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Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Women's Sports: C'mon Now, Folks!

(As first started in April 2015)...

Watch It For Yourself
Why don't women's collegiate and professoinal team sports get as much attention as men's sports? You will be so inclined to say money as an answer, which affects everything from media presence to marketing and advertising.

But, the same sport is played whether for the men or women.

Alright. Same sport. Different money 💰. Sometimes, different times of year. Different marketing. But, the same sport is at stake, which means people are not as big of fans of the sport as they say. You're a big basketball 🏀 fan but not overall. You like soccer ⚽️ but not all of soccer. So, it's not the actual sport in the way. People must not like the way a sport is played. Why not? That's the beauty of sports - men play a little more over the top in some cases; women tend to have the fundamentals down packed. What's wrong with that scenario? Same sport. Two different modes. Best of both worlds, right?

The Individual in You
Is it a team sport issue? I hope not, but I bet you know more about women's tennis 🎾, women's gymnastics 🤸‍♀️, women's track & field 🏃‍♀️ versus women's soccer...perhaps. The issue should not arise at all. Not at all! So, can we drop the money argument? That undermines an entire sport and draws away fans when the goal should include drawing more fans. 

Current Situation 
Women's U18 World Championship in ice hockey 🏒  have been cancelled again with Covid as the reason. For those unfamiliar with this news, the men get to play. I'd like to see both if them because it's about the sport, but, of course, money comes into play, most likely. Money is not bad - it gets things done. However, the way individuals use money to control everything creates division and clear cracks in fanfare.

Enough of the shenanigans! There are daughters, sisters, granddaughters, and cousins that we want to see play!


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