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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Eating Habits: September 2022

It's September.

I've mentioned it once, twice, and more before: We are in the eating season.

Do or eat what you need. If you have good eating habits, recruit others. If you have bad eating habits, don't recruit others. Per this article linked below, the last paragraph does it, for me.

(5 Terrible Eating Habits - grab-n-go; stress eating; screen eating; eating out; super-sizing.)

Eating better isn’t just about making healthier food choices. It’s also about creating an environment that helps you resist temptation. Keep these tips in mind to avoid eating habits that cause weight gain.

I kind of gave up serving as the food-police several years ago because it got too annoying. People know what they are not supposed to eat, but they do it anyway. Who am I to correct them? I cared about how people fueled their bodies, and, to a degree, I still care. However, I give a good warning in fun. After that, eat how you want to. Don't let me ruin your health pursuit.

You only live once.

Stop. That's another topic.

Let me give you my last food-police encounter (it occurred a couple of weeks ago.) I walked into a center and after some fun introductions, and in good nature, I mentioned to the front desk representative, "Uh oh! That's a violation", referring to her glazed cinnamon buns and chips.

She was serious when she responded, "No, they're not." Another gentleman agreed with me. Jovial seriousness filled the air but more seriousness on the reps behalf.

Quick story: Another former colleague of mine and I once hid our supervisor's Ramen noodles because we cared for his health. That represented the fun and careful energy towards food-law enforcement.

Or, food-police action.

Look, I have my food habits as well: cookies, have done stress eating, and the other four bad habits aforementioned. But, the bottom line is control. You have to control these temptations. One of the most difficult tempations...eating out with others - the peer pressure. Too many people do it on a regular basis. Yes, it is fun and builds camaraderie as you chat. But, weekly or daily outings can hurt your physical health (excess salts, sugars, fats, alcohol).

Of course, healthier options exist. Pursue them. Vary up the moment between going out and not going out. Guess what? If you have FOMO (fear of missing out)...YOU. DO. NOT. HAVE. TO. EAT. OR. DRINK. ANYTHING...ESPECIALLY. IF. YOU. THINK. IT. IS. UNHEALTHY...Or if you are simply not hungry or do not drink.

Capiche? Makes sense.

So, my food-police positon has transformed into food monitor or food-advisor. You know the ramifications. Good. If you need help, let me coach you through it with fun and good nature.

That's it.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining  |derekteempt@gmail.com 

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