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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - June #4 2011: Summer Breeze Make...

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

- Question

- Spotlight: Sherika Blevins

It's beach season or close to it in some areas. This season leads me to a certain question:

What is your favorite muscle group area/body part on yourself and why? And, what do you do to take care of it?

See, many times this favorite muscle group is a very important part of our body. For instance, let's take the glutes or butt. The glutes are a power house area. They help us walk, run, and jump better. Surrounded by other important regions such as, our abs, hamstrings, quadriceps, and more, when our glutes suffer expect the other parts to slightly suffer. Suffer? Yup! Take a look at a 100m sprinter like Usain Bolt, the faster human on earth. Other than his sound training regimen and God-given talent, he would not be the sprinter and world record holder today without conditioned glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

So, what is your answer to the above Q?

Spotlight: Sherika Blevins
Do not tell S. Blevins that the mornings are too early. This busy professional fits in early morning workouts to start off her day. The "I can't" only exists when session meeting times do not agree, and that is rare. However, those times are made up with extra spin sessions on the weekend (autonomously selected) or with a tweak in her workout schedule. The good attitude is there as is highly recommended on behalf of both of us (trainer-client rapport is vital). Hey, personally, I have to admit that if I did not have the attitude to love this stuff, then this e-Newsletter would not live. So, here is your slight peek into another individual's workout regimen. The inches have dropped and the movement performance follows.

Be fit,

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