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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The First Ladies of Futbol ⚽️

Oh, this news is big.

Not just the part about equal pay with the men's soccer team.

The part...about sharing the World Cup 💰 🤑 💸 accolades with the men's team if the men win the World Cup.

That news has favor in the sport.

I heard via WTOP News that when France 🇫🇷 won the World Cup, the men received $38 million. The women...$2 million when they won.

Talk about one side supporting another. It will trickle down the level ladder to college, high school, and youth in terms of representation. Of course, the men's and women's teams differ in competition among other things, but sharing the wealth says..."We're in this sport together. Let's make it happen."

Keep an eye on the growth of futbol/soccer ⚽️ in the next few years in the United States.

Derek | @teemptraining  | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Ambi Two Hands 🏈👐

As first seen via @espn on Instagram @theqbplug:

Go beyond your unilateral limits and bring skill to both sides of your body. Mikey Gow is a rising high school football player who can throw with both hands.

Yes, that sounds good.

Against pressure, it could work with the right development.

I hope we do see an ambidextrous quarterback in the near future. I have shared my thoughts with people in the past:

Wouldn't it be cool to see an ambidextrous QB?

Think about blitzing. He or she could see both sides.

The defensive line could come up with schemes as the o-line does its blocking thing.

At this point, why not develop ambidexterity in skills such as shooting a basketball 🏀, hitting and serving a tennis  🎾, hitting a volleyball 🏐...baseball ⚾️ looks as if switch throwing and batting are picking up a little steam. Just a little- the videos are out there.

What ambidextrous do you possess?

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Bismack Biyombo 🏀 🏥💸


Remember this name: Bismack Biyombo...because of his selfless move to donate his 2021-2022 NBA salary to building a hospital in his Congolese village in the name of his father, who passed away from Covid. 

The definition of selfless...for the community...for the culture...champion (in action and title)...unfiltered progress...dynamic access.

👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 and keep clapping for Bismack!

The world needs to see examples like this one. In the aftermath of the major Covid scene, we have continued to see human behavior meet challenges. But, there are people in the world such as, Biyombo. 

News such as this one should energize you. It should spark your "do it now" stage. 

Does it? Why not?

Nice work, Bismack! 👌🏾🙌🏾

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Sunday, May 29, 2022


I have mentioned this topic recently and further in the past, and it keeps springing to the front of behavior because the number of yea-butters continues to multiply no matter the topic or situation.

What is a yea-butter?

A yea-butter is someone who denies that something good can happen. A yea-butter, may know the answer to an issue, and come up with an excuse to avoid a solution. A yea-butter is a Debbie Downer, the character taken from Saturday Night Live. A yea-butter is a doubter, doubts, and repeatedly refuses to deviate from doubting, perhaps to save him or herself or to hide something.

Debbie Downer is a perfect yea-butter. Her character is comical, but many situations that involve yea-butting do not enrich comedy. Instead, they press fear, doubt, stagnation, stoppage, failure, block, selfishness, negativity, affliction, condemnation, curse...you get it?

Now, there is an instance when yea-butting has validity:

P1: "In order to control becoming more overweight, I eat a donut before I go to bed; so I can skip breakfast in the morning and have enough morning energy."

P2: "Hmm...yea, but that is not a good strategy to practice for anyone else regardless if weight loss is your goal." 🤔😳


P1: "I have a major test tomorrow. So, I plan to attend the concert tonight."

P2: "Yea, but that is not a wise decision."

See, when a statement is completely counter-intuitive to a good result, yea-butting makes sense. When a statement leads towards further hurting yourself, others, or a beneficial situation, yea-butting makes sense.

Another example:

P1: "We can't stop mass shootings. 

P2: "Yea, but we're the only country that has this large problem. Other countries like Switzerland 🇨🇭, Australia 🇦🇺,  New Zealand 🇳🇿, and the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 have made significant changes because they care about their people to a higher degree in this circumstance. 

Then, P1 would attempt to counter with another yea-but...which would not make sense. The yea-but does not make sense in this situation.

What's the difference between yea, butyea-but, and yea-butter?

I made up all of these definitions.

Yea, but - (noun) the active conversation piece that begins a rebuttal. 

Yea-but - (noun) the action of yea, but. (verb) To yea, but.

Yea-butter - (noun) a person who yea-buts. (verb) To use in reference to butting out of a yea-but. Hence, the double t(slang) used as the type of condiment spread preferred by an individual who yea-buts.

Yea-buts are used in every circumstance you can imagine: goal setting, process making, results, fun activities, with friends, at family outings, watching sports, doing homework, relaxing...you name it.

So, if you want change a behavior, you must start with how you think about it because your words are affected by thoughts and experiences. Politicians, as one example and a major one, say some of the worst yea-butting to push their own agendas...to save their 🍑 at times. 

As you tackle challenges 💪, develop a strong mindset, ward off distractions, follow good advice, seek sound assistance, speak, hear, see, and do mighty works, and help others improve their status...limit your use of yea-butting!

Thursday, May 26, 2022


In his report, Cullen wrote that the safety of the public could be better ensured by focusing efforts on the sale and availability of guns 

Taken from Britain understood the assignment. We do not.

To other countries, it seems like a no-brainer. Yes, I know mass shootings have occurred in other parts of the world, but no other country has amassed the results the United States continues to let happen.

If other countries can fully or nearly stop all mass shootings, then why can't the USA?



Oh, there are answers; so the issue can stop. But, we here the same tired answers from politicians on television.

Many of us commenting have small platforms. Tiny platforms that are speaking out on situations that affect our mental, emotional, and industrial status. The larger platforms have more of an impact. Take this viewpoint of longtime journalist, Dan Rather:

Leaders think that something can always be done. So, for anyone who thinks otherwise...you are not leading. 

In looking forward, the world has been through much turmoil since 2020. But, it is possible to overcome the circumstance. However, when absurdly dangerous and evil incidences like Uvalde, racist and evil ones like Buffalo, and the countless other acts of mass violence occur, we lose in many ways.

Do you like having your way of life changed because of a problem that only the country in which you live possesses and just about refuses to bring about an exponential shift in the status quo?

Not done on this topic.

Who | @Truly | Cares?

Monday, May 23, 2022

Jackson State 🏈

Oooooh, this is good because it might be the type of news Jackson State receives in order to propel them up the football ladder.

Coach Prime (Deion Sanders) is no joke. He believes in his players and wants them to believe in themselves. He has, and I like following his Instagram account, turned around the program based on things shared on social media.

So, when Texas A&M and Alabama head coaches, Jumbo Fisher and Nick Saban verbally attacked each other's football recruiting standards, everyone heard it.

When Saban mentioned Sanders lured a player to the program with $1M, it brought even more attention toward small Jackson State in Jackson, MS.

Fact or fiction...the fireworks 🎆 have popped. But, the real game, which is on every football calendar, must be Texas A&M&M vs Alabama.

Let the action show.

The program, and not due to this verbal altercation spilled on social media, in Jackson will continue to attract top players because they like Coach Prime.

Isn't that reason enough to talk about?

Derek | @teemptraining| derekteempt@gmail.com 

Parent Eyes 👀 🏐⚾️🏅

One thing I have noticed as I watch my son's basketball 🏀 game: if parents do not know the rules to a sport, it can affect the child. So, if you do not know the rules to a particular sport...learn them.

It's not a demand.

It's a duty.

As a supporting parent, I refuse to enter a sport  with aimless knowledge about the sport. I have an obligation to help my children to develop and perform to the best of their ability in their sport.

But, I get it.

If a parental unit does not understand a certain or sport or has never watched or played a particular sport, I can see how they may watch their child without knowing the ins and outs of the competition.

No worries.

A few gems:

  • Assist your little boys 🙎🏿‍♂️and girls 👧🏻. 
  • Show an interest in their development. 
  • Lead as that parent. The one who gives true feedback.
  • Avoid engaging as that parent. The one who bashes, criticizes, and creates toxicity at a sporting event.
  • Invite the family. We live in a technological time in which we can stream games, hold Zoom or Google Hangout meetings, or live stream games on IG Live; so everyone can enjoy young "Dana's" lacrosse 🥍 match.
  • Have fun. Always try to seek the fun aspect.

That's it.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Money Tweet 💰 🤯🙃

 Saw this tweet from @CNBC:

The message makes me take action in terms of my current profession because, often times, one of or the first thing individuals scale back or eliminate is their health. 

The math is done on how much money is spent on gym memberships and nutritious food. Behaviors start to change until a monetary change occurs.

I understand the move. I think entities should do their best to accommodate a families needs, which is one reason I am not that interested in having an overhead facility. Facilities are good, but that intention was never the model for when I established TEEM back in 2009 or when conducting workout sessions, period.

So, what's the difference?

Timing and motivation.

Here me out for a few lines, then I am done. I like short blog posts:

It is typical to pay almost $400/session for a 4-pack if gyms have that price, putting each session at $100. Individual coaches and trainers may charge this price as well. So, let's work with it for this example.

You start looking at your expenses and ask yourself or your family, "Why are we spending $400/month on working out? That's too much for us with our current situation."

(That also means you are only meeting 1x/week).

Staying with the $400, if you need to scale back then ask yourself how long can you stretch the money. Sessions come with expiration dates, so if you can change from paying $400 a month to $400 every ten weeks, you have saved yourself almost 50%.

Could you work with that result if your scenario is similar?

(That also means you are only meeting 1x/2.5 weeks).

So, your timing changes.

Your motivation changes because you do not have a coach in front of your face every week. You have to find the grit to do workouts until you meet again.

Motivation is a key tool in human performance in order to get results.

For outdoor, in-home, and virtual/remote training, I advocate for training 1x/month in this type of situation. So, you would pay the one session rate every four weeks - You save more 💰 🤑 💸. You still can achieve good results.

Well, what's your move?

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Organized Chaos: Children @ Work 🚸🤯😎

Have you ever observed your child or a child play on the playground or co-play with cousins or friends?

It's a phenomenon.

It looks playful and chaotic in a symbolic manner.

But, children know what they are doing, so their movements, which hold bouts of energetic organization, through the lense of a parent or adult [look] chaotic and, well, splotchy:

"Let's go to the swings, daddy."

Seesaw time, slide time, bar time, rock wall time, then repeat in some fashion.

Kids inspire movement and play. Don't deny them until it is time to leave the premises. Well...if you must leave then do what you have to do 💯.

As the weekend approaches or ends, depending on when you read this post, help your child work toward play goals. Watch them get stronger on the monkey bars and build confidence climbing a ladder or stepping from one platform to another.

The attention has its worth.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Movement Independence Day

Have you ever sat back and observed your child or a child move? You learn things, right?

They enjoy doing things by themselves and improve on these tactics as they age. How 'bout that.

They may try to lift things, squat, lunge, do push-ups, sprint, kick a ball, shoot a ball, bowl, somersault, flip, jump, and hop. With practice, children progress and move better, faster, and more efficiently. Teaching children to move with skill at a young age assists in their overall athletic pursuits. So, mom and dad, if your genetics do not help your child move well then get the practicing now. 

Perhaps you have heard about children who move better than their parents or better than one parent at a particular age? It is common. Yet, the access to tools and programs and knowledge that the youth have is transforming new generations.

You do not have to see a budding professional athlete before your eyes, but instilling a good attitude about movement, human performance, and strength & conditioning at a young age has results that will help this young generation for decades to come later.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com