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Sunday, January 9, 2022

Winter Embrace ☃️🥶❄

Would you say you complain about winter, which is more fun when it snows and acts like its true wintry self? 

If so, you're not alone. But, I am on Team Winter. Let me ask you a question that I posed to a few people in the past week, would you rather experience 20 degrees in January or 40 degrees in May? Yes, I am aware that many people have sensitivities to the cold, struggle with shoveling, or must drive to work regardless of the weather. I care about you. Yet, winter does its job when cold weather and snow do their thing. 

I used to hate cold weather. Oh! I could not wait to stay in the warmth. Then, I learned...embrace winter. That's the very short story. The other short story:

I moved to Boston and Cambridge, MA in 2006. Well, wait before that...I went to Penn State (University Park) for college, a location that can have colder winters, or at least colder days and winter storms, than Boston. OK, fast forward, three years after graduating from PSU, I moved to MA. There, I realized that it did not make sense to drive to the locations I frequented: 1) Grad school. 2) At the time, my girlfriend's place - we eventually married 15 months after my move. 3) My apartment - at the time I lived in Boston. If you have been to Boston, then you know it has a good level of accessibility in terms T stops (that's Boston's subway system). Check it...you don't need a car to travel from BU to MIT to Harvard. Bicycling and walking are fine.

What's that have to do with the cold? 

Well, I biked everywhere. A bike marked my main mode of transportation. I saved thousands of dollars using my bike to go to local places. At one point, I was unaware of gas prices and rarely used the T. Once my son was born, I sat him in my Wee Ride on the front handle bar; so in order to give him a T experience my wife and I had to purposefully ride the T.

That was fun. I enjoyed it for 10 years or 10 winters, biking in negative degree weather, blizzards, and frigid and powerful wind gusts.

I grew into winter, and it has stayed!

So...I should ask you...how do you plan to embrace winter?


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