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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

📢Change in the Gym Environment

I like the outdoor, in-home, and virtual training world. They also have their cons; however, a big pro is the turn toward an experience and relationship. 

In the Gym
. Gym goers tend to get boggled down with a longer than normal workout due to socialization. A gym buddy sees you and begins to chat. Or, you whip out your cell phone and take selfless and videos...wait, selfies in order to gain followers even though the selfie does bot hold evidence that you worked out. Lol. I love saying that sentence. Places like Crossfit, Orange Theory, Mayweather Boxing & Fitness, [Solidcore], and others are no nonsense, get in, workout for the designed program, and get out programs. Sure, you can chat but not like in a typical gym setting.

The in-gym setting trends toward the get-in and get-out way of the workout.

I think it works.

You arrive with a set workout planned for the day. It starts at 7:00am, per se. You're done at 7:45am or 8:00am and leave (or prepare to leave after your shower). No dilly-dally

This model designs your gym experience for you. You do not have to contemplate your workout for the day. It's set. Just do it (there's that phrase again.) You do not have to wait for weights, kettlebells, cardio equipment, cable machines, bands...nothing. 

In-Home. The experience of no lines, good experience, good relationship continues with in-home training. Remember: a specialist, trainer, or coach comes to your private place and deals with your equipment or ones shared. Your home. 

. Your time is displayed in front of others, but your experience inspires others who observe. Your time to shine is in the spotlight of the largest gym in the world: the outdoors. 

Virtual. Again, another strong human performance relationship is built. With texting, video calls on cell phones or in direct message boxes, and video conferences, your sweat experience turns more private similar to having an on-call doctor. But, the receiver is not a doctor. 

I will put in the plug that virtual sessions have a strong versatility with the TEEM set-up. This program is where training plans and valuable communication play a factor in your human performance pursuit.

So, you have options. Good options.

Derek |@teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

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