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Thursday, July 14, 2022

🐔 Health Justice: Popeyes


Popeyes led me to write about this topic: health justice.

I spotted a new Popeyes in an area where I did not expect a new one to surface, and the synapsing ensued.

🐓 Popeyes, Popeyes, Popeyes...Popeyes!? For real!?

Any thing else could have replaced the business the Louisiana kitchen replaced. I do not remember what organization used to occupy the address. 

A bank? Ah, well

The residence of this new Popeyes, which I 100% will not eat because fast food restaurants like Popeyes are no longer a priority versus when I was younger - nothing wrong with that statement, made me think about and research the number of Popeyes in two areas: DC proper and Massachusetts. By the way, you may have a different opinion about Popeyes, which is fine.

But, you have to hear me out on this fact:

While living in Massachusetts, I noticed a Popeyes closed its business in Cambridge...Whoa! A Popeyes closed its doors? See, I used to see several locations as a child in and around Washington, DC. In fact, I grew up near one that was located three minutes from home 🍗 - that location continues to thrive, for now. Circa 2008, I was informed that Boston only had two Popeyes (fine with me). 

Could DC survive with a mere two Popeyes? 

The whole eat-better phenomenon is first in my eyes, and I would rather purchase food at a grocery store, which sits in the same lot as the newbie eatery. After this latest new Popeyes discovery - outside of DC city limits - I Googled locations and found out that Washington, DC (pop. 701,974) has 10 Popeyes.

Ten Louisiana kitchens! 🐔 🐥 🍗 🐣 🐤 🐓 🐔 🐥 🍗 🐣 

Guess what? The entire state of Massachusetts (pop. 6.8 million) has 10 Popeyes.

My wife asked me why it bothered me. For one, I had the inclination that DC deserved better. I understand that people like Popeyes - it fed me as a child at times and maybe a couple of times as a college-aged adult. However, it pinpoints a challenge with the density of fast food locations. For individuals in areas where a larger amount of residents have health issues, a newbie eatery such as this one does not assist the well-being of a community.  

I would have this same energy if a Burger King, McDonald's, Wendy's, or other fast food restaurant of this caliber surfaced in the same location.

The Scoreboard

DC - 10

MA - 10


DC - 70,197 residents per Popeyes

MA - 680,000 residents per Popeyes.


Food priorities, I guess, take over?

Now, I know certain areas may see particular restaurants thrive because of population preference. But, if that holds true, then people should speak up about the businesses popping up in their neighborhoods.

Perhaps, this Popeyes was granted access by Love that chicken from Popeyes. Taste of New Orleans fans. 

My picky rant has ended.

Derek |@teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

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