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Sunday, July 31, 2022

9.6 Minutes of Glory

You can view the referred article here: Improving Yourself Takes 9.6 Minutes Of Work A Day

Tick, tick. Nine minutes and thirty-six seconds will change yourself. You will improve, according to the article and subsequently to the James Clear book, Atomic Habits. 

So, how about it? Are you up for the task?

As far as a workout, in 9:36.00 you could accomplish:

Four sets of 30 seconds per exercise...



Two Pogo Jumps into a Star Jump

Lateral Lunges with Rotation 

Stretch for 1:36.00 - 30 seconds of two positions and 36 seconds of another one:

Frog Stretch 

Long Seated Toe Touch

Child Pose

You could:

Peloton for three minutes

Deadlift for 30 seconds

Lunge for 30 seconds

Plyo Push-up for 30 seconds

Do the above for two sets, then stretch 36 seconds.

You could:

Park your car and walk a half mile away and back.

You could:

Take one lap around your neighborhood. How about that, teleworkers?

You could:

Read about ten pages of small print

You could...do a lot in less than ten minutes.

Make-up your bed, clean part of a closet, and fold some clothes. All of these activities could total 9.6 minutes, or do each one for 9.6 minutes. En route to improving yourself with these small changes leads to consistency, a fight through challenges.

Derek | @teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

Coaches Have Skills

(The original post began in 2014 and refers to the athlete referred from that year. )

You do not need to play Division 1 NCAA sports to have skills in the development of strength & conditioning programs.

I ran in to a high school student-athlete who basically mentioned that since his coach in one sport played Divisioin 1 in that sport that he does not follow the conditioning program of his other coach in his second sport (who did not play D1). Well, to his defense coach #2 does not have the qualificiations, and I have not really heard any of his players speak highly of him (that is unfortunate). But, there are plenty of solid conditioning coaches out here who did not play D1/D2/D3 sports that can deliver a killer conditioning program.

We did go to school, specialize, and get nationally certified.

We do study trends, show creation, and can improve athleticism in any type of athlete.

I like casual conversatoins such as this one because the brain juices flow. 

When this topic surfaced, social media workouts surfaced more on YouTube versus Instagram and TikTok. You must take precaution when observing workouts on social media because many of these athletes have coaches that know the athlete's performance needs. Also, some workouts look crazy.

As I see student-athletes perform, I see the need for strength & conditioning. It continues to lack in certain programs. Take advantage of the opportunity, athletic programs, please! Athletes need to develop in ways that avoid injury, make them faster, stronger, more agile, more focused, and more adaptive to a way of life that they should adopt after their competitive athletic days end.

You may know an athlete like the one aforementioned. He may be you. But, respect both coaches in this case because you can learn more than you have been set up to learn. Coaches differ in skill sets, so take advantage of all skill sets. Deduce, introduce, and produce.

Derek |@teemptraining

🍔Health Justice 2: OK, Fine!

Posting this one since the post on Health Justice: Popeyes 🐔 plays into it: The Healthiest of the Fastest 

The latter hyperlinked article above lists the healthiest foods you can buy at fast food restaurants. You might as well know the best options especially if you are on-the-go, in a situation in which you have no other food choices (you'll be fine), or in a situation in which your stomach speaks sweet nothings to you like an eager lover.

Choose with discretion. Do not assume you should always eat these foods, especially as you perform well and have performance goals that you would like to achieve.

Continue to keep your guard high when eating with co-workers, family, or friends. Remember: their nutrition goals may differ from yours. 

Have a stash of a celebratory salad or veggie bowl at home. That is, stay ready so you don't have to get ready. Vegetables make you feel better when you endulge in fast foods and desserts. 

Have fun. Don't spoil the moment for other hungry individuals in your group. If they want to eat a favorite food and satisfy their tastebuds, then do not make them feel bad.

You get it.

Derek | @teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

4 Parental Unit Athletic Questions

1) Do you develop yourself with a physical, mental, and spiritual regimen as your child(ren) play sports?

2) Do you help any other family struggling with an adjustment to a new sport or do you give frightening stories about your experiences as an (insert sport) dad/mom?

3) Does your child love to see dad or mom after a game because you are your child's biggest fan?

4) Do you torment your child's coach? If you do...STOP! Or, don't start to do it.

That's all. Fall sports are coming!

Derek | @teemptraining 

Dabble with Four Sets

Most of you wake up and decide how many sets should you complete in your work for the day.

Valid decision.

I like four. Four is quick and to the point...for plyometrics, speed, and agility. For strength, four sets takes a longer period of time. But, there is a strategy towards the completion of four sets that will be explained below. First, why four sets?

1) Four sets allows you to do two sets per side. If you are jumping, you can complete two sets of 10 reps per side. It's a good number. Nothing to confuse. All in all, easy counting.

2) Four sets shifts your mind. Since four sets over fast movement does not last too long but delivers a good and effective workout with results, you have to train your mind to accept the challenge. Set #1 is a little more difficult than your warm-up pace. Set #2, you are in it to win it, which means your recovery period between set #1 and #2 has to include a sharp focus - no ho-hum, nonchalant restarts. Attack any misteps. Set #3 is identical to set #2 but with more precision as your muscles and muscle movement adjusts. Take a 50m sprint for instance. By set #3, your time should be fastest, arms swinging at the right height and speed, foot placement is on point. So, in set #4, you go all out, give everything you have left whether you sprint, jump, or change directions with quickness (agility).

3) Four benefits a hectic or rushed schedule. Complement your hurry. Speed, agility, and plyometrics are three modes of performance that allow you to get in an effective workout and to move on to your next checklist of your day. 

4) Just do it. No explanation needed. But, you can refer to the post on Motivational Level I.

The Strategy
Part of the strategy of execution agrees with reason #2 for why four sets are selected. The others:

1) Pick a place to do your speed, agility, or plyos. Make it easy: your basement, your neighborhood, an adjacent park, a parking lot, a nearby field, court, or roller rink. You get it.

2) Visualize yourself performing the workout before you begin. See the location in your head as a part of mental imagery.

3) Pick your time of day and how you will get in and get out.

4) Plan to do it again because it works, and you will move with a difference.

Alright, have at it! Let me know how it goes.

Derek | @teemptraining 

Hips Hooray in Class 🙌

How is your hip health?

Do your hips move well? Are they a bit stiff?

I promised everyone who sweated in my group fitness classes that I would help make 2022 a healthy hips year. So, hip mobility exercises, the ones that they may not normally perform in every warm-up, were included.

You know what?

You have to include a good warm-up and not just one that gets a person moving prior to a class.  It's easy yet not as effective to come in and simple start working. A more pliable and younger individual can do a few jumps and squats and go hard throughout class without a problem. But, many other participants need to control their hips joints and movements with more focus. 

Work the joints. Why? Most group fitness participants often sit down throughout the day and workout on their own; however, they may miss out on proper mobility training. Therefore, in boot camp type of classes, running 🏃🏿‍♂️, and other joint impactful classes that increase vibration from foot to hip, hip mobility exercises wake up the hip girdle.

If your instructor does not warm-up prior to a class, then do your own warm-up before the class begins. Make sure it includes mobility because no one or few group fitness instructors will care about mobility.

You deserve to have good hips throughout the year and in every class or session you take in a gym, outdoors, in-home, or virtual. Your hips hold the structure of your powerhouse muscle movements. Love them!

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Friday, July 29, 2022

A Baseball Opinion

You can view the interview, a good one, in the link below between Deion Sanders/Coach Prime and comedian Desi Banks: Sanders & Banks - go to the 14:00 mark to hear the take on baseball.

“This is the problem with baseball,” Deion Sanders began. “Black fathers never played baseball so black fathers are not pushing their kids towards baseball. So when the black father wants to play with his son, he puts in his hands what he is accustomed to. Baseball is not the option.”

You should follow Coach Prime on Instagram. He has built a solid football program at Jackson State and continues to establish a nutured environment.

Now, on to the baseball topic. I understand his opinion, and it has a lot of truth to it. Exposure plays a major factor in the decision and guidance to play a sport. I was exposed to hockey, played it, and have coached it since 2000 when I was a junior in college. My dad exposed me to baseball. He took me to Baltimore Orioles games at Memorial Stadium and then Camden Yards. I could rattle off the Orioles roster, asked for a few baseball video games, knew part of opposing team rosters, and paid attention to the all-star game, homerun derby, playoffs and World Series. I can listen to an entire baseball game on the radio - it's cool on a good night and keeps me awake as I visualize the game.

So, I understand the impact and need for exposure. 

The influence of black fathers on their children in this case travels far. Every influential father benefits their children. Children tend to emulate the sport their parents played. True.

But, I have to chime in because, yes, the MLB can do more on this matter as Coach Prime mentions in the interview in terms of the cost of baseball. In hockey, the NHL has assisted with equipment drives. Therefore, a youth player may not pay for equipment as often when they outgrow a set. Yes, registration costs have increased and surpass the cost of equipment in ice hockey, an expensive sport itself. Yet, the pro assistance is present.

However, over a two-day period, I went to two park complexes that have a total of nine baseball fields. All nine fields were empty. Both complexes have different demographics.

All nine were still empty. The basketball court...occupied. Soccer field...occupied. Tennis coourt...occupied. Fit course...occupied.

The closest baseball field to you is empty right now.

See, baseball has its differences as a sport: You need 18 people to play a legit game. You can play homerun derby, play pepper, shorten the outfield (but how much fun is that if you can smash the ball well over the wall then chase), or have friends run all over the field in 4v4. It's hot in the summer, and the other months in which everyone plays a different sport. I rarely see young baseball athletes consuming the field in the off-season. It's almost like once the season ends, they're out!

I recently commented to one former youth baseball player about this empty matter. He said, "Yea, it's kind of difficult to get friends to play pick up."

These examples are not excuses. I heard this opinion, and it triggered a minor investigation.

Do not give up on baseball but recognize the different flow of the sport per seasons. In the summer, who wants to fry in the sun while still? You can fry by other means. Soccer fields, basketball courts, tennis courts, sand volleyball, disc golf, golf, all of these fields and courts are occupied due to their ease to gather small groups. The baseball diamonds sit. Vacant. Not invited to every party.

My dad and I took advantage of empty baseball fields when he would pitch to me and I would attempt to hit his fast balls. He could pitch well. But, I never wanted to.play baseball despite my exposure to it and interest in the sport. I'm still a fan though my intensity toward the sport has dwindled versus the nine years young me.

Baseball is a good sport. It has a bundle of athletes and attracts many spectators. The diamond has a different flow compared to other sports, but that ideal does not cause for uninterest. Spread the sport. Play when you can play.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Motivational Grunting

Three questions, an explanation, and a video:

The Video - Grunts in the gym 

The Qs
Do you/Have you ever grunted in order to push yourself to the next thing on your to-do list?

Do you/Have you ever grunted just because you want to, and it clears your mind?

Do you/Have you ever grunted and words came out of your mouth that you would not normally say?

The Explanation
When certain athletes are mic'd up, you hear the grunts on the field, court, ice, in the ring or octagon, and slopes. Grunts produce the last bit of effort with a movement or as contact is made. Some of them sound funny, but they have a purpose when the timing is right. With the advent of the NFL season, you will hear more grunts as players tackle.

When play-making opportunities, fouls, or even near misses go slightly awry, you hear the grunts.


You hear the most grunts in the boxing ring with each punch as the hissing sound packs an extra effort body punch.


For weightlifters, the extra grunt assists in lifting heavy weights. Period. Can you imagine lifting a heavy weight without grunting?

So, grunting is not strange. It is needed. A grunt calls forth athleticism and control of the moment. Grunt for motivation! Grunt to get the job done!

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Stair Workouts & Running Backwards

Your knees will love you, but don't forget to stretch at the end of your workout.

Got it?

Do you live or work near an accessible stadium or location that has plenty of stairs?

Hit it up.

When you arrive, do not, with full on fervor, run up and down the stairs or bleachers and let that fulfill the entire workout. You can do it, but change up your routine for optimal performance. When people hear stairs workout, they think, Ugh! Here we go running about and down until whenever

Program the below deets:

Continuous running tests stamina. You're not out of shape if you cannot run stairs. But, you might have acceleration that needs work. Repeated acceleration, which is a stair workout, can affect the best athletes. So, do not be ashamed.

Slow counts. Use this technique. On a descent, step down every 2, 4, 6, or 8 seconds. You train balance, control, perimuscles around the knee, deceleration (good for post injury), and controlled acceleration upon an ascent.

Lateral steps or runs. Want another form of glute training? Your butt is your powerhouse muscle. The ascent upstairs attacks it - makes it work. In addition, the lateral locomotion activates solid glute action. Work your hips with good foot placement as your ascend bleachers. You can also perform slower tempo lateral steps or powerful knee drive off the lead leg - facing your right side, the left leg is the lead leg. 

Running backwards will make you feel different
. You're used to a slight forward lean when you run or walk. Well, you should not lean too much anyway. But, a backward run invites the upright and takes the pressure off your knees. Will your quads ache? Yes, and for good measure. Will you feel more efficient in run or walk form? Yes. Will you run or walk slower? Yes

It all adds up for the better sake of improved performance and feeling good!

You have not tried these two modes even though they are gems, have you?

What are you waiting for? It's your body. Go after it!

Derek |@teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

Motivation Level II: It Takes Two to Change


Sometimes, you have to grab a buddy. An equal in performance or mindset. A supporter. A person crazy like you. A friend with the same goals.

And, go! 

The results of two look more improved than the results of one. So, who will you take on the workout journey?

Human performance is more accessible now than in the past. You have never seen this type of success. Sure, Covid-19 hurt gym memberships - an IHRSA report showed that the health club industry lost $13.9 billion from mid-March to August 2020.

Holy cow!

People did not quit exercising. Athletes did not quit sports preparation. No! Other alternatives popularized: Virtual training, Pelotons, and some outright waited for gyms to re-open. According to a Global Wellness Institute report, outdoor training has increased since the pandemic. Hiking, for one, has skyrocketed. 

Guess what? You can combine outdoor and virtual training

Heck, I did  a few training sessions with a client while I was driving (but, we have also been training for about five years.)

The. Industry. Has. Changed. I'm following suit with solid outdoor, in-home, and virtual programs. Hybrids, especially when program plans (2x/day, Bodyweight, Jump/Plyo, Strength, and Hill Run) and communication are included have caught more attention. Are you changing too? Grab a buddy because the motivational level, in my opinion, continues to serve as a main reason for why individuals struggle with human performance. Yes, you can roll out of bed and exercise with a virtual trainer on your phone or TV screen. It's that easy. So, just do it, right?

Well, someone or some goal motivates you to get up and get at it! You used to get up early and drive to the gym on the way to work. Now, you can get up and go downstairs or to the next room or walk down the street to the park and set up shop. Why return to your old routine if you do not have to? 

Explore your outdoor, in-home, or virtual mode of achieving your human performance goals. Both, or all, of you in the group!

Derek | @teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

10 Items of Motivation

Motivation never disappears.

When you lack motivation to achieve a main goal, you still have some motivation to complete another feat. When motivation runs high, you complete tasks with more ease and focus. You have read the literature on motivation - the items that motivate individuals. You enjoy the videos on motivation, whether they include Ted Talks, motivational speakers such as Les Brown, Willie Jolley, and pastors who preach from a motivational standpoint, and workout or pure athletic videos of insurmountable feats.

You love motivation because you need it to gain results.

Motivation does not arrive with ease. It requires work, letting go of distractions, goal setting, a mentality of just do it, and perhaps assistance from a coach, teammate, friend, stranger, family member, or even a pet.

You have watched movies in which a scene of motivation followed with a catchy song, a high speed chase, running, comedy; bet someone worked out, survival, and more.

But, how often have you experienced good times of motivation? Who were you with? What happened? In my coaching and training career, I thought about the most motivated teams I have coached as a head coach or assistant as well as the most motivated clients that I have trained. Below is a list of characteristics that motivated these individuals:

Events. A wedding, a race, a hike, public appearance. You want to look good for all of them. One of my most determined clients was a bride. She had a goal. We worked at least 3x/week right up to the wedding, which was beautiful.

The will to compete and win. I have coached some pitbull players in ice hockey who clamped down and never liked to stay down.

Family. Exercising for your children is a good goal. Exercising for your spouse is a good goal. They see you, and you may inspire them. Pass it on.

Just cause (it's a part of life). Training for a sport or race or working out to feel good should resemble brushing your teeth. It's not a burden. You have to do it.

Innateness. You need fewer cues to get going. The bite is in you.

Age. It's a number and a reason to exercise, especially as we grow older.

Fun. Because fun is the number one reason for many physical goals. 

Health status. The doctor said you have high blood pressure, borderline Diabetes, high cholesterol, overweight, and now you want to adopt an improved exercise regimen - the case of many.

ReligionBeloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. 3 John 1:2, ESV. You follow scripture and believe in the religion you practice. 

Past activity. When you were a child, you used to play. When you were a teenager, you were the captain of your baseball team. Why stop moving now? 

To think about the reasons for why athletes may not practicen their sport or why individuals do not exercise their bodies, time is not the limiting factor. Space...not a limiting factor. Money...not a limiting factor. Knowledge...it is second to motivation. Motivation...a key limiting factor for starting and maintaining a physical, spiritual, and mental regimen. 

Any lly word falls in this category.

Motivation picks at you as you find it. Its presence lingers. You have to grab it.

Look up the various forms of motivation on YouTube and social media. What gets you going?

Derek | @teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

Sunday, July 17, 2022

🔋 Motivational Level

Does anyone else suffer from lack of or low motivation when they need it the most? 

I know I am not alone, so you can nod your head.

When my level of motivation runs high, oooh, is it...Beaut. I. Ful! When it is low, life is like a box of chocolates, keep eating them until sleep takes over. Ugh.

Do you feel me?

In my career, I have wrestled with the stages of motivation and have made it to Maintenence in several different types of behaviors. I have also found that the most difficult individuals to work with are the ones stuck in precontemplation and contemplation. My personal definitions are below:

Precontemplation - What's this?

Contemplation - Sounds good. I might give it a try.

Preparation/Planning/Determination - It's going down for real on Monday at 7:00am.

Action - Oh, this workout/training/exercise/food/sleep is fun.

Maintenance - Three times a week for the past year, I have accomplished my weekly goals.


Opinion: Most individuals live in the contemplation stage and have a difficult time planning to act. Yikes!


Precontemplation catches your eye
. Cool!...You're either interested or not... Ooh, look at that Ferrari... Just window shopping or acting.

Contemplation has vulnerability. You can have an entire program explained to you. It sounds great. The plan will do your body, mind, and soul well. You absolutely need it. You tell yourself that you will begin a change, that you will show up, that you will have a presence 100% of the time. You have the audacity to tell others.

Then, nothing happens. Or, everything else happens before planning. Perhaps, you need to improve your preparation.

Preparation welcomes spontaneity when life interferes with your plans. You schedule to workout at 5:00pm, but you forgot to run an urgent and important errand. Instead of canceling your early evening workout, find a way to get it in at a later time or do part of it. You should avoid entire cancellations in this case because what was planned to take 60 minutes can take 30 minutes. Schedule with regimen flexibility are beauties of human performance. 

Action brings a smile to your face and satisfies your body because Nike lives in action with its slogan Just do it.

So...Just. Do. It. What a victory!  

Are you a believer of exponential change?
For, exponential change possesses the correct amount of power that is needed for a sudden shift to occur. This type of change does not have a gradual, and clear observable flow. Some of it may occur behind the preparation scenes. These scenarios tend to embody: Just do it.

If you reach Maintenance, then you have controlled your way to a difficult stage. Congratulate yourself and everyone else who reached the goal! Did you bring anyone else with you on your journey? Because Maintenance is a good time to share your journey and help someone else adopt a change or develop a stronger motivation. 

Of course, you can start with a partner Precontemplation and Contemplation. We'll dive deeper into this topic in Motivation II.


Questions: What levels are you in with present activities you do? For example, Maintenence for lifting weights but Precontemplation for travel to a foreign country. 

During which level do you have the most difficulty?

Do you perform better or with higher motivation in certain seasons? Fall, winter, holiday, birthday, sports, planting, ripe.

Derek | @teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Your Performance and a Food Shortage

Gas prices may see a decrease in price for a certain time - hope it continues. But, groceries still see odd prices. Some food items may take longer to restock, which may signify a shortage. Are our groceries set up for a possible food shortage? Perhaps.

If a food shortage occurs, let me share two guidelines you can follow: 

1) Steady the course. Do not lose track of the regimen that keeps your body in shape. If you have a shaky regimen, then you can strengthen it with more structure. 

Whenever current times create a challenge, health receives the boot, get outta here until I want you back! At least, I have seen it happen often. So, keep working on you because without yourself, you cannot advance or triumph the challenge. 

With TEEM, you receive an experience that can combat similar challenges, which may affect your wallet.

2) No annoyance about it. Stop me if this bit is annoying: You're down in the dumps, unsure about your next health steps, and you get drilled via social media messages about what you are not doing or what you should have done to avoid a mishap?

Good example: In the beginning of Covid in 2020, a plethora of social media videos surfaced, telling everyone to get their mind right ✅. True, a mind right can hold success tight. The information had a throw-it-down-your-throat vibe at a sensitive time when individuals lost jobs, homes, families, and loved ones. Depression and the suicide rate increased as well.


No throat javelins.

There is no guarantee that we may face a food shortage, which could affect the poorest individuals. I only express the what if possibility - a ripe time to stay ready, so you never have to get ready.

Isn't that last one overstated?


You can control urges that decrease the amount of attention to your performance pursuit. Overcome these trials. You have the triumph in you!


Derek |@teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Orioles en Fuego!

📷 @orioleparkcamdenyards IG

The Os are on 🔥. 

Yes, I admit that I am one of those sports fans who grew up an Orioles fan because they were the sole MLB team in the area or region, who continues to see how they are performing, and who pays more attention to the Nationals. However, my first baseball game that my dad took me to was at Memorial Stadium. In fact, we went to several games per year.

I could name many Orioles on ensuing rosters: Cal Ripken Jr, Billy Ripken, Eddie Murray, Sam Horn, Mike Devereaux, Brady Anderson, Mike Mussina, Rafael Palmiero, Roberto Alomar, Harold Baines, Albert Belle, Chris Hoiles, B.J. Surhoff, Miguel Tejada, Gregg Olson...is that it?

There is the former HTS, Home Team Sports, tune: 

Home Team Sports (bag, bah, bah, bah), the channel you cheer for. Home Team Sports (bah, bah, bah, bah), the channel you cheer for. We've got the Bullets. We've got the Caps. Orioles magic!...

Who doesn't remember this tune?

And, of course, the HTS intro ?

I was raised in Maryland - why doesn't the best looking state flag in the nation have an emoji!?!?!

Yes, I have Nats championship gear and have attended more Nats games in the past year than I have O's games in the past 20 years. I also did not live in the area for ten years. So, I've attended more Red Sox games than Camden Yards games: 1 😆

I also do not take sports fanfare to the point of absurdity and sleep loss, especially when two teams play so close in proximity - it's OK to cheer for both teams or favor one over the other.

I love Old Bay Seasoning. I put in on vanilla ice cream...Old Bay Seasoning.


You know you do as well. Stop playing.

Both of us can always go, but with the Orioles setting fire to last place on the win column climb, Orioles Park looks more attractive.

Look, I have passed Camden Yards so many times in the past 16 years, driving I95 or cutting through downtown Baltimore.

It's time

Who cares what anyone else thinks. It's your fanfare. It's my fanfare. Camden Yards has been so empty that colons before colonoscopies have wide eyes. 

Not feeling that analogy?

So empty that...water slides in February had more fullness.

Orioles...keep winning! 


By the way, the Orioles were robbed of a World Series when that 10 year old Yankees fan caught...interfered with the catch. I still think the Os would have won 🏆 in 1996 - would have been a great high school highlight.


It's baseball. Let any fan that wants to show support, show support. The fun in sports owns that position. Sports fans take many issues way too serious - all you have to do is tune into sports talk radio 📻 and hear for yourself. 

It's time to get out of the cellar and stay out of the AL East cellar, Orioles!

⚾️ ⚾️  ⚾️  ⚾️  ⚾️ 

Derek |@teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

🐔 Health Justice: Popeyes


Popeyes led me to write about this topic: health justice.

I spotted a new Popeyes in an area where I did not expect a new one to surface, and the synapsing ensued.

🐓 Popeyes, Popeyes, Popeyes...Popeyes!? For real!?

Any thing else could have replaced the business the Louisiana kitchen replaced. I do not remember what organization used to occupy the address. 

A bank? Ah, well

The residence of this new Popeyes, which I 100% will not eat because fast food restaurants like Popeyes are no longer a priority versus when I was younger - nothing wrong with that statement, made me think about and research the number of Popeyes in two areas: DC proper and Massachusetts. By the way, you may have a different opinion about Popeyes, which is fine.

But, you have to hear me out on this fact:

While living in Massachusetts, I noticed a Popeyes closed its business in Cambridge...Whoa! A Popeyes closed its doors? See, I used to see several locations as a child in and around Washington, DC. In fact, I grew up near one that was located three minutes from home 🍗 - that location continues to thrive, for now. Circa 2008, I was informed that Boston only had two Popeyes (fine with me). 

Could DC survive with a mere two Popeyes? 

The whole eat-better phenomenon is first in my eyes, and I would rather purchase food at a grocery store, which sits in the same lot as the newbie eatery. After this latest new Popeyes discovery - outside of DC city limits - I Googled locations and found out that Washington, DC (pop. 701,974) has 10 Popeyes.

Ten Louisiana kitchens! 🐔 🐥 🍗 🐣 🐤 🐓 🐔 🐥 🍗 🐣 

Guess what? The entire state of Massachusetts (pop. 6.8 million) has 10 Popeyes.

My wife asked me why it bothered me. For one, I had the inclination that DC deserved better. I understand that people like Popeyes - it fed me as a child at times and maybe a couple of times as a college-aged adult. However, it pinpoints a challenge with the density of fast food locations. For individuals in areas where a larger amount of residents have health issues, a newbie eatery such as this one does not assist the well-being of a community.  

I would have this same energy if a Burger King, McDonald's, Wendy's, or other fast food restaurant of this caliber surfaced in the same location.

The Scoreboard

DC - 10

MA - 10


DC - 70,197 residents per Popeyes

MA - 680,000 residents per Popeyes.


Food priorities, I guess, take over?

Now, I know certain areas may see particular restaurants thrive because of population preference. But, if that holds true, then people should speak up about the businesses popping up in their neighborhoods.

Perhaps, this Popeyes was granted access by Love that chicken from Popeyes. Taste of New Orleans fans. 

My picky rant has ended.

Derek |@teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

Monday, July 11, 2022

🏉🎾🏑 Sports: Fixing Toils

(Original draft from August 19, 2015. I do not know why I originally drafted this one in this format. But, it was Olympic-inspired at the time. Some updates on 1.13.22 and 7.10.22)

Sports should include fun, competition, and work ethic. Below, my hope is that you will learn a fun way to improve difficult skills in the sports listed.

Basketball 🏀 

Perceived difficulty athletes have: Falling from a wicked crossover (reaction agility)
Area of difficulty: glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: Resisted snd assisted reaction-agility such as, blaze pods, change direction off a clap or other sound.
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: Imagine getting crossed up by Kyrie, Curry, CP3, Morant, but you cover and never fall.

BMX 🚲 
Perceived difficulty athletes have: Landing from a jump or power off the start/acceleration
Area of difficulty: Upper and lower body deceleration (glutes, quadriceps, floor core & balance core, hamstrings, hips, chest, shoulders)
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: cleans, jumps
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: Imagine you land every type of jump in a thrill-seeking competition despite their difficulty.

Cycling 🚲 
Perceived difficulty athletes have: Hill climbs 
Area of difficulty: Quadriceps, mainly. Hamstrings and calves are in there.
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: Rapid stationary lunges, split squat jumps
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: Imagine a struggle and the load increases.

Field Hockey 🏑 
Perceived difficulty athletes have: Ball control through traffic while running 
Area of difficulty: Hand-eye coordination, hip sequence
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: Obstacle course with various over, under, through, and around moves, agility footwork
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: Imagine avoiding or getting entangled

Ice Hockey 🏒

Perceived difficulty athletes have: Skating, Edgeworth, especially in youth and high school players.
Area of difficulty: Hips, legs, glutes.
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: Linear and lateral lunges, staggered lunges, weight shift, dynamic balance, try these is skates off the ice.
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: Imagine yourself as a pro skating without a problem.

Perceived difficulty athletes have: Ball control, evading defenders.
Area of difficulty: wrists, forearms, shoulders.
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: Resisted body bar cradles.
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: Use a lacrosse stick to fish. Now, you know that is semi-fantasy. 

Mountain Biking 🚵‍♀️ 
Perceived difficulty athletes have: stamina and bike control in tight places.
Area of difficulty: lungs, hips, shoulder girdle 
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: cross training, interval training with obstacles. 
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: getaway through traffic-laden NYC.

Rugby 🏉 
Perceived difficulty athletes have: acceleration
Area of difficulty: hips, lower body drive.
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: resisted band sprints, sled pushes, bungee cord resistance while holding a ball.
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: being chased by a wild animal.

Soccer ⚽️
Perceived difficulty athletes have: Ball control, stamina.
Area of difficulty: Lungs, heart, feet.
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: Ball control obstacle course running and defending.
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: dribbling on a rooftop without a barrier. 

Tennis 🎾

Perceived difficulty athletes have: Chasing down balls.
Area of difficulty: legs and agility, speed, weight shift.
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: Resisted and assisted multi-directional band movements.
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: Seeing oneself go through the game motions moving laterally, chasing hit balls.

Triathlon 🏊🏿‍♀️ 🚴🏾‍♀️🏃‍♂️ 
Perceived difficulty athletes have: certain stages of the three, last kick of the run.
Area of difficulty: anaerobic endurance while finishing. 
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: long sprints, sprints after a cardio bout.
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: Imagine other triathlon legs such as, shop-cook-run. But, you have to please the judges with your cooking and stay within budget. You have 90 minutes.

Ultimate Frisbee 
Perceived difficulty athletes have: how to throw the Frisbee.
Area of difficulty: wrist, shoulder girdle. 
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: form throws, form throws against the clock.
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: driving a convertible while throwing a Frisbee, hitting every target.

Volleyball 🏐 

Perceived difficulty athletes have: well, there's block anticipation and digging from a spike. 
Area of difficulty: Hips
Exercise(s)/Drills to assist: Timed or reactionary jumps and squats
Mental preparation to get through the difficulty: The floor is sand. However, if the volleyball touches the floor, it turns to lava. Yea, you won't miss digs now.

Derek |@teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

Sunday, July 10, 2022

💯 | 7 Abs Nation Challenges

Abs/Lower back/Floor Core Challenges:
  1. Daily 1-rep increases for 30 days.
  2. 100 reps per day.
  3. Number of reps corresponds to the day of the year. Make it to 365 or 366 in leap years.
  4. 10 reps on the hour every hour for 10 hours.
  5. 20 reps, 30 minutes before a meal.
  6. 30 reps at the end of every workout.
  7. 20 reps at every rest stop on a long drive.

What is your abs mojo? How do you abs and back? Do you include back exercises?

I'll say...do what you need to do in order to make abs and back gains without injury. Please, do the two muscle groups together. 

Make your abs and back exercises multi-directional and multi-positional
  • Abs flexion on your back 
  • Abs lateral flexion on your back, side, or table top position
  • Rotate 
Change tempos/speeds:
  • Crunches count as part of the range of motion. Add them with a count of their own; separate the count of full range reps.
  • An assisted or full sit-up is great for tempo reps. With a controlled spine, you can control the range of motion for a desired number of reps.
Six pack. Or, strength pack!

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Saturday, July 9, 2022

😎All-Around...Nothing Wrong, Right?




Remarkable student.









It's OK for one student to have these qualities, right?

Adults can have these qualities as well, right?

OK, I was just checking to see if the all-around nature continued to thrive with so many busy lives and recent changes and events in the world.

That's all.

Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

Outdoors is the Place

(Originally began this post on November 13, 2014. It still applies.)

Below are several things you can do outdoors before the weather gets really frigid (when I lived in Massachusetts)
Plyometric or Step-up Wall


Agility - Anaerobic Endurance
Upper Body Strength

Speed. Endurance. Run.

Speed. Endurance. Bike.

Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

🗣📢 Goooooaaaaaallllll!

Talking, setting, and achieving goals began the year. (See the original post). A couple of follow-ups ensued...and now it's July.

How are you doing with your end of the bargain? 

I think I set reasonable goals until 12.31.2022. But, a few of them have their difficulty (see below):

1,000 IG followers. I do not think this challenge will be met. The total number grows with so little speed that a snail 🐌 can stretch, take a lunch break, travel to Japan 🇯🇵...and back, climb Mt. Washington in New Hampshire, race the entire NASCAR circuit 🏎, and sun bathe☀️ before significant.

But, I am fine with that. Reach the folks I can immediately serve and grow from that point. I had an original 2022 Instagram goal of reaching 600 followers from 500-something that I had entering the year.

Surpassed that goal. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

My son said, "Go for 1,000." 🤪🤗🤯😳😤

300 posts on this platform. It will be met. Posts have not reached 50% (150) yet, but the topic flow and number of possible topics has more ease...and flow. You will have fun with these posts, especially around the November-December holiday season.

50 hockey blog posts. It could be met with more topic flow. I have re-opened my hockey 🏒 blog with the Chesapeake Regional Hockey Review that I have been operating on IG, Twitter, and Facebook (it has a dormant YouTube page as well). 

Know a hockey player? Check it out. You don't have to play hockey to read or like it.

Celebrate your achievements!

Derek | @teemptraining| derekteempt@gmail.com 

Why I am Careful With Quotes


Read this one:

That break up was over pettiness - there is room for reconciliation. That friendship that ended...can you still check up? That person that left you was going through some issues. You're good. Keep keeping on.

I get it.

The quote on the left is good. I'm good with it. It has another side or something that resembles it in the above quote. The image may relate to more individuals, but the above may relate to some individuals, depending on the circumstance, who you are as a person, and your experiences. 🗣

I enjoy quotes. But, quotes exert action. If you believe in a quote, then perform its action: 

You can do anything you put your mind to.

It's not a quote that deserves a slight post. In all seriousness, do what you need to do.

Quotes are used often in health, medicine, fitness, strength & conditioning, athletics...oh, athletics...and any other profession. You will hear, with comprehension or bewilderment, a family member proliferate quotes. 🗨

As you improve your lifestyle, set goals, reach milestones, and endure challenges, you will have your fair share of quotes. So, pick them with an action in mind or use examples in place of quotes:

Just do it - Nike slogan

A student gets an A on a test in a class in which she is struggling.

Good quote. Better action and result. Neither one misleads. Both have clarity.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Retail $ vs Unit $: Buy This 🍚 🍲 🥜

As you continue to grocery shop, please keep in mind smart shopping.

I like this topic. With grocery prices increasing by 20, 30...40%, the retail versus unit price battle holds more relevance. 

Take for instance two bottles of kombucha:

32oz $6.66/$9.99 vs 12oz $5.58/$2.79 (unit price/retail price)

The two latter prices make your wallet smile. So, it's the easy choice, right? Sure, if you want to spend less and consume kombucha on the ride home. But, what if you want more kombucha that will last longer? 🧉

My kids wanted this item, and the 12oz was purchased. Smart choice for their tastebuds (consumption). Smart choice for grocery shopping completed that day (timing or clock). Smart choice as an option (choice). 🧠 🤯 

A good trip to the grocery store puts a smile 😃 on your face.

Your cost battle at the grocery should arrive at the three Cs: choice, clock, and consumption:

Choice. The items you pick. They do not have to be in the same food group or section (e.g., produce versus frozen). 🗒

Clock. The moments when you have a particular craving. Should you purchase it? Is there a better price option? Is there a better food option? ⏳

Consumption. The items that you know you eat and drink. How long will the food last based on its popularity in the house? 🌯

Think about these Cs as you shop and pick the right groceries items. Do not guess on a decision.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Friday, July 8, 2022

Driveway 🏀 vs. Public 🏀 Courts

The convenience of driveway hoops. The open space of courts anywhere else. 

Which one is better? Neither. They both have good benefits. If you have a driveway basketball 🏀 hoop and live close to basketball courts...you have it basketball made!

Take a look at driveway hoops vs public courts;

Driveway Hoops

  • Never close. When you stop, it stops. 
  • Hold invitations to the entire neighborhood.
  • Are never occupied until you occupy them.
  • Difficult to do full court unless you have the space.
  • Cars, cars, 🚗.

Public Courts

  • Can get in full court games.
  • The scenery changes because they are so many outdoor courts.
  • Have long hours.
  • May be occupied.
  • May need maintenance...and it arrives after an extended period.

Some pros and cons. 

Regardless, if you have a hoop in your driveway or on the street in front of your house and live nearby a public court, you have the best of basketball 🏀 worlds. 

Then, if you live nearby an accessible indoor court...you have met the trifecta...the triple threat...the hattrick!

Wet! 💧 

Summer Fun Challenge: See how many courts you can shoot on. What are some nice 👌 looking 🏀 courts?

Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

Seniors Rock!

Seniors have motivation, time 🕒, motivation, stories, focus, motivation...

I love training seniors and retirees. They know what they want and how to achieve it. I do miss the seniors I trained while living and operating in the Boston area. They spread the word, showed up, and kept returning 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

So, in a recent article I read about the Senior Olympics, which, by the way, will be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 2023, I had a joy and hope. Many individuals view seniority as slow, boring, and having the lack of ability to do many activities.

Stop thinking that thought ✋ 🧠. 

Seniors thrive in pickleball, archery 🎯, and other smaller sports. I was even inspired by a 70yy sprinter I saw in a 2022 Penn Relays 🏃‍♂️ highlight.

You know what is sad?...We have 30 and 40yy folks out here talking about their old age with life still to live. We have to change the narrative on old thought processes like this one. Movement has accepted pickled speech 💬 for so long that we have a movement pandemic.

Movement pandemics begin early in life when a child rarely sees positive movement structure from parents or their immediate environment. Perhaps, physical education class was not fun for the child as well as athletics involvement. But, we human performance professionals have many ways to help our compatriots and 🌎 neighbors along the way.

Why the loss of inspiration?

Inspiring a child who may not have as much athleticism or worse, a desire to move and play, is at and should serve as the forefront of physical education curricula. 

But, the sense of inspiration lives...🚶‍♂️ 🚶🏿‍♀️

I loved my PE program in grade school. But, I must say that I had great teachers who made classes fun and included everyone.

I loved that my parents encouraged movement. 

I loved play (still do) and playing youth sports.

Now, I know safety of environment plays a large factor in childhood play as does maintenance of playground equipment, neighborhoods, and family structure. So, with hope, practice, and action, our youngest generations can evolve into active seniors.

Perhaps current young adult and middle-aged adults can evolve into active seniors as well. With serious fun...keep moving! Play!

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Missed Goal. Do Push-ups, Right?

While getting in a brief workout Tueaday evening, July 5, 2022, at an outdoor multipurpose field, I asked a young soccer player, who looked to be about 14 years young and was shooting on net...

"Hey, do you ever do push-ups for every shot you miss?"

"No. I don't know what's wrong with me today," he smiled.

I thought my comment was appropriate as well, glad you like it. It made me think, for every empty net goal I miss in soccer ⚽️, ice hockey 🏒, basketball 🏀,  and other sports, I should perform some type of extra physical, or mental (hmm, maybe any other "lly" skill set) drill.

The "llys": physically, mentally 🧠, spiritually 🙏 financially 💰...you get it.

It makes sense, right ✅? 

If you miss a wide open net, and your shot is uncontested, you should do something extra, whether it includes push-ups, lunges, sprints, ladders (gasers), etc. Should it be tailored to your sport or activity? Maybe

Is it punishment? Nah.

Could the extra work improve your athleticism, discipline, or skills in a sport or activity? Sure.

Two declarations for you:

1) Positive reinforcement. The next time you see someone miss an open net or miss an opportunity that resembles an open net (e.g., fumbling an easy business call by not calling after your team members agreed about the call) and uncontested scenario, ask or comment to the individual about performing another skill (see below) as discipline for the miss. Watch your tone and approach because you could c9me

2) Positive self-reinforcement. The same rules above apply to your pursuits. What will you choose as your extra skill...not punishment?

The Extras

Sports: free throws, lay-ups, gasers or ladders; sprints; juggles; stick handling; up-downs; one-sided swim strokes; wall-ball reaction; serves; and more.

Writing: jotting down 10 words that start with a certain letter; speed read a page; speed write, rap flow; poetry flow; and more.

Professional: read over new knowledge; review concepts; work-related games to decrease stress; and more.

Good and new topic to improve a village - speak up with a positive tone, and you might make a player better.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Monday, July 4, 2022

6 Post Sports Camp Lessons

The summer breeds camps.

All. Types. Of. Camps. 🏕

After one week of sending my son to a camp that I used to attend, the parent perspective shined through with more clarity:

...Good camps give evaluations at the end of the week.

...My child improved in confidence in the sport and in skill. I can see it now and saw it after day number two!

...Fun was certainly had, and it was a priority for us prior to camp and a camp mandate as well.

...My child made friends.

...He won an award. Proud of him. I know he worked hard all week.

...The excitement level, traveling to camp everyday was very high. It made an already superb camp a better experience.


Make the most out of the summer camp season for your children!

Derek |@teemptraining| derekteempt@gmail.com 

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Olympic Glory & Stuff Later 🏊‍♂️🧠

Referring to this article: Phelps article 

The mind is sensitive. It stretches, relaxes, and has an injury prone temdency. Our thoughts, in turn, carry a lot of weight towards our actions as well as in the aftermath of our actions.

Welcome the success of 23-time Olympic Gold Medal champion, with 28 total medals, and Baltimore native, Michael Phelps.

When I worked in public health, one of the men  I served, let's call him, Renny, told me that he wanted to train his mind like Olympic athletes. Now, let me tell you that I ran two men's health programs that focused on behavioral health and making changes in behavioral health. Therefore, my mindset in hearing Renny's question...focus on the basics of behavioral change, the contemplation phase, before diving into action.

Olympians deal with a whirlwind of emotions as they put all of their rigorous training together. I had to simmer down the desire without shutting down Renny because, for one, in public health we did not have the access to the personnel that Olympians have. Plus, the program was not set up in that manner.

Yet, reading about Michael Phelps' journey as a retired Olympian has ignited interest. We often hear about the mindset one needs to have success. Well, Phelps conquered it. As the article alludes maybe a little too much. 

So, what now for someone in Phelps' position?

I, of course, am not a psychiatrist or psychologist. However, when a struggle or injury exists, I know that a modification may be needed. A change, if you will. In this case, a mental change, which the champion is championing  has taken a necessary process.

Change has its difficulty. But, many other individuals can relate to this gold medal 🏅.

Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com