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Monday, January 31, 2022

Can You Rank Your Health Categories? 🏥 👩🏿‍⚕️👨🏼‍⚕️


In alphabetical order:

  1. Character/Personality
  2. Financial
  3. Intellectual
  4. Nutritional 
  5. Physical 
  6. Social
  7. Spiritual 
How do you rank these seven health aspects based on the following:
  • The health aspects you would like to improve on in 2022 and overall.
  • The health aspect in which you do well.
  • The health aspect that you would like to share with others.

Some questions to consider for the seven above:

Characteristically/Personality. How arenyou perceived by others? Do you treat yourself and others well? Are you relatable?
Financial. How good is your money-making potential? How secure are your finances? Do you live below or above your means?
Intellectual. How often do you exercise your mind? What do you learn?
Nutritional. Is your body fed junk most of the time? Do you eat clean, some, most, or all of the time? Do you feed others good food?
Physical. Working out, avoiding physical abuse.
Social. Do you have health social relationships or do they drain you?
Spiritual. Everyone has some sort of faith - you believe that you will accomplish a feat. You may believe in God, and you may not. So, do you need to work on this aspect?

What do you think?

Derek |@teemptraining |derekteempt@gmail.com 

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