* Blog
* Pulling and Pushing
* Michelle
* Snapshot!
Wow, July is a busy month. OK, just established a blogsite...here! :). Meaning, you can see ALL of the past topics covered since 2007. I included the postings from facebook during the Jan `10 to March `10 transition period. I may still post the same things through email. But, Derek, why would you have a blog site and post it through email? Because I know that you may not want to click on the blog hyperlink every email. However, the blog site will include pics (see Snapshot!), is more detailed, and does not include announcements. The emails will continue to be short.
I hope the blogspot is easy to access because it sure is nice to give you the capability to look at old posts...well emails.
Pulling and Pushing
I'm going to try something right now. I know I have been pulling and pushing some folk. Last time I mentioned that I had posted a survey in order to garner interest in a fitness boot camp/fitness mini camp (tad bit sensitive to the name "boot camp". Might need changing) for those individuals up here in MA and down in DC. I know there are many of these "camps" everywhere. But, I'm making mine a lot different. But, by all means, if you have a routine I am not taking you away or pressuring you. It is not my intention. Also, I'm not that type of trainer/coach. I do believe in a network of function. The meaning of the "camps" runs much deeper, and the action is broad. Psst, in case you're wondering I don't just do "boot camps"...
...And for those of you who do not live in MA or in the DC area be patient because like Big & Rich, the country music singers, these "camps" might be comin to your city.Without further adieu (if you filled one of them out, thank you for the umpteenth time. I will give you the results as soon as we reach our goal for either area), I give you:
The DC Survey
The Cambridge/Boston Survey
P.S. The haircut and hair salon question is for real!
Did you miss First Lady Michelle Obama? Well, here she is ---- Let's Move!
Will blog on this video/topic and post on the blogspot.
The first set of photos from the Fitness Boot Camp Trifecta (still want to change that name "Boot Camp") earlier in the month are attached and one is below. I will also put them and any other future pictures on the blogspot.
That's a smile of tired muscles
That's it!
Stay positive my friends,
Facebook: TEEM Performance Training
Twitter: @TEEMPTraining
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