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Wednesday, November 30, 2022

🎁10 Items: Christmas Decor

You only need a couple of Christmas decorations: a tree, a wreath, and lights to be Christmas ready. But, you can go in with a hard effort:

1) Tree - I prefer real over artificial, but both can do. My wife has put me on to artificial.

2) Lights - Awww, yes! The big display are fun to see. 

3) Wreaths - they look good in multiple windows.

4) Display/Nativity Scene - My mom had one in our window growing up. It always serves as a good reminder about the reason for the season.

5) Garland - It's OK. But, it gets in the way.

6) Mistletoe - smooch up!

7) Stockings - They hit. Keep them coming. 

8) Pine Cones - an underrated piece of Christmas decor.

9) Bells - the best ones grab your attention when they chime.

10) Fake Snow - but only on Christmas trees.

Have you started to decorate your home? Will you travel to see a lights display? What does your nativity scene look like?

Merry Christmas!

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🏒10 Items: Best PHF Logos

There are only 7 teams in the Premier Hockey Federation (PHF). So, I added three fictional teams for the fun of it. Formerly known as the National Women's Hockey League (NWHL), the PHF is growing. Back in 2015, I had the privilege of meeting the NWHL's first commissioner and founder, Dani Rylan, at the NY Riveters (former name) vs Boston Pride game on the campus of Harvard University.

Great conversation, and Dani did not mind that I walked up to her. In fact, I was shocked that I was able to do that.

To note, from 2000 to 2002, I also had the privilege of coaching a player who played in the first NWHL that existed, primarily in Canada from 1997 to 2007. 

The best logos based on how they motivate you to move:

1) Metro Riveters - tough logo.

2) Boston Pride - good design here.

3) Minnesota Whitecaps - waves are powerful, so it fits.

4) Buffalo Beauts - it's the buffalo.

5) Connecticut Whale - Sometimes, the what looks bored. But, at least it's a whale.

6) Toronto Six - I like this logo.

7) Montreal Force - new logo, new addition.

So, let's add three more fictional teams:

Washington Battle - sticking with names that do not add an "s". 

Ottawa Engine - you like that name, don't you?

Chicago Storm - this name fits well.

Youth hockey players, when you can, get to a PHF game. For many players, it is easier said then done because they live closeby. 

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🎿10 Items: Top 10 Christmas Goodness

The holiday encompasses the seasons of Hannakuh, Winter Solstice, Christmas, and Kwanzaa. That's the order in order of appearance, right?

A surfeit of activities, experiences, tastes, and memories are shared during this time. Focusing on Christmas only for this list below, here are my top 10 Christmas goodies:

1) Workout - the colder air and risky temperatures make for a good workout or scheduled hike. Try the cold hike with family.

2) Ice & Snow Play: Skate, ski, hockey, snow mobile - I have never snowmobiles before or skiied. But, I certainly do play hockey every Christmas season. Big time sled track activity is on the horizon this time.

3) Decorations/Lights - fun to decorate and fun to find light displays, especially lit neighborhoods.

4) Assortments: Cookies, pie, baklava - straight up yum!

5) Eggnog (non-alcoholic) - I used to dislike egg nog because it sounded horrible. Now, it tastes good, and is on of the only creamy food items I like besides yogurt. 

6) Social Gatherings - Christmas parties are fantastic when they're fun.

7) Caroling - I have only been once in my life and am wiling to go again.

8) Create - try new cooking skills, design skills, decorating skills, ugly sweater wearing skills.

9) Artistic Impression - Christmas plays and concerts, especially school ones, professional ones, church ones, and concerts do the trick.

10) Winter Getaways - as a family man, I look forward to more winter getaways even if they only last a weekend.

Enjoy the season!

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 


💃Body Image: Showtime

If you have it, show it. 

You might encourage another.

That is the phrase people know about when it comes to bodies. However, after reading a brief social media post in an article, a woman who physically takes care of her body - I don't know her name - expressed that she gets trolled for her lean and curvy bod, the abbreviation for this matter, flat tummy and all. You get the picture?

Folks, why are individuals shamed for taking good care of their bodies? That doesn't make sense!

The shaming normally happens to women. So, you're saying a woman, who works out, eats right, and dresses to feel good, cannot flaunt her bod in confidence?

You have to shame her?


Now, there are times when some pictures should have more privatization. Of course, with social media, skin is everywhere...and in every profession. But, tight bods should not face shame.

Tight bods...show physical discipline. Albeit, with the connection between physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, perhaps the latter two disciplines are on display as well, right?

So, why shame?

If the show gives a woman confidence in her bod and in general...if the show gives someone else confidence...if the show prompts a wow from you or someone else then pose away!

And, no...not everyone can or should show their bod. 

Confidence. Encourage. Discipline. 

What's wrong with those three habits in terms of the bod?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

🚚Driving Pet-Peeves?

Right now, I do not know how many important driving points will be depicted below. This post may change with additions and explanations. But, let's cut to the chase, for now:

1) Drunk Drivers - stop!

2) High (On Drugs) Drivers - stop!

3) Dangerous Mergers - look, you have to know what roadway you are about to drive on. So, get up to speed and awareness of cars already on your desired road.

4) Cars that cut off 18-Wheelers - Trucks are too big to cut them off. Watch their speed and yours. Do not tempt them, and respect their blindspots.

5) Drunk Drivers - Said it already. Wanted to say it again.

6) No Turn Signals - Soooo, are you going left, right or continuing straight? Oh wait...you're making a u-turn. Why should anyone else guess? It's OK to turn it on.

7) Forever Turn Signal - There are no turns. You did it! You're a good person. You love your car and others around you on the road. It's OK to turn it off.

8) Butt Out - You are the driver who changes lanes, but half of your car is still stuck in the lane from which you change. On the highway, you risk your rear bumper flying off. Or, worse, you cause more cars to hit each other. In stop-and-go, you risk more congestion and gridlock. Your rear bumper might get scratched.

9) Rubberneckers - I think the DC region is the worst area for rubberneckers. If you look, can you help out? Rubbernecking should not cause catastrophic congestion. Opposite direction rubbernecking needs to go. If an accident occurs on the northbound side, then southbound side...Keep. It. Moving!

10) Car Hoppers (One length) - What are you doing? You're mad that I am slower? You didn't go anywhere but ONE car length. Then, further down the road, I pass...you. Waste of movement.

11) Car Hoppers: Lane Changers - if we travel to the same parking lot or destination, you and I will get there at the same time.

12) AH! The Sun! - sunglasses and exceptional car visor usage work wonders!

13) Cell Phone Semi Pro - there are cell phone car mounts that help you keep your eyes on the road. Do you really need to slow everyone or cross lanes, causing an accident? Nope!

14) Smoker - you make my driving experience worse. 

15) De-Merger: Nope, My Spot. Let every other car in the line. It moves traffic.

16) Drunk Drivers - There...again. Cannot stress enough. No. Drunk. Drivers!

17) Lost - I was once told by a good driver that if you do not know where you are going, then stay to the right because it is easier to exit off or make a right turn into a parking lot.

18) Red Light - Stop running these lights when they have been red for a second or more, and you are just entering the intersection. 

19) Cousin Hater - Look, not every bicyclists rides well. But, since I used to bike commute, I learned to watch out for my "cousins." They're everywhere. Help keep them off the pavement, please. Bicyclists, you watch out too. Cars have blind spots where the windshield meets the side windows and at about 4 o'clock and 8 o'clock.

20) Marathon Lane Changer - stop hogging two lanes and get your butt in the lane you want. Capiche?

21) Tailgater - you really cannot afford to do it on the highway at high speeds.

22) No Look Lane Changer - no one needs you to dish out assists to another lane like Magic Johnson, especially when you are stuck bumper-to-bumper adjacent to a clear lane.

24) Fast Car, Slow Area - Watch out for this scenario at hospitals, construction zones, school zones, parking lots, and venue entrances and exits.

25) Fast Car, Congested Area - watch out for this scenario on the highways and interstates.

26) Shooters/Violence - You need help. Driving should never promote you to use a gun in anger. Whatever happened to ignoring other drivers or making a sad face? Or rap or sing while you pass a driver who has frustrated you?

Please, please, please be safe for the rest of the year. Make good driving choices!

Drive safely! Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🍪Slow Role Junk Food

Name something that you can have with easy access:__________________

Junk food should be included in one of your answers because of its abundance and availibilty. You see plenty of store fronts on roadwayss with elaborate signs that entice you to stop by and eat.

How often do you stop?

Throughout the year, you visit family and friends who may have a strong taste for junk food. They may not always eat junk food, but on occasion their tastebuds cannot help it.

You may not know any better in terms of food choice, so junk food seems like the best option. Certain food chains know this fact, which pinpoints one reason why you see them a lot.

Brief History of Junk Food
Junk food does not even know when it was established. Some sources say the term was coined in 1972. There is the Inception of 1896 with Cracker Jacks, which served as a kick-off to junk food. 

But, didnt junk food exist earlier in time? After all, it is a treat, right?

Sure it existed a while ago. Many things were popularized in the 20th century. But, look at all of the cakes, cookies, and other treats from medieval times. 

Junk food has been around for ages. But, it does not mean you have to follow suit ALL of the time.

But, you can still slow your role of high fats, high sugars, high cholesterol, and high fried foods.

From a performance standpoint, these foods do not improve performance in the long run. They slow you down. Obvious take, of course. But, you would be amazed by the number of athletes who have very poor yet high junk food consumption prior to competition.

Athletes, you should know the deal. But, I feel for you if you do not or have never had a good example of an individual who could have shown you the proper way to eat for competition. 

Non-athletes, you are not off the hook. Slow your role. I know it's difficult, but it is needed.

Name a change of food behavior that can help you?...I'll share some in posts.

My Consumption. High sugar foods that I will probably eat in December:

  • Baklava 
  • Egg nog (non-alcoholic)
  • Pie assortments
  • Cookie assortments

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

⚾️10 Items: Best MLB Logos

The 2022 MLB season has ended. So, let's pick the 10 best logos based on movement again. You look at the logo and are more inspired to move. The only difficult issue with this logo grade and baseball: The MLB primarily has letter logos. So, non-letter logos will make the cut:

1) Baltimore Orioles - best logo with the mascot.

2) Toronto Blue Jays - the eye of a bluejay.

3) Milwaukee Brewers - it's the mit and baseball effect.

4) New York Mets - you have to count the logo with the NYC background.

5) Arizona Diamondbacks - could use a diamondback.

6) Houston Astros - baseball may need more than letters, but at least there are designs for the letters.

7) Seattle Mariners - knowing every direction.

8) Miami Marlins - fish always do the trick. Miami Dolphins

9) Los Angeles Angels - good "A".

10) Minnesota Twins - it was the "T" inside the "C" that did it for me.

Until next season, baseball. It's an underrated sport for taking your mind off the stress of other sports, especially when football season arrives towards the end of the baseball season.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Return To Glory: Run

Sometimes, tight and tough schedules get you back on your performance track. When you are fed up with the status quo, you react in a way that promotes change. You tell yourself and your mind, It's time.

Is this you, right now?

Did you lose glory and need to get it back? 

This example is me, right now. So, I'm putting in the miles and intensity changes this December.

When colder weather comes to play, many individuals avoid the outdoors. But, the outdoors meets certain workout needs such as, fresh air, good breathing, sunshine, nature, peace, no lines, no wait, no stranger sweat, and plenty of space.

Plus, many apparel companies have designed clothes to ease any weather worries. So, it's cold. Then, bundle up with cold gear (or heat gear in the warmer months). See Apparel Aspirations.

You should adopt a running calendar every year. If you walk, establish a walking schedule for the year. See, December unintentionally traps people: When December roles around, Hannakuh and Christmas decorations increase, holiday parties occur, end of the year work deadlines amount. Face it...schedules shift.

So, shift your running!

December is a great time of year to start a running program. Starting this goal now versus January like everyone else talks about will put you in the lead...with yourself.

You get a headstart, so do not let the excuses take over:

Oh, I'll just start in January.

Oh, I'm too busy right now.

Oh, I'll do it...I'll do it.


Just go. You don't have to pay anything to run or walk. 

That thought...that negative thought...that worrisome thought...that brain cluttering thought that bothers your mind...treat it with a run outdoors.

Much success to you | Derek |@teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

👕10 Items: Apparel Aspirations

The consensus is out: there are a plethora of apparel businesses. Big ones, small ones, smaller ones...larger than country ones. You may have worn several companies at once from head-to-toe. You know how it looks: hat by Nike; shirt by Under Armour; shorts by Addidas; shoes by ASICS.

Not mad at you.

The brands are in your face. Then, you have smaller companies that want to take care of your apparel needs. Their performance detail has rise potential. But, here are 10 top apparel companies, whether the topic ranges from shoes to clothes. I have not worn all of them:

1) ASICS - love their running shoes.

2) Nike - best slogan and their shoes and clothes stick with you.

3) Brooks - I have yet to get Brooks running shoes though I would love to try them.

4) New Balance - currently have a pair of shoes.

5) Saucony - wore their skin-thin minimalist shoe about 10 years ago, and I liked it.

6) Adidas - the athletic world loves Addidas.

7) Reebok - They needed CrossFit to make a comeback. It came back. 

8) Under Armour - the local business to the area (well, it's in Baltimore but still), and their clothes still feel good.

9) Bauer - the hockey world knows what's up.

10) Lululemon - Thought it was a thing for women only. Then, I heard men like Lulu too. I have never worn it. Is it comfortable?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🏀10 Items: Best NBA Logos

The NBA has logos that are a cross between the many letters of the MLB, objects, and some action with team nicknames. The top 10 logos that make you want to move and play:

10) Toronto Raptors - the texture of the talon rip does it.

9) Dallas Mavericks - it's the bronco.

8) Memphis Grizzlies - the darker and fierce bear head makes the logo tick.

7) Milwaukee Bucks - it looks like you should avoid this buck.

6) Minnesota Timberwolves - You cannot go wrong with a howling wolf, right? It's ready!

5) Houston Rockets - you may only see an "R", but the logo looks like a rocket is about to take off.

4) Phoenix Suns - something about a shooting sun one its way to making bucket.

3) Chicago Bulls - you don't think that is a mean bull that wants to charge, and you better move?

2) Boston Celtics - come and get this competition says the leprechaun.

1) Miami Heat - heat produces movement.

Would you agree or disagree? Take the family out for a night of basketball.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🏒10 Items: NHL Logos

You may have your overall favorite NHL logo because you picked your favorite team. You might like the color scheme or the team's current record. Well, all biases aside except for the one that is about to be shared: Top 10 NHL logos based on movement. That is, you look at them and are inspired to move:

10) Carolina Hurricanes - you're out with a hurricane. 

9) Buffalo Sabres - the bison and the sword are posed for a fight.

8) Tampa Bay Lightning - when lightning strikes, you gotta get out of the way.

7) Chicago Blackhawks - tough logo.

6) Washington Capitals - the screaming eagle looks like an eagle on the attack.

5) Colorado Avalanche - avalanches have power and the swarm on the logo looks powerful.

4) Nashville Predators - it's fierce enough.

3) Calgary Flames - it's the flame on the "C" that does it.

2) Pittsburgh Penguins - has hockey in the logo.

1) San Jose Sharks - it attacked hockey.

Get some hockey tickets this Christmas and season?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 


Monday, November 28, 2022

🏈10 Items: Best NFL Logos

The NFL has the best logos in the four main U.S. market sports. The logos are action oriented, which assists in this top 10 logos based on movement. Letters for logos? A few teams have them and a number (San Francisco). But, these top 10 get the juices flowing and blood pumping:

10) San Diego Chargers - a bolt has charge and is enough to promote movement.

9) Miami Dolphins - the dolphin is doing tricks already.

8) Detroit Lions - the lion is about to pounce.

7) Carolina Panthers - the eye, the stare, the chique black.

6) Philadelphia Eagles - most chisled eagle.

5) Baltimore Ravens - the colors do the trick.

4) Denver Broncos - most chisled bronco ever.

3) Buffalo Bills - that blue Buffalo is moving.

2) Jacksonville Jaguars - Ferocious...yes. The only reason it is not #1? The jaguar is not in motion.

1) Cleveland Browns - Brownie the Elf does the trick here because the sole orange helmet does not Crack the top 10. Brownie, with his stiff says "Move out of the way!" But, does the team comply?

The country talks about football like a woodpecker pecks wood. Has your favorite team made improvement strides? If so, have you too? If not, did you, atleast, continue on your path to success?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

🏋️‍♂️🏋🏾‍♂️Work(Out) Inflation

Times change.

I had a conversation with a body shop owner, and he mentioned the cost changes for parts. Get this:

A typical windshield wiper change pre-inflation: 

Maybe $14

Now: $60

A typical battery change:

Pre-inflation: $75

Now: pretty much at $300

The big companies increase their prices, which leads to small shop price increases, which leads to more money out of your pocket. However, your pocket does not change with the quickness.

In order to keep up with inflation, is there a need to go all out in financial splurged? No

Do you need the absolute best of an item? No.

Will you be disappointed if you do not have the best and priciest item in any industry or shopping realm? Perhaps.

But, keep your cool. 

In terms of the auto industry, may be you don't have to drive as much. Or, may be you dave your breaks and learn to hover in highway traffic. Perhaps, short driving distances become walkable and bike-able journeys. Take your pick and apply it to other circumstances as well (e.g.  grocery shopping, gifts, clothes shopping, movies).

Inflation, due to its pressure, can help you learn new skills and new methods.

But, an important aspect of inflation is you. Do not give up on yourself. Do not give up on your well-being. Sure, your progress and accomplishments may slow down due to a pressure on funds. But, invest in your...workouts.

Workout Inflation. This type of inflation hurts because it says times have changed so much that you cannot or you will find it difficult to take care of your physical well-being.

When do you see this type of inflation? When gym memberships skyrocket...When training sessions grow to too expensive rates....When gyms close.

How can you combat the change? 

• Body weight workouts.

• Workout with your own equipment.

• Stagger your sessions with a trainer.

• Seek reliable workout sources.

See, your workouts truly do not need to suffer from an inflation attack, period!

Of course, motivation and inspiration play factors in avoiding workout inflation effects. So, see 10 Items of Motivation.

So, turn a hiked up workout rate into a rate of power and independence. Don't strain your health. Make more wealth out of it.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🏃🏿‍♂️Turkey Trots Are Fantastic!

Did you run or walk in a turkey trot race last Thursday, November 24th on Thanksgiving?

If you did not, then do not worry. The running season is here! (See Dabble Running Season). Turkey trots can serve as a new year in the running world because they can attract new walkers and runners. Turkey trots can serve as a rebirth for your active lifestyle.

Ah, I missed all of the scheduled turkey trots. Again, do not fret. If you want to start a new regimen now, then you have until December 31, 2022 before the regimen is deemed as one for 2023. 

Guess what? I'm in a new running regimen. In fact, I have to run today as a part of co secutive days streak. I do not know of when the streak will end. However, it will include cross training, joint care, lifting, mobility, and stretching.

I might even take a warm shower prior to cold runs to get the blood pumping right. 

Honestly, let's attack this running regimen. Sign up for a turkey trot next year if you can. You have a 365-day head start. But, whatever you do...if you say you want to run, then run. Do not run vicariously. Do NOT participate in vicarious running achievement.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

👟Dabble Your Running Season

If we are currently in the eating season, which runs from late September to early February with a peak between Halloween and New Year's, then we are also in the cold running season.

I know...every climate does not have a cold running season right now. Well, most climates do in the U.S. and Canada. But, that's good!

I like to split up my running routines: more sprints occur in the spring and summer. More distance occurs in the fall and winter. 

Is there an overlap of seasons? Sure!

Is it fun to switch? Sure!

Should you switch? It would be nice. Unless you run for a living, and your training revolves around your distances run. For example, Usain Bolt, the world recorder holder in the 100m and 200m, did not simply run 10k races when he was not sprinting. Nah, those fast twitch muscles were not having that happen lol.

Look what you can do in the running season:

Sprint. Pick a field or other and fly!

Short Long Distance. Get that neighborhood jaunt out of the way.

Long Distance. See the surrounding area.

Interval Short Distance. You can still run in the neighborhood...or at a park and trail.

Interval Long Distance. I have not done this one yet...at a run-jog-run pace. Walk-jog-walk, yes. It's how I got to work for a season.

Sprint-Walk-Sprint. You know you can name these runs anything. Walk-Sprint-Walk...same thing. It's a pattern. Find a place for the pattern.

Others To Try. You can change the mode. All you need is a pattern changer to break up the mode. Otherwise, you're just doing one thing, which is fine - just don't call it pattern:

  • Short Distance-Walk/Sprint/Jog-Short Distance
  • Short Distance-Walk/Sprint/Jog-Long Distance
  • Long Distance-Walk/Sprint/Jog-Long Distance

As For The Sprint...You can switch up your direction and run backwards, laterally, transition between backwards and lateral.

Definitions Made Simple. A sprint has you run your fastest or somewhere close to your fastest. A run has a more sustainable pace but is not a sprint. A jog has you running slowly. You could run-walk at the pace. A walk has you walking. No excessive arm swing necessary.

Well, where are you in November and December in your running season. You're at "I'll try it level" in your eating season. So, operate at the same level in your running season. 

Is anyone running a December race?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

🥧Food Slander: Y'all Are in Trouble

Over the Thanksgiving break last week, I saw (on social media) a lot of food slander. Unnecessary food slander. The type of slander that does not and should not infiltrate good foods, such as the following:

Dressing/Stuffing. What in the bread crumbs and seasoning did this delicious dish do to people? Absolutely nothing! Slandering dressing/stuffing is like running across highway traffic...you should never do it.

By the way, dressing is not stuffed and cooked inside of a turkey or cornish hen. It rests and is cooked alone. There, now you know the difference.

Cranberry Sauce. What in the fruit is wrong with you all? What did cranberry sauce do? It's fruit. Who draws anger at fruit? Now, if you want to talk about canned versus homemade or sweet versus tart cranberry sauce, then you have a poll to share.

...Homemade cranberry sauce reigns Supreme!

Look, I used to be a huge canned cranberry sauce fan. I used to eat the entire can of cranberry...of jellied cranberry sauce. Then, I wisely at my wife's homemade cranberry sauce one year and boom! Now, I am the one who cooks the homemade cranberry sauce, which I like half tart-half sweet.

Tart...it gets the flavors brewing!

Yams. Stop it. Get new friends. Absolutely no yam slander should exist. Get new friends. Let me rephrase...anew friends. They can have a rebirth. You don't have to shop for a complete new set of friend-sapiens. Just educate them, show, and taste. Report back.

Turkey. See yams above because you just got rid of a good leftover sandwich. See sandwiches while you are at it.

Pumpkin Pie. Leave...pumpkin pie...alone! Stop what you heard about it. Go to Trader Joe's and try their pumpkin pie. See my top 10 grocery stores as well. 

Sweet Potato Pie. Are you a friend who needs a rebirth? Would you like to be one?

Alright, there you have it. Remember the list for your December gatherings, especially as Christmas approaches. The eating season is not over yet. 

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Thursday, November 24, 2022

🦃 Reflect on a Happy Thanksgiving

Name 100 good moments that you have encountered in the past 365 days (share in the comments) or on social media @teemptraining: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook...

Grateful for the experiences you overcame, cherished, and may never understand.

Derek |@teemptraining derekteempt@gmail.com 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

🛒10 Items: Grocery Stores

I have not shopped at or visited every grocery store. But, I have shopped at many stores - more than ten. If you are shoping today for Thanksgiving Eve, Thanksgiving Day, and afterwards, then the grocery store may be full. That's fine and good. Here are my top 10:

1) Costco - Go bulky but don't go crazy. Sample Day ranks #1. Plus, they have clothes and phones and others...just short of lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!

2) Trader Joe's - The atmosphere alone is good. Absolutely love this store. The portion sizes are spot on. 

3) Wegmans - I like this store a lot. It's just not nor does it have to be my main grocery store. Plus, Wegmans has the largest caramelized onion hummus container.

4) Market Basket - I really enjoyed shopping here in Massachusetts.

5) Whole Foods - I no longer shop there as often because I use to live near four Whole Foods within a 3-mile radius. But, WF changed my salad game for the greater good!

6) Aldi - good produce prices, but check certain ingredients on some items.

7) Giant - the store has been a staple in my life for a while even though they do not have the best prices.

8) Safeway - it's #8 because Safeway was the first consistent grocery store introduced to me as a baby by my parents.

9) Target - I have good experiences going to Target to purchase food for the public health/men's health program, Fit For Life, that I used to lead.

10) Walmart - sort of similar to the reason at #9 and good prices. Just beware of certain ingredients and nutrition content (e.g., high fructose corn syrup, high unsaturated fats and sugars, low fiber - watch out for this content anywhere!)

Shop well this season!

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🥘10 Items: Thanksgiving Food

Thanksgiving is a good time for family. Yea, I know there are plenty of people now who frown upon this holiday. Goodness, what about the good Thanksgiving qualities? Everything and every holiday does not have to receive the Debbie Downer treatment!

Turkey/Turduckin - Turkey is the most popular. Turkey, duck, chicken...try it.

Sauekraut - Do not sleep on this yummy dish. Cabbage with some zoink!

Dressing/Stuffing - Whether separate or stuffed inside a turkey, it's yummy. Homemade is yummiest.

Sweet Potatoes - I used to be a big fan of marshmallows on top, but I changed. Just the sweet potatoes work well!

Greens/Green Beans/String Beans - With onions or sliced almonds...oh yea! Plus, greens are either collared or kale but add others if you want to. Green beans and string beans...does it really matter what you call them? They're good.

Rolls - have at it because the shape and size do not matter!

Cranberry Sauce - I was that dude who could eat a whole can. I graduated to homemade. 

Mashed Potatoes/Potato Salad - no need to get too crazy with experiments.

Beef - some have it; some do not.

Ham - for those that eat pork, ham makes folks smile.

Be grateful. Enjoy the moment. Be blessed this Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

⚽️World Cup 2022 Picks

The largest world tournament has arrived!

The World Cup will have millions of people around the world looking at a screen, cheering for their country or the country they want to win. So, let's go straight to the picks:

Group A: Netherlands, Senegal

Group B: England, USA

Group C: Argentina, Mexico

Group D: France, Denmark

Group E: Spain, Costa Rica

Group F: Belgium, Croatia

Group G: Brazil, Cameroon

Group H: Portugal, Uruguay


Round of 16

🇳🇱 vs 🇺🇸 = 🇺🇸 

🇦🇷 vs 🇩🇰 = 🇦🇷 

🇪🇸 vs 🇭🇷 = 🇪🇸 

🇧🇷 vs 🇺🇾 = 🇧🇷 

🇫🇷 vs 🇲🇽 = 🇫🇷 

🇬🇧 vs 🇸🇳 = 🇬🇧 

🇧🇪 vs 🇨🇷 = 🇧🇪 

🇵🇹 vs 🇨🇲 = 🇵🇹 


Round of 8

🇺🇸 vs 🇦🇷 = 🇦🇷 

🇪🇸 vs 🇧🇷 = 🇧🇷 

🇫🇷 vs 🇬🇧 = 🇫🇷 

🇧🇪 vs 🇵🇹 = 🇧🇪 


Round of 4

Brazil 🇧🇷 over Argentina 🇦🇷 

Belgium 🇧🇪 over France 🇫🇷 



Brazil 🇧🇷 over Belgium 🇧🇪 


2022 World Cup Champion: 🇧🇷 

It would be great to see the U.S. win it all, but picks are only guesses.

Much success to you| Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Friday, November 18, 2022

10 Items: 10 Best Hoodies

It's always hoodie season. It only depends on the type of hoodie you wear. Is it hot outdoors? OK, then, wear a sleeveless hoodie with thinner and breatheable material. Is it colder outdoors? Easy. Wear sleeves. Plain and simple:

1) Full Zip Up w/ or w/o Outlet Pocket (pictured) - a chill hoodie that says you have errands to run.

2) 1/2 Zip Up - add a difference to the hoodie closure.

3) Pullover w/ Outlet Pocket - the standard, perhaps the most popular (pictured).

4) Pullover w/ 1/2 Pocket - have to put the hands somewhere.

5) Pullover w/ Lace Tie - laces make hoodies look good too.

6) Button Up - rarely see, but it's a hoodie.

7) Pullover w/ Arm Pocket and Outlet Pocket - only have to carry large objects.

8) Full Zip Up w/ Arm Pocket and No Outlet Pocket - put the smal stuff in the arm.

9) Hoodsey - it's half hoodie and 1/2 jersey. 

10) Sleeveless w/ No Outlet Pocket - because it is hot outdoors and just cause.

Take your pick. Buy all of them or ask for them as a gift. Your attitude will change for the better like getting a fresh haircut or hairdo!

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Monday, November 14, 2022

10 Items: Best Liquids

You're not going to hear much about alcoholic drinks on here. One, they are not optimal. Two, they hurt your wallet. Three, I don't drink them. Now, most of the drinks below may injure your grocery wallet a little, but they also arrive with some good benefits.

Each liquid below is arranged in random order by type and not by best taste drink. Where does your thirst allegiance lie?:

1) Water/Sparkling/Infused - your best bet, especially during competition and workouts.

2) Teas - Some have caffeine, which is good prior to a workout or while training. They also relax. Take your pick.

3) Coffees - See Teas. Coffees work prior to training and when you drive a long distance - I can attest.

4) 100% Juice - get it all in without artificial flavors.

5) Kombucha - It has too much sugar. No one said you had to drink it everyday. But, 

6) Chai - On the tea level.

7) Homemade Ginger Drinks - Have found these drinks to work for sore throats, digestion, and an added vitamin C mix. The winner: water, fresh ginger, lemon (fresh or juice), pineapple juice (optional), honey (optional). Bring to a boil.

8) Vegetable Broth/Juice (not V8 but from cooking) - As in your boil vegetables in a pot with seasonings and drink the juice afterwards. But, you have to be aware of the type of vegetable you cook because some juices are nasty.

9) Gatorade - good for restoring electrolytes after prolonged exercise, excessive sweating, and after emesis.

10) Smoothies/Kefir/Milks - because they're good and post workout good.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Friday, November 11, 2022

Veteran's Day 2022

Thank you to all of the Veterans across this country and to those that live overseas or right next door, here, in North America.

My dad is a 93 year old veteran who served in Korea and Vietnam. He takes this day seriously and loves it! He says it is his day. It's his day as a veteran!

He has shared with me in the past about his near fatal experience while serving. He mentioned that a bomb by friendly fire landed near him, and thankfully he got out of the way. 

Sounds careless on behalf of the soldier behind the friendly fire. But, thank God nothing happened because I would not be able to share this brief news with you.

Listen to a veteran today. Ask questions and take in the experience. Visit a veteran. Call a veteran and tell them how much you care. 

Thank you for your service, Veterans!

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

📢10 Items: Conversation Starters

I don't know about you, but sometimes I have the ability to ignore people. Other times, I say something. Maybe I will say, "We Are!" if the person wears a Penn State logo. Maybe I'll compliment their shoes, hair, or clothes. What's wrong with that?...Nothing! 

Which of these 10 do you take up?

1) Read the Person

2) Compliment Shoes

3) Compliment Shirts

4) Give a Quick Logo Shoutout

5) Mention a City - you might hear their accent or see it on a shirt.

6) Compliment Outfit Colors 

7) Mention the Weather - easy one.

8) Holiday - as in "Happy Holidays" or "Have a good holiday".

9) Talk About Sports - Usually works with other sports fans. You will notice them.

10) Excuse Me/Hello/Smile - no brainers...just follow up with a compliment and keep the tone loose.

What else ya got?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

Veteran's Day Performance

Whenever I think about veterans, their physical skills come to mind. How often did they work out? How early did they get up in the morning? What was it like for them to keep cranking every morning or on very little rest and a lot of physical stress like the most elite soldiers endure - Navy Seals, Army Green Berets, Delta Force, Seal Team 6, and more?

The public likes to feel and endure the grind in HIIT bootcamps. OK, fine:

1) Run a mile with a secure weight vest on you.

2) Max push-ups with vest on.

3) Carry a canoe or kayak for 100 yards.

4) Swim one mile.

5) Max squats holding a heavy medicine ball.

6) Carry a medicine ball or heavy and big rock on your shoulder for 100 yards. Repeat other shoulder.

Repeat each drill two times. 

How's that? Easy? Then, increase your weight or distance. Still easy? Be honest.

Veterans just get it done. 

Thank you, Veterans. Happy Veteran's Day!

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Thursday, November 10, 2022

⌛The Pursuit of 300

It's November 10, 2022 at 9:42pm.

I have no idea how many total posts have been shared on the year, but it is not 200 yet. November 2022 will set a record for posts in a month, and you can learn something from each post. Capiche?

The push to reach 300 by December 31st is real. 

I know someone else feels a push to reach a year-end goal. Are you stressing or full steam forward? 

See, I could share different topics all week, but you may grow bored. So, the short top 10 or items of 10 posts I have will break up any monotony and fill holiday chat. They're fun.

Ah, that reminds me as I listen to Blanca - The Healing featuring Dante Bowe: I need to do a 10 Items: Top Workout Songs list. 

No matter your pursuit, I hope it has meaning and will make your feel good about yourself when you reach your 2022 goal!

Well, that took 10 minutes.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

✍You Can't Teach That?

Says who?

Why not?

Have you tried?

Many talk about it.

Perhaps, it is too intricate.

Maybe it can be taught by observation and self-learning.

It may not need a written script

What is it? Skills. Certain skills, for some reason, exceed the ability to teach them. But, how is that true? If a skill cannot be taught, then how is it learned? How is it executed and seen?

My premise for this message: I answered a tweet by former Penn State stud linebacker, turned Dallas Cowboy stud linebacker, Micah Parsons, who mentioned that you can't teach effort and passion. I understand the statement. But, I slightly disagree.

I know. What do I know? I am not a pro athlete. Facts. But, I know how people may act and learn.

True, you cannot teach these two skills to the full effect because, ultimately, you, the skilled or skilled-in-training...the pupil, have to put forth the effort, time, commitment, and passion in order to achieve a skill, goal, or result. 

You. It's you! You can learn it. You can learn skills!

However, if you see the effort and passion that another person exemplifies, then haven't you learned part of effort and passion? Better yet, weren't you taught about effort and passion? See this you can't teach argument is widespread. Plenty of people think you cannot teach many skills. So, Parsons is not alone on his mention. 

But, how do you plan to learn skills such as effort and passion if the steps are not written like a strength & conditioning plan? 

You have to just do it and see it in action.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🚦10 Items: The Thanksgiving Drive

As you drive this Thanksgiving season, remember to make your travel fun. There are plenty of games to play, including the variations of the License Plate Game (see 10 Items: The License Plate Game and 10 Best License Plates). You will have better geography knowledge.

Keep in mind that the driver should have his or her attention on the road. Another passenger can hold up a phone for a Zoom call or when a screen is active.

Be safe and have fun:

1) Make Up Poems 

2) Have a Rap Battle

3) Listen to Podcasts

4) Listen to a Sporting Event Broadcast

5) Call Radio Stations

6) Stretch at a Rest Stop

7) Hold a Zoom Call

8) Read a Joke Book to Every Passenger 

9) Have a Drawing Contest

10) Read Posts from This Blog

Look at that...you made it through your 8-hour drive! 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🛣10 Items: License Plate Game

I know. You have played the License Plate Game during other road trips. 

That's fine.

But, there are plenty of ways to play it. Feast your eyes:

1) See how many state license plates you can find. You can manipulate time or distance.

2) See how many college and university license plate frames or decals you can find. This game may also include fraternities & sororities.

3) Create a bracket of 64 license plates like the NCAA tournament bracket setup. See which state, Canadian province, or country survives. 

4) Have individual states compete against each other: California vs Colorado; Maine vs Michigan; and others. Again, you can compete over time, distance, or days.

5) Compete within a state. Every state has different plates. So, see which plate variation appears the most.

6) Create a bracket of any size of the state plate variations only. You have to pick the variation you want to see and not just the state or typical (most popular) license plate of a particular state.

7) Start a points system. Who can garner the most points by seeing the most or certain state license plates, colleges & universities, sports teams, fraternities & sororities, and more.

8) Acronyms 'R Us. We never had a name for it. But, my dad and I used to make up acronyms, using the letters from license plates. It helped me with acronyms and in memorizing license plates, especially in a hit-and-run. The key: you have to say your acronym without hesitation.

9) First to 10 then...Obviously, when you drive in the state you live or a tri-state area like DC, MD, and VA, you will see more license plates from your area right away. So, in competition, find 10 area plates before you count other states. For example, in this area, I'll pick 10 Maryland plates before an Ohio versus New Hampshire license plate battle. Got it?

You can pick first to 5 then..., first to any number but make it quick. 

10) Play a sport...Huh? Pick a sport such as ice hockey, basketball, or other, and substitute license plates you see for teams and rules. What? For example, one person picks Nevada. The other selects Michigan. For every NV plate seen is a point or goal. Same for MI. Every New Jersey plate is a check. Every Montana plate is a 2:00 minor penalty. Every Massachusetts plate is a save. 

Get it? 

Mix in other states how you want to in order to make the game fun.

If you don't understand, then you can ask me.

Enjoy the ride!

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

🏃🏾‍♂️29 Fun to Watch Pro Athletes

Whether they are active or retired, the following pro athletes put the "e" in "entertaining". You can talk about them amongst yourselves. With YouTube, you can see their highlights:

1) Jordan

2) Kobe

3) Shaq

4) Ovechkin 

5) Gretzky

6) McDavid 

7) Tyson

8) Serena

9) Prime Time

10) Ricky Henderson

11) Hulk Hogan

12) Macho Man Randy Savage

13) Dominik Hasek

14) Tiger

15) Lawrence Taylor

16) Jerry Rice

17) Randall Cunningham

18) Barry Sanders

19) Bo Jackson 

20) Sidney Crosby

21) Jason Williams ("White Chocolate")

22) Michael Vick

23) Steph Curry

24) Muhammad Ali

25) Magic Johnson

26) Messi

27) Dennis Rodman

28) Terrell Owens

29) Usain Bolt

Of course, there are more athletes, who are full of entertainment. But, you should have enough highlights to entertain you with the 25 above.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

10 Items: Pre-Dinner Activities

I bet you have a pre-dinner activity that you like to do. But, for the sake of family, you better get your but to the table before it's too late. Also, it's rude to stay away when called. You could be engaged in one of these top 10 activities below that slows your scamper to the dinner table:

1) Race - versus bro, sis, mom, dad, friend, pet, etc.

2) Basketball - 1v1 or other.

3) Frisbee - because you're by a field or have space.

4) Catch - like Frisbee.

5) Hockey - street, roller, ice if you can make an odr in the cold.

6) Rollerblade - fun activity before eating.

7) Weights - get a pump in before filling in the pump with good food.

8) Bike - another fun activity before eating.

9) Spikeball - check it out, then try it out.

10) Four Square - old school fun before eating.

Seasonal: Snowball Fight

You will eat enough in the coming weeks, so what activity will you continue or adopt?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🧍‍♂️Palms Out. Poor Posture

Usher sang the lyrics, You got it bad.

But, for this topic...
Politicians have it bad and probably the worst.
Lawyers have it bad.
The guy who just walked in front of my car has it bad.
People who are excessively overweight have it bad.
Long sitting desk workers have it bad.

What is it?...Poor posture.

Here is an easy way to see poor posture: If you can see the palms of a person as he or she walks away from you, then that person has poor posture, which is most likely indicated by rounded shoulders.

Gov. DeSantis (FL) has it. Watch when he stands. Palms face behind him. Most congressmen and senators stand with their palms facing behind them. Is it a result of older age? Not really. But, poor posture such as rounded shoulders and palms out can arise with older age if you do not take care of the situation:

1) Don't sit too long. You are bound to hunch over looking at your computer or cell phone, which may weaken your back muscles

2) With purpose, walk tall. Keep a proud chest with palms facing your legs as you walk.

3) Palm play. As you walk, rotate your shoulders, forearm, and wrists as you go in and out of round and proud shoulders.

4) Fix your posture throughout the day. As you talk, walk, drive, run, bike, skate, be aware of your stance.

Look at your posture as you drive. It's a big culprit.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Football Stressed

It's Sunday, and I have two short posts for you. Here's the first one:

Do you enjoy football?

It is fun to play whether two-hand touch, flag, or tackle. It's also fun to watch, which brings me to my point, right away: You are to stressed over football.

You have not seen your high school play in a long time, perhaps.

Your college has one or two losses on the season, so you lost interest.

Your fantasy team has you locked in, but you grow anxious over your line-up every week.

Your favorite NFL team is struggling to keep up for a playoff spot.

You're football stressed.

For the record, my four teams (one high school, one college, two pro) are 21-15 on the season.

Oh, and if all of your teams are doing well, then fantastic! You're still stressed but with less tension.

Do some cross-sport spectating. That is, watch your football and aim to win; but watch other sports at times like an active break. All of us need active breaks. Runners, lifters, athletes...all need active breaks in order to de-stress.

So, the holiday season arrives, well, now though it is in its preliminary stages. Take your fun and active break now.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🐎10 Items: Animals You Would Like to See on a Hike

You can hike anywhere in the world, which means you could encounter every type of animal. Of course, marine animals are more difficult to find unless they surface. Keep in mind different climates as you go through the list of 10:

1) Koala Bear - you're hiking in Australia

2) Deer - they're everywhere.

3) Beaver - must hike near streams and rivers.

4) Horse - talking wild horses.

5) Domestic Cat - because they won't bark at you, and will leave you alone.

6) Turtle - they're popular on the C&O Canal.

7) Eagle - rare sightings.

8) Lizard - saw plenty of them years ago when running in Florida.

9) Dolphin - never said that you couldn't hike on the beach.

10) Monkey - probably have to go deep in the forest.

How many of these animals can you check off on a hike within the next six months?

Much success to you |Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

🐻10 Items: Animals You Do Not Want to See on a Hike

Do you like to hike? People hike everywhere around the world, which means different types of animals may be encountered. So, be careful where you hike; but prepare yourself in case you do see one of these animals below. Of course, there are others that could make the list of animals you would not like to encounter.

1) Bear - nope, not having it whether grizzly, black, or polar.

2) Mountain Lion - have seen a few close calls on social media.

3) Rattlesnake - absolutely not!

4) Coyote - nope.

5) Wolf - keep that pack away.

6) Gorilla - my goodness, nope!

7) Alligator - there is no need to get close to one.

8) Crocodile - there is no need to get close to one.

9) Panther - any wild feline should be avoidable.

10) Pit Bull - and for that matter...any other aggressive or ticked off dog at that moment. 

Do set up a hike or more this fall and winter.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🥪10 Items: Sandwiches

Everyone likes sandwiches, right? You don't have to be a fan of every type of sandwich (I'm not a cheese on my sandwich person, but you probably like it.) Each sandwich below, where permitted, can include cheese or no cheese (preferred) and your favorite breads, toppings, or sauce:

1) Cuban

2) Reuben

3) Turkey Club

4) BLT

5) Roast Beef

6) PB&J

7) Pulled Pork/Chicken

8) Chicken Breast

9) Hamburger/Black Bean Burger

10) Grilled Cheese - I only put this on for you cheese lovers. I'm not having one.

Bon Appétit! Pretty sure you will have a leftover special, turkey sandwich, starting Friday, November 25th. Plus, someone will go to Potbelly, Chick-fil-A, and other.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🎦10 Items: Rom-Com Movies According Dr. Olsen

Dr. Kaitlyn Olsen - @kaitlynolsen22 - knows pbysical therapy, and she likes Rom-Coms. So, she wanted to share her top 10 with you as mentioned in order:

1) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days

2) Pretty Woman

3) Hitch

4) The Wedding Planner

5) Holidate 

6) Crazy Rich Asians

7) The Proposal

8) The Wedding Date

9) The Last Song

10) Ten Things I Hate About You

Will you watch any of these over the next several weeks? The Proposal was good. Enjoyed Hitch too. Pretty Woman...classic.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🎬10 Items: Sports Movies

Whoo! This list is difficult to make.

Movies have a tendency to ease you. To put you in a state of relaxation, which, inevitably, your mind needs on a daily basis. You may laugh, cry, stare, think, and get entrenched into the persona of some characters. Hey, you may start playing a sport or moving more because you watch a sports movie.

I like a lot of sports movies and have done a Best Football and Basketball Movie bracket on Instagram. So, I get that a lot of good movies are missing from this top 10 list below. This list may change as well. But, here are my top 10 sports movies (in random order):

1) Remember the Titans - great true story.

2) Miracle - great true story.

3) Coach Carter - great true story.

4) Mystery, Alaska - sleeper hockey movie.

5) Major League - the first one.

6) Rad - Look! It came out in 1986, I probably watched it a short time later. BMX is cool.

7) Invictus - broaden your scope and watch Rugby.

8) Waterboy - It was between Friday Night Lights and Any Given Sunday too. I might change this one because there are other sleeper football movies.

9) The Blind Side - it hit the movie satisfaction. 

10) White Men Can't Jump - one of the best classics.

Will you watch between now and 12.31.22?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

🚘10 Items: Best State License Plates

For someone who drives a lot on the highway, plenty of state, and sometimes country, license plates are seen. Many of them catch my eye. Many of them are always interesting to see. A few of them come up on occasion like Iowa, North Dakota, and Hawaii. Some far out of state ones like Florida, which has a smorgasbord of license plates, Texas, and Oklahoma, pop up often.

But, there is a top 10 (in alphabetical order):

1) Delaware Blue - it's crisp and to the point. 
2) Maine Vacationland - eye-catchy.
3) Maryland Treasure the Chesapeake - represents Maryland well.
4) Maryland Flag - must have the best flag in the nation on the bottom of a plate.
5) New Mexico Hot Tamale - 🔥 
6) New Mexico Sun - unique plate that makes you pay attention to it.
7) New York Blue/Yellow/White Statue of Liberty - wins side-by-side with the yellow and blue NY one.
8) North Dakota Bison - I like the buffalo on it.
9) Tennessee Blue - just started to see these surface in summer 2022, and they look good.
10) Wyoming Cowboy - if not this one, then Texas' black and white license plate. The WY plate speaks Wyoming.

Honorable Mention - Florida Palm Trees, Nevada, Utah.

Best one out of these ten? Well, I'll stay a bit biased and say Treasure the Chesapeake.

What are your favorites? See them on your holiday drives to see family, friends, or to attend youth sporting events.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Monday, November 7, 2022

😋 CAVA: Yum

I might as well write about it since a location may pop up in your area soon.

This food joint is on fire! 

Recently, my wife and I invited a friend of ours from church, who had never eaten at CAVA, to join us in the treat that is known as...CAVA. He asked, "CAVA? What is CAVA?"

To which I replied, "It's Mediterranean Chipotle." But, it's better. No lies told, I have only eaten at Chipotle four times. I've lost count on my...excuse me...family CAVA visits. Look, CAVA you have graced my kitchen table for a birthday, just cause it is any day of the week, and because we wanted the food.

Plus, we never to rarely eat any other food other than our own cuisine, family cuisine, or cuisine at a get-together.

Folks, if you have not been to CAVA yet...why not? 

As a health professional, I feel like CAVA does the nutrition job: great taste, healthy food, return for more. In addition to those qualities: no greasy smell. How could you reject food stat? 

A Gallup poll lists the restaurant industry as one of the industries that has received an increase in positive reviews over the last year. Restaurants such as CAVA have poured on the amenities: pick-up, order online, good food, and service. These adjustments to a post-Covid environment probably give the restaurant business the positive opinions it deserves after pushing through the challenge of 2020.

Continue to make wise choices. Sure, other fast food joints have upped their ante as well - good business by all of those locations who stepped it up. But, CAVA takes the lead. 

I don't care if someone does not like CAVA. It hits. You're hungry? It hits. You want something different? It hits. Want to eat at home and smile? It hits. At work, outdoors?...It hits.

I could talk on and on about CAVA. But, go stand in line. CAVA...keep growing - I'll see you around town.

No long explanation is needed. Go and invite someone else. 

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

10 Items: Halloween Candy

Alright! I usually think people go overboard with candy, especially when they rank the different types of candies - you will see two below that are either talked about too much or too little. Yes, I know this entire blog is a health one, but if you read 10 Items Intro then you know it's about fun.

I am not a candy eater, though the chocolates ones are good. Most of our candy will be thrown away. But, I used to eat my share of Halloween candy, so I remember the days. However, back in those trick or treat days, I did not like candy with nuts or peanut butter. Things changed.

Here is a short list, not a top 10 list:

Candy Corn - Right off the start, let's talk about it. The candy gets too much hate. It doesn't deserve all of the hate. Is it the best? No. Have I had it recently? No. Do I eat candy like that? No. But, candy corn...you know what? I think people hate on candy corn because other people hate on it, and they just want to fit in.

Caramello - Look! Stop leaving out this candy. The utter disrespect of caramello must take a backseat. Why is this candy not passed out and shared?

3 Musketeers - Again, it receives the shunning hand. Why?

Twizzlers - Absolute triple yuck!

Now & Laters - Do you all still eat these?

Rolo - Not as good as Caramello.

Twix - Winner

York - Peppppppppermiiiiint... Paaaaaattieeeeeeesssss!!!! 

Resee's Peanut Butter Cups - We gave them out. You like them!

Hershey Kisses - I am in trouble for eating the ones my kids wanted because they are good. Oops! 🤷🏾‍♂️

🎃10 Items: Halloween Fits

From what I saw on October 31, 2022. Kids version:

Astronaut - solid!

Princess - solid!

Fairy - puts a smile on the faces of kids.

Baby Shark - the smaller the cuter.

Secret Service - I guessed it correctly.

Mine craft - first fit I ever saw someone wear.

Unicorns - kids love them.

Superhero Characters - helps with imagination

Theme Sets - For example, a band, carton family, etc.

Emergency Personnel - police, firefighters, paramedics.

That's it!

Much success to you |Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

10 Items: Car Colors


You may travel a lot in the upcoming weeks. Play a car game to pass time. Can you find a purple car? How about an old school 1950s car? 

10 Top Car Colors
Chrome Oranges - they sneak up on you, but they look good. 

Vanilla - caught my eye.

Blacks - sleek and look great.

Greys - Bruh!...That midnight grey slaps.

Blues - you see it.

Browns - you need to take a closer look at these shades.

Golds - saw a fresh one that could be called a cool shade of dark yellow.

Greens - specifically forest green.

Chrome Pink - saw a Mesareti.

Reds - not the biggest red car fan, but it depends on the type of paint finish as seen in most of the colors aforementioned.

What are you seeing?

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

10 Items Intro

The 10 Items series is posted for fun. With many engagements with family and friends scheduled over the next six to eight weeks, you can add them to your conversations.

Expect a lot of top 10 lists to be posted until December 31st. Some of them are random and some deal directly with your human performance. Or, if the list seems a little obscure, then it will relate to your performance with an explanation.

But, the bottom line: Have fun

You can chime back and say, Hey, what about this_______?. Or, Nah, that's not top 10 or one of the 10.

You will have enough full topics to read in these 2022-year posts. So, why not show you a list of 10 items. 

Debate them. Share them. Laugh at them. Let them ease any tension and stress.


Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com 

P.S. Hasghtags to follow for Twitter and Instagram: #10Items #Top10

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

10 Items: Best Pies

Debate the list. Taste the list. Save it for the Thanksgiving table conversation. Whatever enters your mind. But, pie season is here. One of the most annoying debates around Thanksgiving that gets too much attention revolves around sweet potato versus pumpkin pie. How about this debate...just eat them as far as gratitude and fun. My goodness:

In alphabetical order:




Key Lime

Lemon Mirengue 





Sweet Potato

In Best Order:


Sweet Potato 


Key Lime


Lemon Mirengue 





Follow #10Items to see a litany of #top10 lists on here and on which I will share across social media platforms.

Much success to you | Derek | @teemptraining | derekteempt@gmail.com