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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Motivation Level II: It Takes Two to Change


Sometimes, you have to grab a buddy. An equal in performance or mindset. A supporter. A person crazy like you. A friend with the same goals.

And, go! 

The results of two look more improved than the results of one. So, who will you take on the workout journey?

Human performance is more accessible now than in the past. You have never seen this type of success. Sure, Covid-19 hurt gym memberships - an IHRSA report showed that the health club industry lost $13.9 billion from mid-March to August 2020.

Holy cow!

People did not quit exercising. Athletes did not quit sports preparation. No! Other alternatives popularized: Virtual training, Pelotons, and some outright waited for gyms to re-open. According to a Global Wellness Institute report, outdoor training has increased since the pandemic. Hiking, for one, has skyrocketed. 

Guess what? You can combine outdoor and virtual training

Heck, I did  a few training sessions with a client while I was driving (but, we have also been training for about five years.)

The. Industry. Has. Changed. I'm following suit with solid outdoor, in-home, and virtual programs. Hybrids, especially when program plans (2x/day, Bodyweight, Jump/Plyo, Strength, and Hill Run) and communication are included have caught more attention. Are you changing too? Grab a buddy because the motivational level, in my opinion, continues to serve as a main reason for why individuals struggle with human performance. Yes, you can roll out of bed and exercise with a virtual trainer on your phone or TV screen. It's that easy. So, just do it, right?

Well, someone or some goal motivates you to get up and get at it! You used to get up early and drive to the gym on the way to work. Now, you can get up and go downstairs or to the next room or walk down the street to the park and set up shop. Why return to your old routine if you do not have to? 

Explore your outdoor, in-home, or virtual mode of achieving your human performance goals. Both, or all, of you in the group!

Derek | @teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

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