You will like this blog, which includes diverse writing pieces on health & fitness, athletics, and plenty of other health-related topics. Originally started in 2005/06, HAHPS will take on a bigger personality in 2022. Always check back to new posts, opportunities, and tips that will help you workout and perform better on the field, court, ice, sand, track... did I miss any surface? You get it. Enjoy reading!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Let's Move!
On Tuesday, July 13, 2010, Mrs. Obama sat down for a 30-minute interview to talk about her plan. You can see the interview in the previous blog.
I like this initiative. I don't think it is the answer to all of our childhood obesity and inactivity issues, but it is a great...addition.
There were four things that I want to concentrate on with this initiative:
1)Mrs. Obama talked about getting children engaged. I agree with her in saying that kids should be engaged in cooking. I remember being a part of a cooking class as a kid in addition to watching my parents and grandmother cook.
My experiences helped to appreciate how food is prepared in the kitchen and helped to appreciate the cook (you know when you put salt, pepper, sauces, and other condiments on certain foods you are undermining the cook's skills to a degree?). Hey, I'm not saying that I don't do it. But, I don't always do it either.
2)First Lady Obama talked about how grown-ups need to change their habits in order to make this initiative work. I wholeheartedly agree!Kids look up to their parents and guardians. Let's say a kid wants to play, but the parent is not tired from a long day at work. The parent chooses to make lounging and watching TV a priority over giving the kid some attention....Now, I know I do not have any kids yet. But, for the betterment of their health the kids deserve that attention...Changing actions, thoughts, words, and ideals is very important in this case. It can happen.Pacing, organization, and control will be key as well.
3)Our First Lady Obama talked about establishing a generational goal. Basically, five years is too short to achieve this goal with tremendous results. I mean, an entire generation has been affected due to a change in ideals, thoughts, actions, and words...Would a kid rather play video games for 4 hours or play outdoors? Four hours seems to be the unfair answer.
Don't get me wrong. I played video games too growing up, but the chance to get outdoors and play took precedence. We used video games as a rest period!
4)Michelle Obama talked about professional leagues supporting healthy kids. Mrs. Obama, good looking out on this one! Who do most kids admire? Athletes. In what do athletes play in, well some? Professional leagues. To see an individual with blessed physicality like an athlete (or a non-professional athlete) is amazing to a kid versus someone who does not have that appearance...serving by example and influence is key here.
OK, that's it!
CSCSing it,
HAHPN - July 2010 #3 - Busy Topic Month!

* Blog
* Pulling and Pushing
* Michelle
* Snapshot!
Wow, July is a busy month. OK, just established a! :). Meaning, you can see ALL of the past topics covered since 2007. I included the postings from facebook during the Jan `10 to March `10 transition period. I may still post the same things through email. But, Derek, why would you have a blog site and post it through email? Because I know that you may not want to click on the blog hyperlink every email. However, the blog site will include pics (see Snapshot!), is more detailed, and does not include announcements. The emails will continue to be short.
I hope the blogspot is easy to access because it sure is nice to give you the capability to look at old posts...well emails.
Pulling and Pushing
I'm going to try something right now. I know I have been pulling and pushing some folk. Last time I mentioned that I had posted a survey in order to garner interest in a fitness boot camp/fitness mini camp (tad bit sensitive to the name "boot camp". Might need changing) for those individuals up here in MA and down in DC. I know there are many of these "camps" everywhere. But, I'm making mine a lot different. But, by all means, if you have a routine I am not taking you away or pressuring you. It is not my intention. Also, I'm not that type of trainer/coach. I do believe in a network of function. The meaning of the "camps" runs much deeper, and the action is broad. Psst, in case you're wondering I don't just do "boot camps"...
...And for those of you who do not live in MA or in the DC area be patient because like Big & Rich, the country music singers, these "camps" might be comin to your city.Without further adieu (if you filled one of them out, thank you for the umpteenth time. I will give you the results as soon as we reach our goal for either area), I give you:
The DC Survey
The Cambridge/Boston Survey
P.S. The haircut and hair salon question is for real!
Did you miss First Lady Michelle Obama? Well, here she is ---- Let's Move!
Will blog on this video/topic and post on the blogspot.
The first set of photos from the Fitness Boot Camp Trifecta (still want to change that name "Boot Camp") earlier in the month are attached and one is below. I will also put them and any other future pictures on the blogspot.
That's a smile of tired muscles
That's it!
Stay positive my friends,
Facebook: TEEM Performance Training
Twitter: @TEEMPTraining
Thursday, July 22, 2010
HAHPN - July 2010 #2
HAHPN - July 2010 #1
•Part II of "Rev Up Your Warm Up - (because it bores me!)"
It's hot! Just wanted to put that out there.
"Rev Up Your Warm-up - (because it bores me!)" Part II
Alright! Part I was sent back in early June. Now, it’s July. So, have you been to a baseball game and arrived early enough to see the players warm up while you eat your peanuts and people watch? In fact, baseball is not the best analogous sport for dynamic stretching as it pertains to performance (but hey, it’s summer and baseball is the sport of the season right now.) Football, on the other hand, is a great way to experience how a good warm can affect performance (Note: training camps starting soon)…Now, let’s go to yourself:
Whether you play basketball, football, hockey, or soccer recreationally or participate in triathlons, duathlons, walks, or long runs, a dynamic warm-up should be a ritual (just slightly above a routine). It should be set and ordered and varied depending on the activity you are doing, your fitness level, and current functional level. How do I know that I am dynamically warming up? Pay attention to your sweat. Have you ever perspired when holding a stretch for 30 seconds? No! Maybe you have because it was a hot day like today. Breaking a minor sweat before fully exerting yourself is fine.
If you attend any gym, all you need is approximately 15 minutes for this type of warm up. These famed 15 minutes can but are not limited to including the following: two to three minutes of jogging, biking, running, rowing, jump roping… (basically, the cardio machines)... followed by approximately 10 minutes of dynamic warm ups.
Oh my gosh, Derek, what are some of these dynamic warm-up exercises?! I will give you some of the more common names:
• Knee tucks
• Butt-kickers
• Skipping
• Leg swings in standing
• Arm circles
• Arm hugs
• Arm swings
That’s it for now! Hope you enjoyed these two parts. As for demonstrating the warm-up exercises, I will actively work on a Youtube channel.
In bodies moving,
Facebook: TEEM Performance Training
Twitter: @TEEMPTraining
HAHPN June 2010 #2
We have some 'Newbies' to the e-newsletter list. I welcome everyone who has never received an e-newsletter from this email address. I will have to strategically get you caught up on past topics. Right now, I am taking a hiatus from the extravagant newsletter template that surfaced earlier this year and last year. Enjoy!
Got Time
Do you have time? Of course you do! An individual, on average, spends a few hours a day on the Internet. So, while you are doing what you like to do on the WWW, check out these topics from the website's discussion forum:
The Fourth
World Cup Poll
World Cup
Relief Efforts
Shark's Tank
Kid Plays
Holiday Planning
In health and fitness,
HAHPN June 2010 #1
•Rev Up Your Warm Up (because it bores me!)
Well, hello to you all! It has been about two and half months since the last e-newsletter. Some things have changed, and other things have improved. The website has undergone some minor updates with more topics in the discussion forum section. The TEEM facebook page continues to be updated. Lastly, skype. Skype is a good way to answer and demonstrate in health and fitness related inquiries. Touch base at skype to DAbe4others.
Check this out. I know it's short notice. If the Celtics win tonight, receive a complimentary outdoor boot camp training session. I know everyone is split up geographically on this distribution list, so this promo is valid for anyone in the Boston and DC areas. All you have to do is email the word "Boot Camp" to by Friday, June 18th at 6:18AM EST.
Rev Up Your Warm Up (because it bores me!) - Part I
As part of a minor change to HAHPN, I will be including more detailed blogs that will eventually make it to the website. Here, is part I of Rev Up Your Warm Up (because it bores me!)
Rev Up Your Warm-Up (because it bores me!) – Part I
The warm up has fined tuned itself over the years. If you regularly attend a gym, you may see a few members doing a couple of old-fashioned static stretches before they begin their exercise routine. No! By any means, do not copy them. You are only asking for performance and muscle trouble. I will give you this rule of thumb. You may repeat the mantra on your own:
Static stretching, the way our coaches told us to stretch, is not the best form of stretching before a workout routine (repeat 3x).
Active and dynamic stretching routines are the new and more effective form of a dynamic warm up (repeat 3x).
Why didn’t my coach tell me this when I was an adolescent? I could have shown my skills on ESPN Sportscenter (um, yea, not quite).
So, you could be wondering. What are the benefits of a dynamic warm-up. Hone in for a second:
•Increase blood flow and core temperature
•Increase nervous energy (= increase nerve transmission rate)
•Increase muscle activation
•Increase muscle awareness
•Increase movement fluidity (= decrease muscle stiffness)
•Increases muscle-tendon suppleness
•Enhances free coordination of movements
In some cases, static stretching is preferred by an individual. But, this choice is entirely up to the discretion of the trainer/coach and the client/athlete. Would you like some homework? The next time you go to a baseball game (it is summertime in case you have been deprived of warm weather, so far) get there early to see the players warm up. If they do not do dynamic routines, then either 1) they’re asking for trouble 2) Or, their strength coach does not like his players to execute high performance. [Stay tuned for Part II]
In health and fitness,
TEEM Performance Training
March Last Part
Video Clips
January 12, 2010
Thought this clip would be important since it includes our nation's top doctor and health professional...right? All that needs to be said here is...if you don't practice it then it will be more difficult to implement it in the lives of millions. That "it" is general health, fitness, and wellness. By the way, getting fit and staying fit is a way of life not just how you are at the particular moment.
It's a lifestyle
February 3, 2010
Good form of news on another important reason to be as fit as possible. Hey, it reaches across the globe!
Global Fitness
February 8, 2010
I truly believe that the Mediterranean diet is the healthiest diet (or one of the healthiest diets) on the planet. Too often, we decorate our meals with extra salt, sugar, and other additives. Don't get me wrong. I love food and satisfying my gustation. But, I also…
1) Respect the cook (unless it's store bought potato salad)
2) Like to think clearly
3) Understand that a lot of foods taste good without additives (don’t get too caught up with additives; it’s not the end of the world if your greens, to your liking, don’t taste like a sweet)
4) Understand that the physique you could use a little Mediterranean. Stay eating, my friends.
February 11, 2010
Now, we're talkin'! Sometimes, it is not ALL about what you eat or how often you eat. Those two things are important for overall health. But, all of the time it is about how you move and when you move. Outdoor parks and recreational areas like the one in this article are great. Someday there will be a generation of human beings that will be stronger, faster, and more able then our generation today. That is a good thing.
February 20, 2010
Just putting this article link out there as a goal to avoid taking too many medications. Sometimes, prescriptions are unavoidable. However, it is in our best interest to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible in order to avoid taking medications. In other cases, people have been taken off medications because they improved their health. This achievement accounts for health conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, hypertension, and more. Is it possible to decrease the number of pills you may pop…of course!
Done here.
More March
Many times people ask: "What is the best thing that I can do to work on my tummy?" Well, we'll be short on this one. Below, I have provided a top 5 list of keeping a healthy and strong looking tummy area.
1) Eat right - usually your diet is the main reason for the appearance of your stomach.
2) Activity Level - So, you run long distance? That's great. Do you sprint as well? Of course, being able to sprint depends on your level of joint pain and how much impact your body can take. But, ask yourself, have ever seen a sprinter with "unpacked" abs?
3) Work Commute - most of us live in metro areas where the commute is long. Very long. So, you sit in traffic for hours on end every week. Well, the amount of time that we sit affects our gut. Basically, your abs stop working and the seat you sit in becomes your new abs.
4) Stress - decrease it.
5) Laugh - I always say laughter gives you a six pack. Ok, it helps. Use that hearty laugh.
Be easy.
The Inning Stretch – (March 4, 2010)
Stretching is definitely an activity of fitness that is overlooked. As you age, you will not get more flexible unless you stretch. You can workout all you want to. Do as many repetitions and increase weight for eternity. But, if you do not stretch in the beginning and at the end of your workouts and sometimes during the day, your efforts will be stalled.
Yes, I mentioned stretching before you workout. It's not a static stretch where muscles have the potential to be injured if you follow up with a workout. I'm talking about active and dynamic stretching - hold a stretch for a short period of time while you move, working on strength, coordination, position/alignment and balance.
Static stretching - holding for a longer period of time = accomplished at the end of the workout. You will see this varied (i.e., athletes).
So, you sit at your desk a lot...ah, take a stretch break. Stretch out your hip flexors, hamstrings, quadriceps, calves, pecs, neck, back. Move it and stretch it. Preserve the range of motion.
Good mobility,
March 2010 (Cont'd)
Urgent Message: If you are in a place where it is snowing or has snowed a lot and you are stuck inside, guess what?...What?...Do not quit on getting a workout in. Yes, there is plenty of shoveling to do. But, there is always plenty of lounging that will occur. Whatever happened to the good ole snowball fight? Sledding? Cross Country skiing (if you have skis)? And, the walk around the neighborhood in the snow? Hey, it is all possible. Hop to it.
Looking for cold and no snow...head North.
Olympic Fever (February 23, 2010)
So, the Vancouver Olympic games are about 68% complete. USA is looking good. The luge looks dangerous. And, curling...curling has intrigued many curious onlookers. In addition to watching the herald games, how much have they inspired you to either continue with your own regimen, start a new one, or modify your current regimen?
Observing an Olympic athlete serves as a reminder that the pursuit to be as fast as you can be, to jump as high as you can, and to be as strong as you can be (no, not talking about the Army) is a tough but fun pursuit. We're talking citius, altius, fortius.
Now, you do not have to be an Olympic athlete. Oh, not at all. You only have to find the time in your schedule to train like the minor...sometimes very minor athlete that you are. Yes, you can train like athlete just not as fast and as much. With this idea in mind, step up the intensity or the volume. Move around like you mean it - don't wait for that next perfect sunny day.
The Season (February 24, 2010)
ESPN used to have a show called "The Season" in which cameras followed a certain high school team throughout their respected season. Talk about good exposure yet a lot of responsibility for a 14-17 year old. Your edition of the season, or rather our edition of the season, is coming up!
Unfortunately, ESPN will not be there but perhaps your digital cameras will be. It's that time of year when road races begin to occur. These races include 3k, 5k, 5-milers, 10k, half-marathons, marathons, triathlons, and duathlons bombard the weekend agenda. In addition, it is important to train for these races. It is not smart to attempt to perform these races cold (meaning, without proper training).
In the only triathlon I have participated in so far (a young 38 year-old male died of cardiac arrest that he experienced on the first leg of the race. If you're familiar with tri's - it happened in the water!). It turns out that is important to train properly, which includes training your heart at various levels of intensity, cross-train, strength train, stretch, relax, and eat well! But, most importantly and especially if you are not accustomed to such high degrees of training you should get your heart checked out by your primary care physician or even a cardiologist. We're not talking the simple check the old blood pressure and resting pulse rate. We're talking heart function as in echo-cardiograms. What are your heart muscles doing? How is the blood supply to the heart? Is there too much fat around your heart and abdomen? Are your heart valves functioning properly?
Hey, it feels good to get in gear.
March 2010
We're getting caught up here now. March 2010 saw the transition from topics in the e-newsletter to topics posted on the Facebook page Facebook topics include videos, articles, notes, short announcements, pictures, and updates.
Since this March posting encompassed everything posted on facebook between January and Feb/March, I will break it up into about three, maybe four, blogs.
Get your popcorn ready!
It was just a brief hiatus, but everything is back. Time constraints have changed, so the detailed attached newsletter will have to wait
until a later date. It has been easier and faster to post some quick notes and video streams on the facebook page. However, I will post the same notes and streams via email from now on.
These notes and video streams will arrive randomly in your inbox and more than once per month as did the detailed newsletter. Lastly, there is room for open discussion in the ‘discussion’ section on the facebook page. In the meantime, enjoy the scripts below:
Conventional Training. Do you still perform the same routine you have been performing or the past few years? It could be the one you saw in a magazine or other article. Or, it could involve the normal bench press, squat, dips, lift something else heavy. If this is the case, it is definitely time to move on with your regimen. This form of training (i.e., always lifting heavy and in isolation) is meant for the bodybuilders. You, on the other hand, can train better and more appropriately than this situation.
Quick Notes
Super Bowl (February 4, 2010)
You know that game that will be played this coming Sunday, February 7, 2010 between the Saints and the Colts? Well, it's a game that brings on many gatherings/parties. Parties and gatherings are good. Party hard. Party safe. But, what you do before you go out (and leading up to the day) is important. So, you plan on eating everything that day....that's great1 Just know when to say "when". Now, do you know when to get in a good workout or two before the big game? Right now, meaning today!
The more you generate your metabolism the better you will digest your food especially when consuming the "Super Bowl type foods". Your will feel so much better during the game and after the game.
So, get in a couple of strength training and cardiovascular workouts between now and Sunday. Treat your body well!
Enjoy the game!
From December 2009 - Almost forgot this holiday post
#2b ...And then you have the pros and college amateurs. The games are faster, longer, and more expensive but are very fun.
Challenge- This challenge is not broad or hard to understand (wait, have any of these challenges been that way?). The challenge for this session or month is to simply actively relax. Hey, with your large shopping lists (?), with your decorations that need to hang, and with the many errands you will run between now and late December...CAN YOU ACTUALLY RELAX AND GET THINGS DONE?
December 2009
If anyone needs the text format, I can post it. But...BUT you will not be able to see the graphics. I may return to this format or similar in the future.
This 'transition' is a post I have never emailed. The next 2 or 3 topics are long. September €2009 to October 2009 marked a time period when I changed the blogs from email to Microsoft Publisher (MP) but still copied and pasted the entire MP document into the email (the graphics were the only thing missing). However, I had to convert the MP file to a One Note file because for some reason my computer does not convert to PDF files. One Note is NOT a PDF unfortunately. Yes, I do have adobe acrobat reader. PDF > One Note.
I realize that is a lot easier for people to look at emails rather than download a file. If that is the case, expect the file to rarely be downloaded. However, with the recent addition of this blog site, there is no downloading. Just click away - so easy a caveman would love it!
(I'll see if I can get this One Note thing attached to this blog. Cross your fingers, pray a little prayer. All of it is needed.)