Summer camp season has arrived. I loved the camps I attended, always learned a lot, and took my new skills into every season. So, below are some tips that you can keep in mind this summer for any sports camp you or your child attends:
🏀Use your left. It's the same as work on your skill that needs more work. So, you can drive strong to the 🏀 hoop with your hand. Cool. Practice with your left at camp.
⚽️Don't laugh. Oh, you can do better? So, you're the best in the rink, in the arena, or on the field, huh?
🏒Set goals. Parents, set pre-camp goals with your children. Talk about them. Make sure your children come up with a reasonable goal, but don't be afraid to push a goal if you think a goal your boy or girl has set is too easy or he or she has already achieved it.
🏐Always have fun. Plain and simple...having fun should always be a goal. Ask your child everyday if he or she had fun in camp.
🏑Improve Skills. Go to camp, kids to improve sport skills. If your running form lacks, and you attend track camp, then leave track camp with better form.
🏈Ask Coaches. At the end of the camp week, ask coaches what your child can do to continue to improve skills. If the opportunity exists to talk to coaches during the camp, then try it. Summer camp is a time to grow.
🏃🏾♂️Take Risks in Learning. Don't be embarrassed to mess up. Sports camp is not a tryout camp. If an athlete messes up, a coach should coach them up. If you are going to soccer camp, and you have difficulty with corner kicks...make it a goal to improve corner kicks and go up to the corner without hesitation. The same mindset 💯 holds for any other sport skill.
🤼🏼♀️Ask Questions. For the athlete, ask questions about the game you are trying to improve. Volleyball camp: What type of serve do you find most effective? Baseball camp: What techniques can improve a swing?
Many camps have college students, so ask about athletics and college life or what type of student-athlete the player was in high school to get to their current level.
⚾️Play to Win. In my favorite ice hockey camp as a youth player, the last day consisted of a game that we played in front of our parents when they came to pick us up and take us home (it was an away camp). On this day, we were supposed to showcase the new skills we picked up. So, let me say this point...compete! Play to win at camp. You get better that way.
🥍Compete in Drills. If you half-effort drills you learn in camp, how do you expect to improve? Basketball camp: Using a chair as a defender in a 1v1 station? Then, treat that chair like an actual player. Do not mosey past it. Drive past that chair like it is your rival. Ice hockey: Using cones? Don't let the defensive prowess of a cone take the puck from you. Skate past it without a hiccup.
Got it?
🏊🏿♂️Take Your Athleticism Home. The skills you learn in one sport will translate to other sports. If your child receives good camp coaching in a sport, watch how they improve in a second sport.
⛳Don't Get in Trouble. I remember going to basketball camp when I was younger and a couple of kids were kicked out for out of control behavior. So, do not waste a good opportunity by getting kicked out...of camp!
Non-sports related: I attended an engineering camp prior to college. One day another camper asked if I wanted to leave campus and go with his friends and him to Virginia. Heck no! We were not allowed to leave campus. When we all returned from our breakout sessions, this dude had stolen a van and ran into the dorms to hide from the police.
Be smart, campers.
Have fun. Show your improvement at the end of the session.
Derek | @teemptraining |
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