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Sunday, May 29, 2022


I have mentioned this topic recently and further in the past, and it keeps springing to the front of behavior because the number of yea-butters continues to multiply no matter the topic or situation.

What is a yea-butter?

A yea-butter is someone who denies that something good can happen. A yea-butter, may know the answer to an issue, and come up with an excuse to avoid a solution. A yea-butter is a Debbie Downer, the character taken from Saturday Night Live. A yea-butter is a doubter, doubts, and repeatedly refuses to deviate from doubting, perhaps to save him or herself or to hide something.

Debbie Downer is a perfect yea-butter. Her character is comical, but many situations that involve yea-butting do not enrich comedy. Instead, they press fear, doubt, stagnation, stoppage, failure, block, selfishness, negativity, affliction, condemnation, curse...you get it?

Now, there is an instance when yea-butting has validity:

P1: "In order to control becoming more overweight, I eat a donut before I go to bed; so I can skip breakfast in the morning and have enough morning energy."

P2: "Hmm...yea, but that is not a good strategy to practice for anyone else regardless if weight loss is your goal." 🤔😳


P1: "I have a major test tomorrow. So, I plan to attend the concert tonight."

P2: "Yea, but that is not a wise decision."

See, when a statement is completely counter-intuitive to a good result, yea-butting makes sense. When a statement leads towards further hurting yourself, others, or a beneficial situation, yea-butting makes sense.

Another example:

P1: "We can't stop mass shootings. 

P2: "Yea, but we're the only country that has this large problem. Other countries like Switzerland 🇨🇭, Australia 🇦🇺,  New Zealand 🇳🇿, and the United Kingdom 🇬🇧 have made significant changes because they care about their people to a higher degree in this circumstance. 

Then, P1 would attempt to counter with another yea-but...which would not make sense. The yea-but does not make sense in this situation.

What's the difference between yea, butyea-but, and yea-butter?

I made up all of these definitions.

Yea, but - (noun) the active conversation piece that begins a rebuttal. 

Yea-but - (noun) the action of yea, but. (verb) To yea, but.

Yea-butter - (noun) a person who yea-buts. (verb) To use in reference to butting out of a yea-but. Hence, the double t(slang) used as the type of condiment spread preferred by an individual who yea-buts.

Yea-buts are used in every circumstance you can imagine: goal setting, process making, results, fun activities, with friends, at family outings, watching sports, doing homework, relaxing...you name it.

So, if you want change a behavior, you must start with how you think about it because your words are affected by thoughts and experiences. Politicians, as one example and a major one, say some of the worst yea-butting to push their own agendas...to save their 🍑 at times. 

As you tackle challenges 💪, develop a strong mindset, ward off distractions, follow good advice, seek sound assistance, speak, hear, see, and do mighty works, and help others improve their status...limit your use of yea-butting!

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