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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Sunday Service Sweat

I admire the energy people have when they wake up early on Sunday mornings and workout. 

For me, Sunday morning is a time to attend church service or church service and a game (to coach or to watch my children). I do prioritize attending a church service somewhere even when my schedule has bookings - I saw this technique accomplished well as an assistant coach in college when the head coach, Billie Willits, and her husband, rest their souls in peace, always found a church service to attend when we were on the road.

Due to the time my regular church service begins, I can wake up early and get in a workout. Boom! Great feeling.

I used to think that exercisers skipped church service in order to exercise. Well...they would be taking care of their bodies. But, why not do both body and faith well? 

First, who says they are not doing them well? My initial thought process on the subject changed with the quickness years ago. Some exercisers may attend an early service, a late service, a Saturday service, a weekday service. Now that Covid arrived...a virtual service, which has increased in numbers. 

Second, a workout before heading to a place of worship? Huh? Of course! Why not? It's refreshing. You feel like you are doing what you are supposed to do - taking care your body and soul with physical attention in addition to spiritual attention achieved later in the day.

The Breakdown. All religions are reflected in the examples below. Plug in your service times and days since they differ:

8:00am Faith Goers. You all have the early rise. For you, exercising at this time resembles exercise during the work week. However, fewer individuals are awake and out & about. Enjoy the atmosphere.

10:00am. Many individuals fall into this category. You feel like it is impossible to exercise before 10am service, but you can get it in. Take advice from an 8amer. Hey, I know...you think you will fall asleep during the sermon when or if the lights dim in the sanctuary if you exercise that morning. You could surprise yourself and stay awake. Your morning has many pluses!

5:00pm. You have had the entire day to exercise, run errands, get in your spiritual mindset, and then attend service. It is as if you have or do not like excuses. All day to do everything. End your day off well!

The juggle between faith & fitness, faith & sport for all types of people has its smooth and rough edges.

Much success to you!

Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

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