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Sunday, August 14, 2022

What's Your Location Motivation?

If you take a brief look at the post on 21 FAQs and focus on FAQ #16, you will notice that it mentions motivators. As I was driving around with my dad on this nice August Sunday after taking him to church - he just turned 93yy - I could not help but to think about the beach and the country (my family and I just returned from Harper's Ferry, WV). Both of them have their differences, and I realize that I prefer one over the other as it depends on my location. My why for both locations must make sense:

Let me explain:

When I resided in Massachusetts, I loved travel to the beach. 


Because it was nearby. My family could reach the beach in 30 minutes. If we wanted to explore my favorite beach, we drove 50 minutes. If we wanted to drive to the beach we chose on Cape Cod, we drove about 2 hours. The kicker: I have always liked the beach. Up in MA, it had close proximity, peace, a good feel, located in a quiet town (depends on which beach), and served as a quick Sunday trip from our residence.

Prior to my move to Massachusetts, growing up in the DC area, the beach was not nearby. Ocean City and Virginia Beach call for a three-hour drive! I know, non-coastal states...boo-hoo.

I'm not complaining.

Everyone travels to beaches in those areas. They are crowded and far. Now, that I have returned to the area, the beaches are still crowded and far. Lol.

So, I realize why I liked and, to this day, still like the country. Both the beach and the green of the country motivate. But, the drive to the beach in Massachusetts is the same as the drive to the country in DC and serves the same purpose that I like: calm, peace, exploration, fun, and away from the hustle of the suburban and urban life.

Figure out your favorite locations. Then, figure out why they stand as your favorite. Your why answer may ignite a productive season and upcoming season of success!

Much good success to you!

Derek |@teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

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