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Saturday, July 9, 2022

🗣📢 Goooooaaaaaallllll!

Talking, setting, and achieving goals began the year. (See the original post). A couple of follow-ups ensued...and now it's July.

How are you doing with your end of the bargain? 

I think I set reasonable goals until 12.31.2022. But, a few of them have their difficulty (see below):

1,000 IG followers. I do not think this challenge will be met. The total number grows with so little speed that a snail 🐌 can stretch, take a lunch break, travel to Japan 🇯🇵...and back, climb Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, race the entire NASCAR circuit 🏎, and sun bathe☀️ before significant.

But, I am fine with that. Reach the folks I can immediately serve and grow from that point. I had an original 2022 Instagram goal of reaching 600 followers from 500-something that I had entering the year.

Surpassed that goal. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

My son said, "Go for 1,000." 🤪🤗🤯😳😤

300 posts on this platform. It will be met. Posts have not reached 50% (150) yet, but the topic flow and number of possible topics has more ease...and flow. You will have fun with these posts, especially around the November-December holiday season.

50 hockey blog posts. It could be met with more topic flow. I have re-opened my hockey 🏒 blog with the Chesapeake Regional Hockey Review that I have been operating on IG, Twitter, and Facebook (it has a dormant YouTube page as well). 

Know a hockey player? Check it out. You don't have to play hockey to read or like it.

Celebrate your achievements!

Derek | @teemptraining| derekteempt@gmail.com 

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