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Thursday, July 14, 2011

On A Grocery Trip...

Wow! They try to get us at the grocery store.

On a recent grocery trip, I had the privilege of using my coupons wisely. Yes, the those money-savers. Putting a thrifty story short, I had a few coupons that read great:

"Save $1.00 on any two packages..."

"Save $1.00 on a 2lbs. package of..."

The first save forced me to compare one item to another item. When reading "save $1.00" that looks great. But, when reading it and then comparing it to a non-coupon item that has about the same nutritional value, has slightly different ingredients, and the non-coupon item is still cheaper than the item with the coupon, it is fair to go with the non-coupon item.

Thank you coupons. But, score one for the other shelfer.

This second save was absolutely out of my league. I'll let you know - it was a bag of shrimp. For some reason, I thought the shrimp would be cheaper... Oh no, sir... The bag, even with the coupon, was more than half of my total grocery bill. Needless to say, "No shrimp over here...for now!?"

For sure, with coupons let our health instincts kick in. The discount reads well, but actually that item might not be the best choice though it is a good one. Hey, the right choice can help out budgets, wallets, kids, athletes, other individual pops (populations), and ourselves.

HFAW (Health Fitness Athletics Wellness),

It is a myth that people eat less in the summer. They just look better eating because they are tanned and wear less clothes.

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