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Thursday, September 1, 2022

My Knees. My Back. My....Stop!

I get it.

Your joints hurt. You hear cracks in your joints when you get off the floor. Your movements lack fluidity. You are no longer eight, thirteen, or twenty years young. 


This but is big (pun very much intended)...

But, stop telling us about your knees, your back, your elbow, your ankles, your hips, and your old young age like you are an 80 years young-30 year old! Congratulations! Guess what? You're still young. So, stop acting like...No, stop embracing old age at a young age.

25 year youngsters complain of old age.

30...35...40. Why complain? Go workout.

You can still lift. You can still run. You can still stretch. You can still bike. You can still skate. You can still sleep for recovery. You can still eat and drink right. You can still avoid smoking, alcohol, and drugs. 

Can you stop the old young-age complaints?

I know the body changes as we age. But, at 25, 30, 35, and 40 years young, do not act like you are 80 years young.

Heck, when I am 80yy, I want to be in good physical shape. There are plenty of 80 year youngsters that move around...slower but they feel good. Sure, I will be slower at that time. But, I will address changes, as I have been, between now and then.

At age 42, I still sprint, lift, stretch, sleep for recovery, eat right, never have smoked anything or done drugs in life. Also, I don't drink. Shocker...an adult who does not drink. Yet, plenty of us exist. 

Join the movement! But, please change up your words. Your knees? My knees hurt at 38, possibly from some wear and tear and improper maintenance coupled with a shoe change. You know what? I addressed it. The pain left. The jumping returned!

Join this good movement.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining  | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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