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Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Ambi Two Hands 🏈👐

As first seen via @espn on Instagram @theqbplug:

Go beyond your unilateral limits and bring skill to both sides of your body. Mikey Gow is a rising high school football player who can throw with both hands.

Yes, that sounds good.

Against pressure, it could work with the right development.

I hope we do see an ambidextrous quarterback in the near future. I have shared my thoughts with people in the past:

Wouldn't it be cool to see an ambidextrous QB?

Think about blitzing. He or she could see both sides.

The defensive line could come up with schemes as the o-line does its blocking thing.

At this point, why not develop ambidexterity in skills such as shooting a basketball 🏀, hitting and serving a tennis  🎾, hitting a volleyball 🏐...baseball ⚾️ looks as if switch throwing and batting are picking up a little steam. Just a little- the videos are out there.

What ambidextrous do you possess?

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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