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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - July #1 2011: Happy 4th of July

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter
- Suffolk University
- Sole4Souls
- Independence Day
- Blog

Suffolk University
Ladies and gentlemen, I am humbly pleased to announce a bike partnership with Suffolk University located in Boston, MA. Suffolk and TEEM have teamed up to create a system of getting abandoned bikes to individuals as well as helping individuals improve and increase their human performance.

A Miscellaneous Claim: Say "No" to bicycle thefts. Say "Yes" to bicycling.

Save your shoes...Please, save your shoes. Another shoe drive is occurring. It is preferred that you donate $1 per pair of shoes. However, this time around if you donate at least one pair of shoes you receive 10% off an individual package. We are getting 100lbs. of shoes to Soles4Sould by the end of the year. Eighty-one pounds to go!

Independence Day
Is there a 4th of July in England?...Do not think too hard about that answer. I did not make up that joke.

Did you happen to see the article about potato chips and cake? Yes, potatoes are supposed to make us fat over the long run as this article, 'You Say Potato, Scale Says Uh-Oh', points out. We all may believe in that saying, you are what you eat but not literally. If we eat "junkily" then, yes, we will look and feel junkily (I like that word). Typically, individuals who eat bad foods will eat worse foods. Typically, individuals who eat a good food (potatoes) and then, most of the time, eat a derivative of that food (potato chips) eventually possess an inadequate diet as the article explains. If we follow the latter, then, yes, potatoes can harm us physically (talk about an overload of potassium and more). Other than that, potatoes are healthy.

As mentioned in the first Yuletide Mania Video Series, we sometimes take a healthy food and make it junkier. To add, sometimes we know we are eating poorly and still do not make changes. So for today, as on any other day, enjoy your food, move before and after you eat (see Top 5 Cookout Activities). Be just be aware.

Do not forget to visit the blog. Other topics will be posted there and some short articles will be posted on the website under the 'Commentary' page. Also, on the blog notice that there is a poll in which you can partake. The poll shall definitely change occasionally.

Happy 4th!

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Founder, TEEM Performance Training

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