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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fitness Birth Certificate

Birth certificates. They reveal that we were all born at a certain time, on a certain day, at a certain place, by a certain doctor, in a certain physical or non-physical structure, and by certain parents or guardians.

They are proof that we, indeed, started from somewhere (because we did not transform from a tree and were all of a sudden 5 years of age).

Your fitness birth certificate is the day, time, moment, event, season, or experience that catapulted you to either liking or disliking health, fitness, and wellness. Some people have a fitness birth certificate the second they are prone (on their backs) as a baby. Arms and legs just flailing about. Once walking is introduced, a baby might run. Once running is introduced most running does not stop until the weight of a baby's head topples the little cute boy/girl.

We say "Awwww" to early awakenings with this type of fitness birth certificate.

Then, there are those individuals that attain their fitness birth certificate late in childhood. They play and also start to like competition.

Next, there are birthers who do not bloom until high school. All of a sudden making the varsity squad is a important goal. Hey, go for it!

Move on to college. The stressors of making a team do not exist for most individuals. Hitting the gym is a hot social commodity, and something that needs to be done to knock off the 'Freshman-15'. Sometimes, it should be referred to as the 'Freshman 15 to 30'. Um, that goes for both males and females.

After college. We say "Ahh!" I have to do something before I hit 30!

And yes, you do.

The one thing a fitness birth certificate should obviously do is help you to maintain your level of creative fun with movement and wellness. We're all introduced to it at a young age. That is, of course, if physical education classes still exist.

In all honesty:
...Some fitness birth certificates are ripped up and thrown away.
...Some are shiny and brand new.
...Some have always been hung high on the wall.
...Some are still being searched.
...And some...come and go repeatedly.

Just. Live. It. Out.

Be fit,

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