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Thursday, July 14, 2022

Orioles en Fuego!

📷 @orioleparkcamdenyards IG

The Os are on 🔥. 

Yes, I admit that I am one of those sports fans who grew up an Orioles fan because they were the sole MLB team in the area or region, who continues to see how they are performing, and who pays more attention to the Nationals. However, my first baseball game that my dad took me to was at Memorial Stadium. In fact, we went to several games per year.

I could name many Orioles on ensuing rosters: Cal Ripken Jr, Billy Ripken, Eddie Murray, Sam Horn, Mike Devereaux, Brady Anderson, Mike Mussina, Rafael Palmiero, Roberto Alomar, Harold Baines, Albert Belle, Chris Hoiles, B.J. Surhoff, Miguel Tejada, Gregg Olson...is that it?

There is the former HTS, Home Team Sports, tune: 

Home Team Sports (bag, bah, bah, bah), the channel you cheer for. Home Team Sports (bah, bah, bah, bah), the channel you cheer for. We've got the Bullets. We've got the Caps. Orioles magic!...

Who doesn't remember this tune?

And, of course, the HTS intro ?

I was raised in Maryland - why doesn't the best looking state flag in the nation have an emoji!?!?!

Yes, I have Nats championship gear and have attended more Nats games in the past year than I have O's games in the past 20 years. I also did not live in the area for ten years. So, I've attended more Red Sox games than Camden Yards games: 1 😆

I also do not take sports fanfare to the point of absurdity and sleep loss, especially when two teams play so close in proximity - it's OK to cheer for both teams or favor one over the other.

I love Old Bay Seasoning. I put in on vanilla ice cream...Old Bay Seasoning.


You know you do as well. Stop playing.

Both of us can always go, but with the Orioles setting fire to last place on the win column climb, Orioles Park looks more attractive.

Look, I have passed Camden Yards so many times in the past 16 years, driving I95 or cutting through downtown Baltimore.

It's time

Who cares what anyone else thinks. It's your fanfare. It's my fanfare. Camden Yards has been so empty that colons before colonoscopies have wide eyes. 

Not feeling that analogy?

So empty that...water slides in February had more fullness.

Orioles...keep winning! 


By the way, the Orioles were robbed of a World Series when that 10 year old Yankees fan caught...interfered with the catch. I still think the Os would have won 🏆 in 1996 - would have been a great high school highlight.


It's baseball. Let any fan that wants to show support, show support. The fun in sports owns that position. Sports fans take many issues way too serious - all you have to do is tune into sports talk radio 📻 and hear for yourself. 

It's time to get out of the cellar and stay out of the AL East cellar, Orioles!

⚾️ ⚾️  ⚾️  ⚾️  ⚾️ 

Derek |@teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

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