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Thursday, July 21, 2022

Stair Workouts & Running Backwards

Your knees will love you, but don't forget to stretch at the end of your workout.

Got it?

Do you live or work near an accessible stadium or location that has plenty of stairs?

Hit it up.

When you arrive, do not, with full on fervor, run up and down the stairs or bleachers and let that fulfill the entire workout. You can do it, but change up your routine for optimal performance. When people hear stairs workout, they think, Ugh! Here we go running about and down until whenever

Program the below deets:

Continuous running tests stamina. You're not out of shape if you cannot run stairs. But, you might have acceleration that needs work. Repeated acceleration, which is a stair workout, can affect the best athletes. So, do not be ashamed.

Slow counts. Use this technique. On a descent, step down every 2, 4, 6, or 8 seconds. You train balance, control, perimuscles around the knee, deceleration (good for post injury), and controlled acceleration upon an ascent.

Lateral steps or runs. Want another form of glute training? Your butt is your powerhouse muscle. The ascent upstairs attacks it - makes it work. In addition, the lateral locomotion activates solid glute action. Work your hips with good foot placement as your ascend bleachers. You can also perform slower tempo lateral steps or powerful knee drive off the lead leg - facing your right side, the left leg is the lead leg. 

Running backwards will make you feel different
. You're used to a slight forward lean when you run or walk. Well, you should not lean too much anyway. But, a backward run invites the upright and takes the pressure off your knees. Will your quads ache? Yes, and for good measure. Will you feel more efficient in run or walk form? Yes. Will you run or walk slower? Yes

It all adds up for the better sake of improved performance and feeling good!

You have not tried these two modes even though they are gems, have you?

What are you waiting for? It's your body. Go after it!

Derek |@teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

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