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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Isometrics - Ho! Ho! Hold'em!

Video: Theme #6 of the 2011 Yuletide Mania Video Series

Isometric holds work!

They recruit motor units.
They burn (your muscles work!)
They can be used as active rest exercises.
They help to increase muscle stability, making movements smoother and more efficient.
They can be used as substitutes when you cannot do an exercise full range.
If you have not exercised in a while, then they work to slowly get you back to speed.
They are used in rehabilitation.
They are used in athletics.
They are used in everyday life: carrying groceries, manipulating a steering wheel, carrying a full tray of food to a Christmas holiday gathering, and more.
If you have bad knees, they can protect cartilage more than a full range movement's job.
They do not require any equipment even though equipment and weights can be used as a progression.
There are more benefits, but lastly, isometric holds work well and the beginning of a workout and at the end of one. Following up this hold with full a range of movement does work to get the most out of a muscle group.

So, have you included isometric holds into your routine?

On another note, are you STILL using the same exercise routine from years ago or from last year? Why, let's change up that order!

Take care of yourself,

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning Specialist

Saturday, December 10, 2011

2011 Welcome the Newbies

See the video.

New exercises should arise every year in our exercise routines. Here are just a few news ones or "newbies" to include and that have been included:

1) Revised Quadruped - it is actually on all-fours (hands and toes) and not on all-sixes (hands, knees, and toes). It is more difficult than the all-six position. You should feel it through your abdominal region more than your hip flexors. If your hip flexors are struggling, then, one they are too tight. Two, your weight is not distributed evenly. Thirdly, you have not engaged or braced your abs. See more here

2) Dog Switch - the name is also synonymous with cobra to downward dog. The modified version is performed on your knees. This particular exercise is a good warm-up, a good active rest, and a good routine for an interval station. However, you do need upper body strength and good control of your body.

3) Supine Combo - instead of picking one exercise and moving to the next, do them all at the same time. The supine combo allows for this, well, combo, to occur. It's nothing crazy. But, it's something tolerable. A main point is to make sure you do not arch your back. Keep your back flat and abs engaged. You get more bang for your body then simply waiting between individual exercises.

4) Push-Up Fold - bet...if you can do 30 push-ups, for example, you will perform less when you add the fold. However, your shoulders and chest get a good workout! No cheating! Meet your chest to a tennis ball or roughly 2.5 inches off the ground and keep that tempo going the whole time!

5) Kettlebell Split-Stance Lunge Hold with Around the World - simply stated but leg-burn solid: do not bend or flex at the hips. If you find yourself flexing too much, then there are some tight muscles present. Get both knees to 90 degrees and carry that kettlebell around your body.

6) Tubing Resisted Kicks - these are difficult if you have never kicked before. Even if you cannot get your leg up high, PLEASE KEEP YOUR GUARD UP! I cannot stress this position enough. When kicking and punching are involved, it is very important to keep your guard up - as if you were in a real fight. Balance and focus are crucial in this exercise.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Office Ergo Activity

There is a video to go along with this post.

Sitting for to long over a long period of time is a "body-posture-crime." When we look at evolution, our bodies are not meant to droop or become hyperflexed/hyperextended or curved in the wrong direction.

It is important to get up and move around several times during the day, especially if we sit hunched over a computer keyboard. Because individual bodies are, well, individualized, there are many exercises to show, which can strengthen weakened "computer" muscles and mobilize tightened "computer" muscles. Muscles that are targeted for strengthening in this case include the following:

Neck extensors
Upper back: rhomboids, rear deltoid, rotator cuff (in some cases)
Abdominals, mid and lower back

Muscles that need stretching typically include:

Pecs (minor and major)
Calf = especially for heel wearers
Anterior neck
Shoulder, rotator cuff

It is important to remember that everyone is different, so all of these muscles will react differently.

In addition, it is vital to move daily. There are more multi-movement exercises than exercises used for isolated muscle stretching & strengthening. If you need any particular stretches, strengthening, or stabilizing exercises, then fill free to comment on what muscle area needs your attention.

The following three exercises are posted on the YouTube channel and are used in the 2011 YMV Series - Theme #2: Office Ergo Activity:

1) Lower Trapezius Press
2) "O" or Pentagon Rhomboids Press
3) Single Leg Airplane with Pause



Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Re-defining The Quadruped Position

Photo #1
Photo #2
Photo #3
Photo #4

Photo #5

We know the quadruped position to be on all fours: hands and knees.
However, this position is not truly considered on all fours because our hands, knees, and toes touch the ground (wow, I forgot the photo). A real or revised quadruped position should look like photo #1, where only four points touch the floor: our hands and our feet or toes. Reminiscent of a sprinter start.

The current quadruped position (six-points) is great for rehabilitation, Pilates, warm-ups, upper body, and lower body glute and hip exercises. For example, a good "Quadruped Straight Leg Front-Lateral Kick" fires up your glutes (photo #2). But, simply holding this new quadruped is tough (photo #1). Performing opposite arm and leg reach outs is a difficult move in itself with this position (photo #3 and photo #4).

A true or revised quadruped position (four-points) challenges your core. It challenges your shoulder and ankle stability. It has been echoed in some martial arts such as capoeira, though capoeira is a little more dynamic.

Observe any animal that stands on all-fours and their knees are not on the ground. So, I question the current positioning of quadruped exercises. Dogs, cats, horses, pigs, bears, lions, and tigers (cannot forget them), and more all stand on all-fours...not all-sixes. Of course, the human body is made differently; so being on all-fours feels different and requires a lot of strength.

The pros of a revised quadruped position: more core control, more core strengthening (it will be important to find a neutral position, as not performed by the dip in my lumbar spine in photo #5, the non-revised quadruped position, in this matter - sounds like a good video), more stability needed, more motor recruitment.

The cons: easy on the toes, buddy! You might want some padding under your toes or at least wear shoes.

Take care of yourself,

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving Active Exercises - Be Active

#4 - The fourth reason on how to be active over Thanksgiving:

Exercise #1 - Camel stretch --> Child pose --> Upward Dog/Cobra = hold each position for 1 to 2 seconds before switching, 8 reps
Exercise #2 - Rapid Squats into Single Leg Toe Touch = 30 second squats as fast as possible, 8 toe touches without tipping over.
Exercise #3 - Downward Dog into Push-up = 8 to 10 reps total
Exercise #4 - Plank Series: Front plank, side plank, reverse planks = hold each plank for 15 seconds
Exercise #5 - Sumo Squat Holds with one hand overhead and one hand behind head = hold 30 seconds each side

Repeat the entire sequence for 3 sets. No rest between exercises. 30 second rest at the most between sets.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Photos From the Wellness Retreat/Seminar

Saturday, November 6, 2011 at UMASS-Boston, Campus Conference Center.

 Stephanie and Lisa focused on getting information. Chandace with the photog skills!

Gamah Toney of Beauty Food Products with the best hair and skin materials!

Megan getting a massage

Megan Miralgia of Wellness Workdays Nutrition giving us the word on nutrition

Stephanie getting a massage

Jeffrey, Amy, and Kelly massaging

Zumba with Leoni
Justine Siegal of Sport In Society from Northeastern University

Chandace receiving a massage. Ah, relaxation!!!

 Everyone is Zumba-ing!
More Zumba-ing!
 Leoni showing her expertise.
 What's that move?
 Get'em Stephanie and Jeff!
 Whopa! Whopa!
 We've got moves...And we know how to use them!
 In unison now.
 No, it is NOT the hokey-pokey! Sweat.
 Rapid movement blurs and sweat!

 We're learning!
Joel and Derek catching a photog moment.

 Lisa enjoys her massage.

 Megan simplifying nutrition!






Flow to the right...

Slide to the left...


Waka-waka, hey-hey! And, cheese!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - October #1, 2011: Access and Awareness

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter
  • Breast Cancer Awareness
  • Wellness Retreat - Spread the Word!!!
  • Access - It's A Great Thing
  • Races
Breast Cancer Awareness
If you can read this text, then that means you are either squinting, have good eyesight, or you like the color pink. But, TEEM Performance Training supports Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and a pink ribbon will be placed on the website.

Wellness Retreat
In continuing to send out the information about the Wellness Retreat, it will be held at the UMASS-Boston Campus Conference Center on Saturday, November 5th, 2011 from 8am to 6pm. Check-in and Registration is from 8am to 9am, but if you or anyone whom you would like to come needs to come later in the day, there will be someone available to register you. PayPal is being set up on the website as well.
Massage therapists will be available from 12noon to 3pm.

Spread the word!!!

Access - It's A Great Thing
As I have learned about healthcare, there are three things that really drive it: access, cost, and quality. Now, it is difficult to receive all three simultaneously. However, a prime TEEM belief is that access is entirely key.
In health and fitness, having access to many benefits is almost pampering: gym, massage, pools, acupuncture, personal training, group fitness, and more. Believe it or not, some people have access to two workout facilities at average cost in addition to their knowledge base. Fantastic and eliminates excuses!

Have you contemplated walking, running, or biking any races for the remainder of the year?
Well, whether you have or have not there are plenty of opportunities available. Last year around this time, I sent out a list of Turkey Trots in the DC and Boston areas. The list will come in a later e-newsletter; however, start thinking about participating in one. With both Thanksgiving on the horizon and with this season as a busy running season, there are a plethora of races to choose from.

Don't forget the Tough Mudder, Warrior Dash, Metro Dash, and Spartan Race series!

Take care of yourself,

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Training because it is a passion. Serving because it is vast.

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - September #3/#4 2011: Wellness Retreat

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter
- TEEM's Wellness Retreat

- Stellar-tude

TEEM's Wellness Retreat...More updates on TEEM's first Wellness Retreat. It will be held on Saturday, November 5th, 2011 from 8am to 6pm at the UMASS-Boston Campus Conference Center. Non-students = $95 for the day or $10 per session. Students (must show student ID) = $45 for the day or $5 per session. These values are great, considering how much you would save if you went to each class individually! Breaking it down, it would roughly cost $200 if you went to a nutritionist, massage therapist, and participated in a group fitness class and did not belong to a gym. Even if you belong to a gym, massage therapy and nutrition are extra amenities.

So, this retreat is for the attendees and is conveniently set up well before the holiday and ski seasons to allow time for you to connect on what is special to yourself as the year ends and 2012 arrives.
Vendors who are set to come through include: Zumba, Nutritionist, Sport in Society, Massage Therapy, with more fun and plenty of learning and collaborating. I will also be instructing some lectures and classes. Workshops, lectures, and fitness classes. You are free to enter and leave as you please.If you are in the Boston area that weekend, come join the activities.

Stellar-tude...An attitude is great thing to have. A good attitude is even better to attain and maintain. An example of a good attitude as it pertains to topics found in these e-newsletters is not quitting on an exercise because you think you cannot make it through. In addition, an example of a stellar attitude (or stellartude as I like to call it) is not quitting on an exercise for the same reasons as previously mentioned and then autonomously working on that exercise to become more proficient. This type of attitude goes a long way in customer service as well. A good merchant will occasionally show his or her annoyance with an irate customer. A merchant who exudes a stellartude will not show his/her annoyance and will additionally make that customer feel more welcome than he/she imagined - experienced and hectic shenanigans while never talking behind the customer's back.

A stellartude is difficult to practice because of temptation among other things. But, this stellar attitude is a prime TEEM value - it puts clients in a position to do better than his/her best.

Below is a continuation of words and phrases to eliminate or limit in portraying a stellartude:

"I can't" - This phrase is simply a "no-no" in health and fitness. Even if something seems drastically difficult and the results look meager, putting a great effort forward is optimal.

"I won't" - Hopefully, we can all learn to limit this phrase. "I won't" sometimes translates and transforms into "I did".

"I don't care" - We do care, but we may not like a certain physical or behavioral circumstance. Mix it up with caring about the overall well-being of what is accomplished, but getting through the "dislike" phase in an orderly fashion.

"Who cares?" - We care. All of us care; otherwise our minds would not be filled.
"I don't know" - As in..."I don't know what my problem is with eating late?" - You could know, but the effort must be there to find out how to make necessary changes.

"It does not matter" - As in... "It does not matter to me what I eat at night" - Oh, it most certainly does matter whatever the circumstance. It is more important to think and say that our actions do matter, especially when we try to make a change or graduate to the next level in a fitness routine.

"You can't teach that" - As in..."You can't teach that move to an athlete" - Well, with all of the research and different methods of training athletes, many things that we thought coaches and trainers could not teach are, in fact, teachable. I don't like it when announcers say this phrase.

"Always" - Plain and simple, but we should know that everything is not always suitable in exercise, wellness, or in athletics.
"Never" - Plain and simple, but we should know that everything is simply never suitable in exercise, wellness, or in athletics.

"So what" - Whether it is used with a "?" or "!", limit this phrase as it could reflect a non-caring-tude.
"Should have"- As in..."We should have worked out yesterday" - We cannot change the past.
"Could have"- As in... "We could have worked out yesterday" - We cannot change the past.

"Would have" - As in... "We would have worked out yesterday" - We cannot change the past.

"What if" - When it applies to the past it falls in the category of the "should haves", "could haves", and "would haves". Apply it to the future as a way of reflecting or engaging a process or new progress.
"I don't make the rules here" - A phrase that is entirely on behalf of a merchant. The customer can at least receive some reprieve on a matter despite a lack of details.

Face rejection/dejection well - When we face rejection well, we can face acceptance well. For example, a weight loss goal of 10lbs by the end of November may fall just short, but perhaps regular attendance at a gym or with personal training was manifested in the process.

Remember: Saturday, November 5th at UMASS-Boston's Campus Conference Center from 8am to 6pm.

Take care of yourself,
Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning Specialist


Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - October #2 2011: October is Pink, is Wellness Retreat, is Massage

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

-TEEM Fall 2011 Wellness Retreat
- A Piece on Massage - Guest Writer, Jeffrey McLeod, LMT on "Massage Anyone, Everyone?"

TEEM Fall 2011 Wellness Retreat
Of course, it would not be the best situation if the retreat was not mentioned again, but the advertisement is part of getting a good number of people to the Fall 2011 Wellness Retreat. Here's the line-up for Saturday, November 5th: (Massage Therapy from 12noon to 3pm - chair and some table)

...8am to 9am = Registration
...9am to 9:30am = Ice-Breaker
...9:30am to 10am = Dynamic Flexibility (Presenter: Derek A.)
...10am to 12noon = Leadership or Healthy Development (Presenter: Sport In Society representative from Northeastern University)
...12noon to 1pm = Lunch
...1pm to 2pm = Nutritionist (Presenter: Megan M. of Sensible Nutrition)
...2pm to 2:30pm = Partner Workouts/Agility (Presenter: Derek A.
...2:30pm to 3pm = Beauty Food Products (Presenter: Gamah)
...3pm to 4pm = Zumba (Presenter: Leoni E.)
...4pm to 6pm = Documentary, Active Group Discussion, Round-up, Dismissal

It will be fun, energetic, didactic, ,motivating...and effective with you there. Spread the word!

A Piece on Massage - Guest Writer, Jeffrey McLeod, LMT "Massage Anyone, Everyone?"
Please welcome guest writer on massage therapy and one of the featured massage therapists at the wellness retreat, Jeffrey McLeod:

Massage Anyone, Everyone?

You work out, watch what you eat, work with trainer, drink lots of water, and get adequate sleep. Now what, you have to make time for a massage? The short answer is "yes."

Massage is more than you think it might be; more than it has been in the past. Even a relaxation massage has more power than you might think. In this world of work hard/play hard - burn the candle at both ends, maybe the best candle to burn is the one in a massage room.

Think about the power of just relaxing - giving your body a chance to just breathe and be. Relaxation massage gives you more than that. It gives you a chance to reconnect to all of your body, not just think about your burning triceps or your tight quads. You are inviting another team member to help you get in touch. This teammate will not only help you with immediate relief, but will help you find the root causes of imbalances or discomforts.

A good massage therapist (MT) will open dialogue with you. A good MT might surprise you by seemingly knowing your body better than you, or give you information on how you could be using it better or in a way less injurious. A good MT will work with you to perform better or more comfortably in your next race. As part of your team, a good MT will refer you to other practitioners if s/he feels your particular condition is beyond his/her scope of practice. A great MT, who works with you to get you relaxed and in balanced tone, might not be the person to go to when you have a specific injury - but s/he probably knows exactly to whom to send you.

There is no magic potion; your body was not provided with an owners manual. We all just try to do the best we can.

An MT can be a perfect teammate to invite aboard on your journey of wellness. And if you're not working with a trainer or watching what you eat... your MT will help you down the right path.

Take care of yourself,

Training because it is a passion. Serving because it is vast.

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - September #1 2011: Candidly, Back At It

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

- Eliminations and Limitations
- Spotlight: Tufts 10k Training

Eliminations and Limitations
Well, it does not matter if we like extravagant colors and designs (i.e., Maryland Terrapins football jerseys) or plain and simple decor and appearance, the things we wear, say, think, or do reflect us. Since we are one fourth of the way through this month, which symbolizes a new time, a new rebirth, and a new year for many, do not forget to eliminate or at the very least limit the following words, cliches, or phrases from your overall process and progress - I am giving you a short list. I will have to post the long list at a later time. Practice not using this lingo in your daily work, in your physical work, at home as you host, at businesses when we are the customer; and flip an eyebrow if a merchant continues to use these words:

"I can't", "I won't", "I don't care", "Who cares?", "I don't know", "It does not matter", "You can't teach that", "Always", "Never", "So what", "Should have", "Could have", "Would have", "What if" (when it applies to the past), "I don't make the rules here"....

The list goes on. But, limiting these phrases and cliches can help to increase service and make us search for a whole new and satisfying answer to ourselves, to family, to friends, or to customers.

Spotlight: Tufts 10k Training
Twice per week, I meet with a group of about six women who are training for the 2011 Women's Tufts 10k. They come with different skill levels, and arrive with great attitudes. As a trainer/coach it is my responsibility to make sure that everything runs smoothly despite any past or lingering injuries. With one month and three days to go until the Columbus Day race, training will get more functional and specific. I mentioned to the group on the second day of our sessions that I hope the training period is more difficult than the race itself.


Because training involves many changes and adjustments while trying to get to the or an end goal. No one is around to clap you on but a coach or trainer. Earlier that day you worked your day job. For the race, well, the end goal is set (it's 6.2 miles), the course is set, you know exactly when to stop and where to go as the crowd serves as an adrenaline pumper. The atmosphere is usually electric at these events.

Hopefully, as we try to reach our goals or prepare for tests remember that the training period is tough but worth it. The test, whether it is physical, mental, more may be tough as well; but positional preparation sets us up to succeed.

Take care of yourself,

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning Specialist

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - Late August/Sept #5 2011: Kickin' It Old School

Health Human Performance e-Newsletter

-From June 2009

From June 2009
Here is an old post just in time for the end of the vacation summer period and for the beginning of school, more programs, more traffic, and football! I would just like to usher my shout-outs and respect for the Nittany Lions, Redskins, and the Patriots:

Spotlight: Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough"
Keep on with the force don't stop....Don't stop 'til you get enough."I had to pay homage to Michael Jackson with this one. In keeping this spotlight to the point and leaving it open for any other interpretation, all of us owe (cont'd)

Take care of yourself,

Monday, October 17, 2011

TEEM Performanc​e Training - HAHPN - August #4 2011: Hurricane Was A Boxer

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

- Health and Fitness Seminar 2011
- Tone of Isolation: For You "Body Builders"

Hope everyone either has power or knows when they will receive power after "Irene" hit. To anyone who sustained damage or is in or has family in the hard hit areas of NC, VA, MD Eastern Shore, NJ, NY Shoreline, Western MA, and VT, may you receive the right support to your situation.

Health and Fitness Seminar 2011 ...Two e-newsletters ago, I mentioned a health and fitness seminar that I am putting on later this season, well, in the fall. We have to change the dates. The new dates are Saturday, November 5th and Sunday, November 6th, 2011. I am slowly giving you details, but so far hopes are set on including Zumba, massage, and that is all I can attest to right now.

Tone of Isolation: For You "Body Builders"...This one is for the folks who just cannot get enough of isolation exercises. You know, the old-school Arnold Schwarzenegger-esque workout. Time after time, I see and hear so many people perform biceps curls with 100lbs or more. Great. I mean, that is a lot of strength for such a small muscle relative to the rest of your body. It may feel great to curl that much weight, but if the form is poor, if the upper back, which also targets the biceps, is not as strong, then biceps curls with 100lbs is just short of a waste of workout time.

Two notes:
1 ) With the uncomfortable manifestation of computer posture or computer slouching our back muscles could use attention to appropriate strengthening, stretching, rest, and pampering. Pssh! Ask your boss/manager/job if you can use a stand-up desk.

2) If you cannot get remotely near 100lbs in biceps curling, then do not worry.

However, it is recommended to isolate this body part and others if body-building is the motive. On a personal rule-of-thumb, if isolation is the goal, then let it be spurred by a firm and controlled tempo. That is, lighten the weight, lower the weight on a two-second count, and power the weight up/lift on a one-second count. Do not compensate with back extension! No heaving or jerking! Those movements cause injury. Change grips (palms face up toward the ceiling, palms face each other as to mimic holding a hammer, or palms face downward) to receive the maximum potential for the entire muscle group area (i.e., biceps, forearm/brachioradialis, brachialis). Do not repeat on back-to-back days. Give your body some rest...support the recovery period!

Who can benefit from isolation exercises? Even though these types of exercises are not apropos for the modern workout, they do add incentives. Picture the wedding dress, bridesmaid dress, evening dress, night gown, tank-top, muscle shirt (yea, I know), no shirt, under armour tight fit shirt that is donned. Arms look good! Do they not?

Take of yourself,

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning Specialist

Training because it is a passion. Serving because it is vast.

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - August #3 2011: Quake!!

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

- Earthquake
- Alignment and Control

Phew! Hang up the rest of the picture frames and paintings that fell on the floor. The natural disaster phenomenon or activity level over the past year has been alarming. Very happy that everyone is fine and back at normal days of work and leisure. If you were driving and thought your car needed a new engine, you were wrong. How on earth does this natural disaster relate to health and fitness? Honestly, if anyone found themselves trying to scurry for a doorway and to crouch low then you felt the effects of being fit or being ready for such a disaster. As a matter of fact, we can be ready for any natural disaster:

- Volcano: Run away from the lava!

- Earthquake: Run to a doorway and get low!...Also, follow any Californian that you know.

- Tornado: Run for cover whether it's a shed or a bathtub

- Hurricane: Lift, carry, and hold things to board up!

- Tsunami: Run and climb for high ground Do we have to run? No. But, moving as fast as we can helps. Do we stay put and say, "Whatever, I give up!" Absolutely not.

Alignment and Control
Just in time. Well, this was a draft well before the quake hit. Now, it somewhat fits well with the natural disaster, relating to fitness.

Alignment and control are two major things that we all need in our workout programs and in the exercises that we execute.
If we do not have alignment and control, then we are setting up ourselves for injury, poor movement, weakened muscles, compensation, less than full range of motion, and bad pain (pain that is injurious). We are aligned when our bones and joints follow our movement or another bone or joint. For example, when we squat (cont'd)

Take care of yourself,

Training because it is a passion. Serving because it is vast.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Women Could Perform Better Than Men

When a man loves a woman, can't keep his mind on nothing else.

When a man works out with a woman, can't keep his muscles working as well?

We know that men, most likely, have stiffer and larger muscles, and are typically stronger than woman. We know that woman, most likely, tend to be more flexible and have better fundamentals than men. I'll say right now that I think women can surpass men in overall fitness if men do not get it out of their minds to always lift heavy. But, women also have to escape or dispel the notion that they will get big if they lift weights.

Men love to lift weights. Heavy weights. But, more could be done to improve dynamic balance and power and to avoid using the same workout program from 1996. Women love cardio and group fitness classes...Lots and lots and lots of cardio... But, more could also be done to improve strength and to get over the fear that "I will get big if I lift more."

But, hey, both genders are tyring. We all are trying.

The fact of the matter is that women have the ability to show off a plethora of fitness skills as long as the effort exists. Check out this example: there are plenty of barrel-bellied men who workout, but the barrel does not proficiently disappear. However, there are plenty of legitimately pregnant women who workout up until the day of birth and beyond - change gradually occurs believe it or not in this population.

Most women seek assistance in reaching their fitness goals. Men also seek assistance, but the, "I can do it all by myself and compile my own workout," takes over. Personally, the best team of group training is one comprised of men and women: so everyone can learn something new from each other; so everyone is motivated; so everyone can have less fear and more grit when working with the opposite gender!

Take care of yourself,

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - August #2 2011: Summer Showcase

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

- Save The Dates
- Labor Day Is Coming
- Athletics - Just A Word As Fall Approaches

Save The Dates
It does matter whether you are in the Boston area the weekend of Saturday, October 8th and Sunday, October 9th. It is my pleasure to introduce to you TEEM Performance Training's first ever Wellness Seminar, which be held at the University of Massachusetts-Boston Campus (UMASS-Boston). More details will follow, but you can at least mark your calendars. Before saying that you have to run an errand between, say, 10am to 11am on those days, there will be an opportunity in which you can come for both days, one day, for at least one segment, or drop-in. They will also be different prices for each category. Therefore, you get to run errands, attend previously scheduled engagements, and attend this fall 2011 seminar.

Current Tufts 10k training group participants - you get in free!

Labor Day Is Coming
Labor Day is entirely a subjective holiday. Meaning, it is not the official end to the summer. It is the beginning of:

"Oh, darn the kids are back!"
"Oh, man school started last week or starts this week"
"Traffic. More traffic!"
"Really, Christmas cards are out already?"
"Hmm, what will be my New Year's Resolution?"

Let's focus on the last one and reminisce on the others.

So, yes, the summer is about to close when this holiday comes around. But, as spoken before, it is a time of new beginnings and hectic schedules. If we take a look around our community or work area, we may notice that there are fewer people and fewer congested areas. If we observe those same areas when school begins, the sites, sounds, and distractions are different. For those in high traffic cities, let's keep the road rage to a minimum! Now, "hmm, what will be my New Year's Resolution?"

Well, with September as a month of new beginnings, more flow, and more congestion why not make a resolution now instead of in December/January? In this way, by the time D/J arrive we will be well into the new resolution. From a health and fitness perspective, we could drop, safely, about 32lbs. of weight by Jan. 1st if the start is closer to Labor Day and the level of personal seriousness and boundaries remain high. From a health and fitness perspective, we could see significant changes in musculature by Jan. 1st, especially if the goal is to tone or gain muscle. But, we have to be willing to change our normal Fall-Winter regimen. From an athletic perspective, a lacrosse player or baseball player can make firm changes in his/her game as the off-season begins, continues, and ends during this time period.

So, why wait until December 31st, 2011 at 11:59pm to say, "Well, here it goes!"?...Then, January 15th, "OK, now here it goes!"

Athletics - Just A Word As Fall Approaches
You can find definitions for "health", "fitness", "wellness", and "athletics" on the website, which is undergoing changes. However, these definitions are different then the ones normally read in a dictionary or textbook. These definitions have been analyzed and contemplated. Athletics are vast, consuming, diverse, and multi-skillful. The August and September corridor marks a significant increase in the number of athletic events and games across the nation. With the NFL lockout lifted, football, the largest team sport, is working on all cylinders (i.e., rec, youth, high school, college, semi-pro, and pro). Also, the outdoor race season sees its best weather since April during this time.

Most importantly, it is our time commitment that will make this athletic transition smooth. Whether we are watching an event on TV, in-person, or online, our attention shifts or juggles between our primary agenda to our agenda of relaxation, which is athletics - our love of watching athletic prowess is not the only thing, but it is exciting.

Take of yourself,

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning, Specialist

Training because it is a passion. Serving because it is vast.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Alignment and Control

Alignment and control are two major things that we all need in our workout programs and in the exercises that we execute.

If we do not have alignment and control, then we are setting up ourselves for injury, poor movement, weakened muscles, compensation, less than full range of motion, and bad pain (pain that is injurious).

We are aligned when our bones and joints follow our movement or another bone or joint. For example, when we squat our knees should follow our toes, preferably our big toe. Primarily, the knee cap follows the semi-anchored position of our toes. When we lunge, our knees should follow our big toe. However, due to lack of balance, tightness and weakness imbalances, and lack of coordination our knees follow a different direction. This movement is not true for everyone, but it is true enough that it is a prominent issue.

We have control when we lift a weight or lift our body weight and can steady ourselves with good posture. Again, we can see this with lunges, with diagonal lifts or D2 Flexion exercises for our shoulder and rotator cuff region. For example, with lunges if our lower backs are weak or tight then it will act like it is folding when we are at the bottom of the lunge position - lack of control. We see a lack of control with overhead lifts when our arms extend either too wide due to weakness in another muscle upper body muscle group or our arms cannot remain steady. The shoulder, in this case, suffers.

Putting both of these together makes movements easier and more particular and regular. We can do and perform much better when we have a firm foundation for what we are lifting. When we are aligned our kinetic chains work harmoniously from top to bottom or physiologically from bottom-to-top.

Alignment comes before control. When we are performing an exercise that involves our entire body in a standing position, the feet work, the ankles work, the knees work, the hip works, the lower back works, the torso works, the shoulders work, the neck works, and the head works. All of the muscles in between work well too.

Therefore, we must remind and solidify our beliefs to know that controlled movements are good ones!

In performance,

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - August #1 2011: Summertime Chits

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

-Magic Diet Stuff
-National 'Insert Your Family's Name' Vacation
-Mending The Past

Magic Diet Stuff
Recently, I heard on the radio about a diet smoothie that one guy was trying to promote.

Can I share something with all of you? Good. I am not a big fan of the word 'diet'. Why? Because if one diet is the absolute best, then it is what it is...the absolute best. There would not be any other need for other diets. However, there are so many diets out here that the results work in the opposite direction. Individuals get off diets, take breaks from diets, gain weight from diets, see no change from diets, lose weight from diets, lose strength from diets, etc.

If diets are so perfect, then why are there so many different ones? For that matter, not all exercise programs, the addition to eating well, are perfect. If we are looking for perfect solutions, then we are just stressing out ourselves. As we know stress contributes to many other health issues. Therefore, there could very well be a correlation between dieting and stress. Honestly, I had to change the radio station when I heard this commercial. Unfortunately, someone else probably listened to it, will buy into, and spend oodles of dollars drinking a diet smoothie although the individual really needs a sound movement/performance/exercise program in addition to an adequate nutrition plan among other more controllable active lifestyle qualities.

Seriously everyone, quick remedy programs will not help us maintain our goals. We have to work. Now, one thing the radio advertisement did mention was changing the way we eat. I, wholeheartedly, believe that if we change the way we eat then we can make major gains before considering to invest in a movement/performance/exercise program. But, we have to want it.

National 'Insert Your Family's Name' Vacation
So, this title is a play on the movie, National Lampoon's Vacation. In that movie, the Griswald's always had something on their agenda and comedy usually ensued. This message is more of a declaration. Please enjoy your vacation. I mean, pretty please. It is a vacation after all, so do things that you do not normally do at home. For example, instead of wasting the day away get out and enjoy the atmosphere. See some things. Plan some things. Eat some new things. Walk to locations that you can walk to. Experience the new location.

Mending The Past
Very short message. While working in gyms, I have run across several individuals who have participated in personal training or strength and conditioning; but were lead away from it because another trainer or coach, well, ruined the clients' experience. The bottom line is that no one is perfect in teaching or learning. However, different approaches work for different people. My overall approach is to be a motivator, pusher, and a coach. My niche is not that of a drill Sargent. Anyone with a voice can yell like a drill Sargent. I understand that some individuals respond well to the yelling, which is fine. In that case, it is up to the trainer or coach, including myself, to re-adjust the approach per pupil. But, time is valuable for everyone. As a trainer or coach, it is important to empathize, understand, relate to needs, build relationships, design and implement effective, and sometimes, individualized programs...That is it for now. Just a quick note.

Be Fit,

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning Specialist

Training because it is a passion. Serving because it is vast.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Do You Have Proper Home Training?

Home Training.

In a short definitive form it means to have manners at home or in the home of another.

In its activity definition form, it means to have a specific and effective workout regimen at home. We do not need a lot of equipment. So, it does warrant us to clutter our basements or closets (or cars for that matter). Basically, are we using our homes wisely?

Look around your house and see if you have the essentials for a good home training workout:

1. Space...check?
2. Stairs...check?
3. Wall space...check?
4. Yard space...miscellaneous check?
5. Sturdy Chairs...check?
6. Ceiling Height Space...check?
7. Bed...check?

Well, there we have it! The bare essentials with an exception to yard space especially for those individuals that have apartments, lofts, condos, dorms, or strict outdoor rules. However, if we have yard space then other essentials come in to the picture such as, trees, grass, and special extra credit incentives, including patios, change in terrain from grass to asphalt, and house wall space for outdoors.

So, what do these essentials mean?

All of these essentials hold true to the phenomenon that we have our own gyms. We live in our own gyms. Do not get me wrong - a truly structural gym is a good place to have membership or to have training session. However, having the capability to perform exercises, which we can include in our workout regimens away from our home gyms; and thus, knowing what to do with what we have in our abodes is more important and more beneficial to us than solely using the structural gym for all of our physical needs. Now, I never said drop your gym membership. After all, that move is always totally up to us as individuals. I respect the economy's hardships but will not settle. The key plan that is emphasized in this case is the privilege to have multiplicity, variety, diversity, and at times, ingenuity embedded in how we physically, and ultimately, mentally demand ourselves.

The properly home trained individual can travel into virtually any home and deliver good manners with appropriate conversation. The properly home trained workout or exercise individual can diversify his or her regimen outside and inside one's own home. Both warrant practice and discipline. Both have plans of establishing the end goal of a good relationship.

So, what else can we gain from the previously mentioned essentials?...Well, with these essentials, as they mimic a typical gym, we have floor space, group space, a wall for throwing balls or for enduring that good pain through wall sits and more, stairs for our glutes, thighs, gastrocs, and hammies (hamstrings), ceiling space for jumps or overhead activities, etc. Most gyms have the same layout but in a different arrangement.

The only thing we are missing at home is a coach/trainer to make sure our form is functional, optimal, and controlled. So, to reiterate - use your own home wisely!

Be fit,

Training because it is a passion. Serving because it is vast.

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - July #5 2011: Some Summer Conditioning

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter
- Video: Push-up Pivot and Rotation (Unedited)
- Summer Tempo

Video: Push-up Pivot and Rotation (Unedited)
Since it was accidentally left out of the last video posted, the "3rd ranked" TEEM push-up gets a video of its own in two positions. Enjoy!

The Vid

Summer Tempo
I understand that it has been really hot in some cities across the US. So, let us think about and include this tip in our workouts:

If we notice, long distance runners do most of their damage (activity) when the weather is cool. However, sprinters love warm weather. It makes sense from a neuromuscular perspective. So, since it has been hot this summer let us consider decreasing the duration of our workouts....Why?

For one, the longer we run the more we are exposed to the sun and its hot rays, leading to heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Plus, it seems as if the majority of individuals only like to run long distances. Now, I am aware that many runners cannot take the wear and tear on their joints by, basically, running faster (sprinting); therefore your plight is understood. On the other hand, if any of us is looking for a quick and effective way to burn fat, to increase stamina, and to escape the heat faster, the better bang for your buck workout is to practice sprints, hill runs, or tempo runs.

These types of runs guarantee an increase in heart rate. If any of us happens to be the individual who normally goes out on a long 7 mile run all of the time, but the results just are not showing, then rev up the workout and add in some quick short runs. At the very least, this type of runner portrayed can run 3.5 miles for two sets, fighting to run both sets in the same time or run the second set a little faster.

Yes, the conditioning world has changed from the past. Before signing off, the same idea mentioned above goes for walking. Brisk walks, which protect bad joints or bones, begin to work wonders.

Be fit,

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning Specialist

Training because it's a passion. Serving because it's vast.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - July #4 2011: Summer Days...

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter
- Video - A TEEM Top 5: Push-ups
- Nutrition Comprehension
- Men And Women, A Side Dose
- Healthy Hips: HIPology

Video - A TEEM Top 5: Push Ups
As promised, here are TEEM's Top 5 Push-ups Without Equipment. All modified positions are performed while on your knees. All extra modified positions are performed stationary. Just realized I forgot the 3rd ranked one. It will be in the next video. Oops!

Nutrition Comprehension
I wanted to share this article with you because it is interesting. "Are Fruits and Vegetables Less Nutritious Today?" For one, a fruit is a fruit and always has been a fruit. A vegetable is a vegetable and always has been a vegetable. It seems like our individual choices has prompted this topic. Yikes?

But, they do a body really good!

Men And Women, A Side Dose
Was driving on Friday, July 20th, 2011 and saw a bumper sticker that read the following:

"Women Who Behaved Seldom Made History."

Thought about that for a second. Thought about Harriet Tubman. My thought actually lingered there for a bit, so no one else cross my mind. Am currently thinking about folks like Sojourner Truth, Billy Jean King, Joan of Ark, Sacagewea, and present day folks such as, Danica Patrick, Serena and Venus Williams, Salt 'N Peppa, Michelle Obama (see, you thought I would forget her), Oprah Winfrey, Manon Rheaume, Cammy Granato, and a host of others.

Behaved is a crucial word in this sentence. It does not have...

Healthy Hips: HIPology
Let's get health hips. Period!

The hip region is supposed to be a strong and mobile unit, which comprises of very powerful muscles, very strong and big bones; and it is a prime connector between the lower and upper bodies. Of course, the hip is healthiest when we keep it healthy with sound exercise, nutrition, recovery, and less mechanical and mental stress. However, due to our occupations and old and outdated exercise programs our hips suffer.

'Warming Up The Hip'
I like to spend time on the hip region. That is, if someone comes to me; and they are tight in this area, then we will...

Be fit...Derek

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning Speciliast

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - July #3 2011: An Exclusive

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter
- Hydrate Reminder
- The Arsenal Et Al.

Hydrate Reminder
OK...so, it is hot. Right now, it is cooler up North, but it will be getting hotter...on the side of scorching. The mid-Atlantic (DC, Baltimore, Philly, Jersey) is scorching right now.

All of this info means that we need to hydrate: Make a song about it. Put up a sticky note. Buy some more britas and keep it filled. Why? Simply because...It. Is. Hot. Yes, I made the mistake of going out on a solid run early Sunday morning (about 4 to 4.2 miles) just to be met with the sun's welcome as I ran the gradual incline on the last 0.9 miles of the run. I realized, again, as if I did not remember from my childhood, that the sun is relentless in its efforts.


To my dismay, the sun attacked me. I kept running. To my dismay, the sun laughed at me and said "I am so hot the shade is looking for shade." So...when I looked for shade to run in, it only lasted one stride. Not four, five, or 50 strides...One. Stride. Did I have a headache afterwards? You bet. Did I submerge my esophagus with H2O? I did and could have submerged more. But, I also had some powerade to replenish depleted electrolytes on a day like Sunday.

The sun is usually hottest between the hours of 10am and 4pm. I knew that. Happy that I got my run in as the pace was good even in the heat.

But, sun-itis won.

There is a hidden message here. Know your limits. It has been mentioned before. But, really know your body's limits. Drink plenty of water throughout the day. If you sweat a lot, you may need an electrolyte drink such as G2. Yes, water is good. But, even it will not entirely protect us from loss of salt or potassium from our bodies. Right now is where I plug in my support of coconut water - just think - water with potassium (a lot of it) and sodium with a tropical-grocery taste!

The Arsenal Et Al.
I looked at the website and realized that IT NEEDS A SERIOUS TUNE UP!

As the twitter page/followers grow and as ideas and plans with executions progress, the face needs an uplift without the botox. The blog, Health and Human Performance Arsenal on Blogger, uplifted. Background photo is included. The long name to it...staying for now. The abbreviated name, The Arsenal, is promoted.

The next video coming up is a video on TEEM's top 5 types of push-ups that can be accomplished. One twitter follower specifically asked for it. Not everyone can do them, but they can be accomplished.

Oh, if you have not noticed or read, this whole movement is not just a hobby. It is a sure thing. It is a passion, an entity, and a service (no matter where you live).

Be fit,

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning Specialist

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - July #2 2011: Summer Daze

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter
- Video: Fun With The Heavy Rope
- Grocery Trip
- Training in Seconds and Reps
- Shoe It

Video: Fun With The Heavy Rope
Getting some movement in on a warm July day. Have you done the heavy ropes yet? If you have, then you know how they feel. If you have not, then we have to get you on it. It's an unedited version, but the focus is present.


Grocery Trip
From the blog topic "On A Grocery Trip"...

Wow! They try to get us at the grocery store.

On a recent grocery trip, I had the privilege of using my coupons wisely. Yes, the those money-savers. Putting a thrifty story short, I had a few coupons that read great:

"Save $1.00 on any two packages..."

"Save $1.00 on a 2lbs. package of..."

The first save forced...

Training in Seconds and Reps
A quick lesson in counting reps and performing for time from the blog topic "Repetitions Versus Seconds (Time)"

Reps or repetitions. They are the number of times that we lift, hold, carry, walk, run, move, etc an object or weight, which includes ourselves.

Seconds is simply put as time.

When training, it certainly is important to differentiate between reps and seconds. We do...

Shoe It
Reminder: Shoe Drive...$1 per pair of shoes...10% off an individual training package with at least one pair submitted.

Be Fit,

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Cambridge, MA

Training because it's passion. Serving because it's vast.

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - July #1 2011: Happy 4th of July

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter
- Suffolk University
- Sole4Souls
- Independence Day
- Blog

Suffolk University
Ladies and gentlemen, I am humbly pleased to announce a bike partnership with Suffolk University located in Boston, MA. Suffolk and TEEM have teamed up to create a system of getting abandoned bikes to individuals as well as helping individuals improve and increase their human performance.

A Miscellaneous Claim: Say "No" to bicycle thefts. Say "Yes" to bicycling.

Save your shoes...Please, save your shoes. Another shoe drive is occurring. It is preferred that you donate $1 per pair of shoes. However, this time around if you donate at least one pair of shoes you receive 10% off an individual package. We are getting 100lbs. of shoes to Soles4Sould by the end of the year. Eighty-one pounds to go!

Independence Day
Is there a 4th of July in England?...Do not think too hard about that answer. I did not make up that joke.

Did you happen to see the article about potato chips and cake? Yes, potatoes are supposed to make us fat over the long run as this article, 'You Say Potato, Scale Says Uh-Oh', points out. We all may believe in that saying, you are what you eat but not literally. If we eat "junkily" then, yes, we will look and feel junkily (I like that word). Typically, individuals who eat bad foods will eat worse foods. Typically, individuals who eat a good food (potatoes) and then, most of the time, eat a derivative of that food (potato chips) eventually possess an inadequate diet as the article explains. If we follow the latter, then, yes, potatoes can harm us physically (talk about an overload of potassium and more). Other than that, potatoes are healthy.

As mentioned in the first Yuletide Mania Video Series, we sometimes take a healthy food and make it junkier. To add, sometimes we know we are eating poorly and still do not make changes. So for today, as on any other day, enjoy your food, move before and after you eat (see Top 5 Cookout Activities). Be just be aware.

Do not forget to visit the blog. Other topics will be posted there and some short articles will be posted on the website under the 'Commentary' page. Also, on the blog notice that there is a poll in which you can partake. The poll shall definitely change occasionally.

Happy 4th!

Derek Arledge, CSCS
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Founder, TEEM Performance Training

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - June #4 2011: Summer Breeze Make...

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

- Question

- Spotlight: Sherika Blevins

It's beach season or close to it in some areas. This season leads me to a certain question:

What is your favorite muscle group area/body part on yourself and why? And, what do you do to take care of it?

See, many times this favorite muscle group is a very important part of our body. For instance, let's take the glutes or butt. The glutes are a power house area. They help us walk, run, and jump better. Surrounded by other important regions such as, our abs, hamstrings, quadriceps, and more, when our glutes suffer expect the other parts to slightly suffer. Suffer? Yup! Take a look at a 100m sprinter like Usain Bolt, the faster human on earth. Other than his sound training regimen and God-given talent, he would not be the sprinter and world record holder today without conditioned glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

So, what is your answer to the above Q?

Spotlight: Sherika Blevins
Do not tell S. Blevins that the mornings are too early. This busy professional fits in early morning workouts to start off her day. The "I can't" only exists when session meeting times do not agree, and that is rare. However, those times are made up with extra spin sessions on the weekend (autonomously selected) or with a tweak in her workout schedule. The good attitude is there as is highly recommended on behalf of both of us (trainer-client rapport is vital). Hey, personally, I have to admit that if I did not have the attitude to love this stuff, then this e-Newsletter would not live. So, here is your slight peek into another individual's workout regimen. The inches have dropped and the movement performance follows.

Be fit,

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

TEEM Performance Training - HAHPN - June #3 2011: Happy Father's Day

Health and Human Performance e-Newsletter

  • Warrior Dash Maryland

  • Coaching Protocol - Seeking Success, To Prepare, To Opt

  • Beantown Bandits - Play Like You Want It!

  • Change to the TEEM Vibe

First, Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there! Your energy and motivation is important to you, your family, and to your community!!

Warrior Dash Maryland
Here it is - it's going down in 2012 and we're training for it. Start now and the race will be easier when it comes around. We need to get you a TEEM strength and conditioning program for this Maryland Warrior Dash!

Coaching Protocol - Seeking Success, To Prepare, To Opt
As a strength and conditioning specialist, it is important to offer clients the best coaching and teaching. As a sports coach, it is equally best to seek success, prepare well, and have the opportunity to win games. Coaching Protocol

Beantown Bandits - Play Like You Want It!
Yes, you might have heard that Boston won another title. Whether you are a fan of their teams or not, the success of Boston's professional sport teams (Bruins, Patriots, Red Sox, and Celtics) is something to notice not just for athletic purposes but for achieving your own endeavors. Beantown Bandits

Change to the TEEM Vibe
The blog has changed a little bit with more changes to come. Some blogs may only show up on the blog site and not also in these emails. New on the blog - a poll, navigation search, and follow the blog by email option.

Website changes are under construction.

Happy Father's Day,
Derek Arledge, CSCS

Founder, TEEM Performance Training
Strength and Conditioning Specialist