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Monday, May 23, 2022

Jackson State 🏈

Oooooh, this is good because it might be the type of news Jackson State receives in order to propel them up the football ladder.

Coach Prime (Deion Sanders) is no joke. He believes in his players and wants them to believe in themselves. He has, and I like following his Instagram account, turned around the program based on things shared on social media.

So, when Texas A&M and Alabama head coaches, Jumbo Fisher and Nick Saban verbally attacked each other's football recruiting standards, everyone heard it.

When Saban mentioned Sanders lured a player to the program with $1M, it brought even more attention toward small Jackson State in Jackson, MS.

Fact or fiction...the fireworks 🎆 have popped. But, the real game, which is on every football calendar, must be Texas A&M&M vs Alabama.

Let the action show.

The program, and not due to this verbal altercation spilled on social media, in Jackson will continue to attract top players because they like Coach Prime.

Isn't that reason enough to talk about?

Derek | @teemptraining| derekteempt@gmail.com 

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