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Monday, February 28, 2022

In the Game: Group Fitness 🏋🏾‍♂️🏋️‍♀️



Infantry Camp



The Domain

Boot Camp

TRX Training 


Kid's Fitness

Circuit Training

Glutes and Legs


PHIIT Running

Those are some classes over my career that I have either regularly taught or subbed. Yoga. I subbed yoga in my first year of my health & fitness career. The yoga instructor could not make it, and I was the trainer on the floor that evening. They said, "you can make it a stretch class," since I was not certified in yoga.

We stretched.

And held.

Stretched some more.

And held.

That night foreshadowed a skill that I needed as a personal trainer - the ability to teach anything. Well, the ability to teach anything in my scope. My grasp. 

I've had people walk out of classes I subbed because I was not the normal instructor.

Pssh, do what you need. How could I be mad at that move?

I have also had individuals ask, "Hey, that class looked cool. How do I join?"

Group fitness has not served as my #1 fitness trait. It has held a secondary position behind personal training and working with athletes on a strength & conditioning and coaching basis. 

Group fitness has so much access: remotely, via apps, YouTube, in-person, DVD 📀, VHS and its antiquity. Have fun with gf and embrace its partner accountability.

Derek |@teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

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