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Thursday, July 22, 2010

June 2009

  • Become a Player
  • Fitness: It is NOT an Event
  • Channel Travel Challenge
  • Spotlight: Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough

Become a Player

Every summer I like to remind all of the young athletes about a phrase that I learned in basketball camp as a kid. Then, the phrase was geared toward basketball players: "You become a basketball player in the summer. You are one in the winter." It applies to players preparing for the next season. Believe it or not, this phrase can be applied to all sports in different ways due to their respected seasons. It is safe to say that all sports are on a brief hiatus during most of the summer; at least for the high school and college teams. In addition, this quote applies to travel teams as well.

Football, soccer, cross country, water polo, youth and junior travel ice hockey teams, AAU basketball teams, and field hockey teams you are up next to represent your sport in kicking off the 2009-2010 student-athlete year! Got brain and brawn?

Wait, before the rest of us speed read through this topic. Becoming a player applies to you as well. OK! You are not a player, but you certainly are not a spectator. Get up and get out! The summertime is a great time of the year to begin (if you have not) to maintain your body, mind, and soul. Once the potential uproar of the Fall arrives, everything alludes to chaos.

Fitness is NOT an Event

...And, life is not a track meet; it's a marathon! I prefer life as a triathlon. But anyway, yes there are fitness events as seen in previous years on ESPN and other channels. However, those are sanctioned. 'Fitness is NOT an event' means that it is better to perform fitness throughout your life and not solely at one point during the course of a year. True, obstacles will get in the way such as busy schedules, funds, family hardships, and loose emotional states. Even if you are doctoring a bum foot, ankle, knee, or hip, you can continue to participate. Help is sought in these cases.

Likewise, I have noticed that one of the first things that people cut from their lives when in a financial crisis includes taking care of their health. Why? I do not know. Many answers differ and exist per household. In honor of your overall image, do not cut this thing called 'Fitness' or any other name you may call it because it is perceived as an event.

Look at this scenario in the following manner: if you cherish living with a sound body, mind, and soul but take out one essential part of your body, mind, and soul, you are, therefore, depreciating your sound body, mind, and soul! It is nothing about which to feel guilty. It is something to live with, maintain, and progress.

Channel Travel Challenge

If you can say this three times smoothly, then you're smooth. We have seen the 'Walk-To-Work/School/Church/Meeting/Lunch Challenge'. We have seen the 'Breakfast Challenge'. Now, I add to your repertoire the 'Channel Travel Challenge'. Go on, say it fast three times. Some of us maybe stationed for the summer due to the economy, but there are a select few that will uphold their summer travel plans.

Take note: If you are traveling by plane, do some light stretching and a short walk before taking to the air. Heck, stand up from time-to-time. You are already going to sit for a prolonged period of time. Adding on to that time by sitting at the terminal for 2 hours can... well, why? The same note is copied to train rides. At least, you can walk around the train and have a little more leg and upper body room. The car - ohhh, the car. With all of the sitting you will experience, you will need a movement break!

Spotlight: Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough

"Keep on with the force don't stop....Don't stop 'til you get enough."

I had to pay homage to Michael Jackson with this one. In keeping this spotlight to the point and leaving it open for any other interpretation, all of us owe it to ourselves to put in as much energy and beyond as we need and have.

Use What Has Been Given,

Derek Arledge, CSCS

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