pre-workout foods. I'll go on record to say that energetically they are better than muffins, especially if you have a certain goal. Going donutless or coffeeless (yes, some kinds are better than others) in the morning works wonders. Sure, it's possible to draw enough energy to last until the afternoon with donuts and coffee. But, the two are so cliche. Bet! You will move better (or more) with a compact mix of oatmeal and a protein spread like peanut butter versus a sleepy treat in the heavier morning sugar foods as an example.

Lunch with a Movement Focus - It's the middle of the day, but take this good advice. Thirty minutes to eat lunch. That is, your first bite is at 12 noon and the last one is at least at 12:30pm. You should not have to rush through it. Yes, even timing your consumption correctly helps out with how well you move throughout the day. Thirty minutes whether you are in a group or alone.

Dinner with a Movement Focus - Start it, eat it, end it. Save the seconds for tomorrow. You will sleep a lot better with room to move and digest before going to bed. If you're truly serious about weight loss or toning, then this rule of thumb is extremely reasonable.

Snacks with a Movement Focus - As part of your 3 to six meals a day, picture snacks as an extra "umph" to get you through the day. The larger and main meals are typically 3 to 5 hours apart. Based on this health and human performance philosophy, a good snack should be included between those meal gaps. Don't worry you will not stuff yourself because you will make a smart choice and smart actions.

Exercise: You're Fine!
Part of developing and maintaining a sound exercise routine means that you have to have a good attitude about it. Really, if you're sulking it does not look too good when you are out in public. If you're tired, then it is understandable.

Run, walk, or bike like everyone is looking at you. Act like you're fine! Not snooty but fine! Forget it if you sense that others are judging you as you sweat. I mean, why aren't they sweating? So, when you're out of breath pant like a champion and not like a novice. Case and point, watch an elite sprinter's reaction after a 100m race. Talk about cool panting. But, take your efforts in stride, push yourself (or I will definitely push you), but don't over do it.

Last thing and it is unrelated - Get up and walk around right now if you have been in one area or have been sitting for a long period of time. I do not guarantee much, but I guarantee this movement change makes a difference in keeping your muscles loose and in burning calories. The most time sitting generally occurs at work. You cannot sit for too long at your work station because that area does not change often. You have to get up and see new things. Heck, it may prompt new ideas.

Be fit and Happy Easter,


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