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Monday, May 23, 2022

Parent Eyes 👀 🏐⚾️🏅

One thing I have noticed as I watch my son's basketball 🏀 game: if parents do not know the rules to a sport, it can affect the child. So, if you do not know the rules to a particular sport...learn them.

It's not a demand.

It's a duty.

As a supporting parent, I refuse to enter a sport  with aimless knowledge about the sport. I have an obligation to help my children to develop and perform to the best of their ability in their sport.

But, I get it.

If a parental unit does not understand a certain or sport or has never watched or played a particular sport, I can see how they may watch their child without knowing the ins and outs of the competition.

No worries.

A few gems:

  • Assist your little boys 🙎🏿‍♂️and girls 👧🏻. 
  • Show an interest in their development. 
  • Lead as that parent. The one who gives true feedback.
  • Avoid engaging as that parent. The one who bashes, criticizes, and creates toxicity at a sporting event.
  • Invite the family. We live in a technological time in which we can stream games, hold Zoom or Google Hangout meetings, or live stream games on IG Live; so everyone can enjoy young "Dana's" lacrosse 🥍 match.
  • Have fun. Always try to seek the fun aspect.

That's it.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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