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Thursday, June 30, 2022

Milk It: Dairy Confusion? 🥛 🥚 🧀

There is much to speak about dairy as seen in this article here:
 Dairy Nutrition

Do you eat dairy? Does your body agree with dairy? Do you perform well when eating dairy 🥛 🧀?

As in other performance topics...the answer depends. That's it...it depends. I have heard, and you have probably heard of people who feel better when they do not include dairy in their diet. Vegans do not include dairy because it comes from an animal cow 🐄. 

However, do not get dairy twisted. Many athletes consume dairy and most likely time its consumption based on practice and game times, so they can achieve optimal performance. Babies...look at babies. Most babies graduate from breast milk to cow's milk. Some may not agree with cow's milk and end up drinking other milk forms.

Dairy, let's refer to milk 🥛,  has plenty of nutrients that your body can use such as vitamins A and D. Yes, I know, other foods like broccoli 🥦 , tofu, and kale have calcium, which benefits bone strength. Calcium is the mainstay of conversations on dairy. A dietitian will tell you that if you are not consuming cow's milk,l that almond milk and other milks are fine. But, make sure you get the nutrients, which you would normally get in cow's milk, from other foods. 

So, this topic does not have to confuse anyone. If dairy works for you, then consume it. If it does not work for you, then be cautious. If you consume it and perform with sluggishness, guess what? It might be the dairy. 

Milk...it does a body good! (Younger gens can look up that popular phrase on YouTube.)

Derek |@teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

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